The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 135 Forerunners and Martial Arts to Save the World (Please subscribe)

Chapter 135 ‘Forerunner’ and ‘Martial Arts Salvation’ (Please subscribe)


As soon as Chen Mu returned to the fourth game, a young man approached and shouted respectfully.

"What's wrong, Xiao Wu, just tell me if you have anything to say."

Chen Mu said, and then put the newly organized files into the portfolio.

Becoming the captain of a detachment in the fourth game, he has a lot more things to do than before.

"Boss, it is said that the superiors are going to add some gunmen to the fourth round."

Xiao Wu in Chen Mu's mouth said hesitantly.

Hearing this, Chen Mu frowned slightly and put down the file bag in his hand.

Then he said: "Who did you listen to? Why didn't I know?"

"Why did the gunman stop the game for four games, and then quit after canceling the five games?"

Xiao Wu heard the ridicule in these words, so his expression became somewhat calm and he spoke:

"Captain Feng said that you didn't know it just after you came back. They had no intention of hiding the news."

After hearing this, Chen Mu's face returned to calmness.

As soon as his teacher left, he immediately started restructuring. Are you in such a hurry?

Now that the entire federation is in turmoil, why do these people still focus on such small things?

The fourth round is also called the special mission processing round. Most of the people here are boxers and fighters. What do you think of inserting gunners here?

Abolition of decades of fundamentals?

Chen Mu wouldn't believe it if there wasn't a big shot behind this incident. Just a detachment leader wouldn't be so courageous.

"Do all the brothers know?"

Chen Mu asked softly.

Xiao Wu nodded.

Chen Mu thought for a moment that no one except his teacher knew that he had become a fighter.

After all, the youngest fighter in the world is ten years older than Chen Mu.

Everyone knew that he was from Kang Shouzheng's faction, so it was natural that he would not prepare anything after his teacher left.

But to change the system as soon as they leave is a menacing move!

"Okay, I understand. You handle your affairs as normal, and I will talk to the director."

Chen Mu said, and then waved his hand to indicate that Xