The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 151 The void outside the blood sea realm and the void stone (please order

Chapter 151 ‘The Void Outside the Blood Sea Realm’ and the ‘Void Realm Stone’ (Please subscribe)

Within the reincarnation space, Chen Mu's consciousness suddenly appeared here.

After a moment, his consciousness was ejected from the space.

In Tinghai Pavilion, Chen Mu opened his eyes.

[The reincarnation simulation is over! 】

[Reincarnation simulation memory has been successfully retained! 】

[It is detected that the host will not be affected by the reincarnation memory. The memory protection function of the simulator is not turned on. Do you want to turn it on actively? 】

[It is detected that the host is a ‘second-level Qi practitioner’. Do you want to keep modifying it to adapt to the rules of the wizarding world? 】

"Do not enable memory protection."

"Reserve modifications to adapt to the rules of the wizarding world"

Chen Mu thought in his heart.

The next moment, Chen Mu's eyes changed, and his consciousness appeared in his spiritual sea.

A light yellow gem turned into reality in his spiritual sea.

"Second level of Qi training."

Looking at the light yellow gem in front of him, Chen Mu felt a little helpless.

In this reincarnation simulation, the efforts and gains were completely out of proportion.

After working hard for nearly four hundred years, in the end he only had two levels of Qi training, which is equivalent to the level of a second-level wizard.

Moreover, this extraordinary path does not have the means to fight the enemy, so it is completely useless for Chen Mu.

However, Chen Mu does not intend to go to this reincarnation world just once. He will also choose to reincarnate in this world in the next reincarnation simulation.

I don’t know if some of his plans will come in handy at that time.

So Chen Mu stopped thinking about it and his consciousness left the sea of ​​spirit.

In reality, Chen Mu did not get up, but prepared to continue practicing meditation.

But the next moment, his Book of Truth shook slightly.

"How could you forget this?"

Memories emerged in Chen Mu's mind, and what emerged was the memory retained during text simulation.

The next moment, instead of running the meditation route to practice the meditation method, he activated the witchcraft structure in the spiritual sea.

A space door appeared beside him. Chen Mu stepped into the space door and disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already in a void.

In addition to Chen Mu in the void, there was also Bain with a smile on his face.

After Bain saw Chen Mu, he said:

"The wizarding world is preparing to launch a third tentative counterattack against the Blood Sea Realm. My teacher will also go this time."

"There won't be any danger this time. You can come and take a look."

After Bain finished speaking, Chen Mu nodded.

"Good teacher."

There was indeed no danger this time. After all, he had already experienced it once in a text simulation and still retained the memory.

With Chen Mu's cautious character, he would definitely not go if there was danger.

"Then let's go."

Bain spoke, and his spiritual power surged, wrapping himself and Chen Mu's bodies.

The void rippled slightly, and the two disappeared into the void.


The teacher was not called by Chen Mu, but by Bain.

After seeing Bain and Chen Mu, Laner smiled and nodded.

"The little guy is here too."

Laner seemed to be in a good mood and said.

The next moment, a small wooden boat appeared in front of Laner.

Laner didn't see any movement, and the canoe gradually began to get bigger, until it was big enough to seat three people.

Boundary boat!

A genuine level five magic weapon!

Laner waved his hand, and the three of them got on the boundary boat.

Level five wizards can already travel across the world with their own bodies, without needing to borrow world passages.

A flash of white light enveloped the boundary boat, and the boundary boat disappeared into the void outside the boundary here.

In the blood sea realm, in the void outside the realm.

Jie Zhou tore a hole in the void and got out.

Laner waved his hand, and the boundary boat gradually shrank and returned to his spiritual sea.

The moment Chen Mu arrived here, he subconsciously looked at the environment around the void.

"This is the void outside the Blood Sea Realm."

Laner spoke softly.

Chen Mu moved his gaze forward. He could vaguely see a hint of red, but it was not clear.

Lan Er's mental power moved slightly, and a light curtain appeared in front of Chen Mu and Bain.

Seeing this light screen, Chen Mu's eyes lit up.

He had seen this projection light screen in reality. When he first met Laner, he watched a fireworks display on this light screen.

The next moment, the light curtain was dyed red.

Pools of blood emerged in the light curtain and caught Chen Mu's eyes.

Is this what you want?

It seemed to confirm Chen Mu's suspicion.

The blood pools that appeared in these light curtains seemed to have suffered something. The calm blood pools began to become restless, and then gradually collapsed.

Chen Mu saw the blood descendants in countless blood pools turning into nothingness after the blood pools collapsed.

Until all the blood pools above the light curtain disappeared, the light curtain changed, and several more blood pools appeared on the light curtain.

After a while, these blood pools also began to collapse.

Very exaggerated!

Lan'er is clearly in the void outside the Blood Sea Realm, but he can destroy the blood pool in the Blood Sea Realm. There is no telling how far apart there is.


After all the blood pools collapsed this time, Laner chuckled and spoke.

The moment the words fell, the void here rippled.

Chen Mu's eyes suddenly changed and he realized that his body appeared in a space.

He could see Laner clearly, but he felt as if he was separated by countless distances.

So close to the end of the world can describe this scene.

"This is the teacher's space-time gap. Here you will not be affected by the outside world."

Bain's voice sounded in his mind, and Chen Mu nodded subconsciously.

Time gap space is the name of the space here.

Chen Mu has been here before in text simulation, so he has no other emotions in his heart.

He didn't speak, but kept looking at Lan Er's position.

At this time, not far from Lan Er, a blood descendant was standing there.

Fifth-level blood descendant.

The next moment, almost in an instant, the vampire took action.

The void shook violently, and a giant blood pool appeared behind the vampire.

This is outside the blood sea world, not the wizarding world.

Blood descendants have a natural advantage here.

However, seeing this scene, Laner's expression did not change much, and he still had an indifferent smile.

There seemed to be a hint of ridicule in the smile.


The mental power turned into a storm and swept through the void.

The originally calm void gradually began to flow.

A magic weapon similar to a scale appeared in front of Laner, and a storm of mental power was injected into the scale.

The scale trembled, and then one side of the scale tilted down momentarily.

[Five-ring magic weapon witchcraft·Time and space swapping]!

"This is the teacher's magic weapon of destiny, the balance of time and space."

Within the time and space gap, Bain opened his mouth to explain to Chen Mu.

Chen Mu did not speak, looking directly at the battlefield that seemed to be right in front of him.

Almost as soon as the scales appeared, the vampire's body gradually disappeared until it completely disappeared.

The vampire didn't expect that Lan'er would directly enlarge his moves.

The moment the blood descendant disappeared, a giant clock appeared above Lan Er's head.



The bell rang, echoing in the void here.

After a while, the bell disappeared and the void returned to calm.

Chen Mu's eyes flashed, and his body left the space gap and reappeared in the void outside the Blood Sea Realm.

"That fifth-level vampire just now is dead?"

After Chen Mu finished speaking, Laner shook his head.

"He's not dead. His natal blood pool is not here, but I cut off 30% of his blood pool and it won't be restored within a hundred years."

Laner said with a slight smile.

Sure enough, he wasn't dead.

A fifth-level vampire would not die without any resistance.

The next moment, Lan Er's mental power moved, and all the magic weapons returned to his spiritual sea.

Laner turned slightly sideways and looked at one place.

After a moment, the void Lan Er looked at fluctuated slightly, and a crack suddenly appeared.

Chen Mu's heart froze, but he made no move.

His teacher and master didn't react at all, so they shouldn't be enemies and there's no danger.

The crack gradually widened, and a figure appeared in the void here.

Not a blood descendant.

Chen Mu shifted his gaze to the figure who suddenly appeared here.

This figure gave him a familiar feeling.

But after seeing the figure's face and the yellow robe clearly, Chen Mu's heart became clear.

"Mu Lin."

Seeing this person, Laner smiled and spoke.


Mullin naturally noticed the three people in the void here, and also smiled and spoke.

The tower master of the pure yellow tower!

The leader of the world-level wizard organization and a fifth-level wizard on the traditional wizard path.

Mullin just said hello, and the next moment his mental power moved slightly, his body passed through the rift in the Blood Sea Realm, and disappeared into the void outside the realm.

The void here is not only the void outside the Blood Sea Realm, but also a rift in the Blood Sea Realm.

In other words, if you want to enter the Blood Sea Realm, this is one of the entrances.

"Teacher, how could the tower owner of the Pure Yellow Tower appear here and go to the Blood Sea Realm himself?"

Bain asked with some confusion.

Although Mullin is also a fifth-level wizard, he is very close to a sixth-level wizard.

The Wizarding World's counterattack against the Blood Sea Realm is only tentative. Logically speaking, such a being would not appear here.

After all, the real cross-border war has not yet begun.

If the real body enters the Blood Sea Realm, the loss will outweigh the gain if the Blood Ancestor takes action.

That's why Bain couldn't understand it, because it was too risky.

"Of course it's because there is something in the Blood Sea Realm that attracts him, and he must get it."

Laner smiled lightly and spoke.

Hearing this, Bain was curious and asked: "What is it?"

"Void Realm Stone."

After the words fell, Bain was startled.

Even Chen Mu's heart beat suddenly.

Variables appeared. Laner in the text simulation did not say this sentence, nor did he say the name of the virtual world stone.

The virtual world stone is used to open up the virtual world.

This kind of thing is of no use to low-level wizards, or some wizards who practice other wizards' paths.

But for level five wizards and traditional spiritual wizards, the effect is too great.

It can even be said that it is something that every fifth-level wizard desires.

Because the virtual world stone can be used to open up a virtual world within the spiritual sea.

And the sixth-level spiritual wizard also has a name.

Wizard of the virtual world!

"How come there is a Void Realm Stone in the Blood Sea Realm?"

Bain's complexion gradually recovered, and he spoke in surprise.

The Void World Stone is a product of the void. Even the Wizarding World does not have it, but there is one in the Blood Sea World.

Laner did not reply to this sentence, but turned sideways again and moved his gaze to another place.

Almost at the moment when his eyes moved to another place, the void where his eyes were was rippled again.

Another one?

Chen Mu's heart moved.

There is indeed a big difference between reality and simulation.

Fortunately, Chen Mu was used to it, so he didn't show anything unusual.

The next moment, the rippled void shook slightly, and a figure appeared in the void outside the boundary.

The figure saw Lan Er and the three of them, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He looked at Laner and nodded, and then his spiritual power surged around his body and disappeared into the blood sea world.

"The master of Twilight Cottage is here too."

Seeing the figure disappear, Bain spoke in surprise.

But what surprised him was yet to come.

One, two, three.

In this short moment, Chen Mu saw with his own eyes six fifth-level wizards appear in the void and enter the blood sea realm.

You must know that this is just one of the dozen extra-boundary fissures in the Blood Sea Realm.

If we include others, doesn't it mean that dozens of level five wizards have entered the Blood Sea Realm?

"Could this be the plan of the Evangelical Church to lure most of the fifth-level wizards into the Blood Sea Realm and then catch them all in one fell swoop?"

Suddenly, Chen Mu spoke softly.

Things have gone beyond Chen Mu's expectation. In the previous text simulation, there were not so many level five wizards crossing the border to the Blood Sea Realm.

Chen Mu always felt something was wrong.

After Chen Mu finished speaking, Laner's expression did not change and he shook his head.

"No, they wouldn't risk going to the Blood Sea Realm if they didn't get the exact information."

Laner said.

Bain frowned when he heard Chen Mu's words.

"At this time, the Void Boundary Stone appeared in the Blood Sea Realm."

"Even if it is true that one of the fifth-level wizards in the wizarding world has obtained the Void Stone, it will take at least a hundred years to rely on the Void Stone to become a sixth-level wizard."

"Can this level five wizard keep the Void World Stone within this time?"

Bain spoke.

After the words fell, a light flashed in Chen Mu's mind.

Chen Mu still understood the reason why a common man was guilty of carrying a jade while he was innocent.

Now is the eve of a cross-border war between the Wizarding World and the Blood Sea Realm.

At this time, a virtual world stone suddenly appeared, which was clearly intended to cause chaos within the wizarding world.


It's not even a clever conspiracy.

But at this time, it was unexpectedly useful.

Just the fact that it has attracted so many level five wizards shows the success of this plan.

"Haha, the most important thing for wizards is profit. You can see it. How could they, fifth-level wizards, not see it? They just don't care."

"As long as the wizarding world is not destroyed, nothing is more important than becoming a sixth-level wizard."

Laner chuckled and spoke, as if he didn't care.

After hearing this, Bain fell silent and did not speak again.

Chen Mu felt slightly emotional in his heart.

After staying in the Sea of ​​Watch for a long time, Chen Mu almost forgot what kind of people the wizards were.

So what about cross-border wars.

Profit is the main theme of the wizarding world.

Compared to cross-border wars, the Void World Stone is undoubtedly more important in the eyes of these fifth-level wizards.

"Aren't they afraid of the Blood Ancestor from the Blood Sea Realm?"

Chen Mu broke the silence and asked softly.

After the words fell, Laner laughed twice.

"Little guy, you underestimate these level five wizards."

"Most of these wizards are the leaders of world-level wizard organizations. Not to mention that the Blood Ancestor will not take action, even if the Blood Ancestor does take action, they will not lose their lives."

"Besides, in front of a sixth-level wizard, what does death mean?"

Laner said.

The next moment, his mental power surged, and a light curtain appeared in front of Chen Mu again.

The huge light curtain is divided into a dozen small light curtains.

Chen Mu's eyes were instantly attracted and moved to the light curtain.

A dozen small light curtains correspond to a dozen people.

Almost as soon as the light curtain appeared, before Chen Mu had time to take a closer look, six of the dozen or so light curtains exploded into spots of light.

A moment later, five more light curtains exploded into spots of light.

Chen Mu didn't even see the figures in the light curtain clearly, these small light curtains turned into light spots in front of him.

"Unfriendly old guys."

Laner shook his head and said.

Naturally, these level five wizards don't want to be spied upon.

However, although the eleven light curtains before and after exploded into light spots, there was still one light curtain that had not changed and was still suspended in front of Chen Mu and Bain.

The figure in the light curtain is none other than Mullin.

Mullin seemed to have noticed something. He looked up at the sky, nodded with a smile, and then made no other moves.

From Chen Mu's perspective, Mu Lin looked at the light screen and nodded.

"This old guy Mullin is quite generous."

Laner said, waving his hand and enlarging the small light curtain so that Chen Mu and Bain could better see the scene in the light curtain.

In the light curtain, Mullin's figure disappeared and reappeared, disappeared and reappeared.

Until finally, Mullin stopped in front of a huge pool of blood.

Mullin made no move, just stood by the blood pool, as if waiting for something.

Time passed, and after a moment, several figures appeared beside Mullin.

However, if you look at it from the light screen, the figures of everyone except Mullin are very blurry, as if they are marked with a mosaic.


Suddenly, huge spiritual power burst out from these people.

The bloody sky seemed to be dyed white at this moment.

Chen Mu looked at the light curtain intently.

But the next moment, his eyes suddenly flashed, and the light curtain disappeared.

what's the situation!

We've almost reached the climax, why is it gone?

"Something's wrong. The Evangelical Church really dares to do something strange?"

"How could something like this appear in the Blood Sea Realm?"

Laner put away the light curtain, and no other emotions could be seen in his deep eyes.

The Book of Truth suddenly appeared and floated in front of him, and a message was sent out.

"Let's go to the Blood Sea Realm and take a look."

Laner said, and the next moment his mental power moved, wrapping the bodies of Chen Mu and Bain and disappearing into the void.


I don’t want to go to the Blood Sea Realm.

Chen Mu felt like crying, but her body couldn't resist Lan Er's mental power.

The next moment, his eyes changed.

The world is as red as blood, and this red color fills Chen Mu's pupils.

Blood Sea Realm.


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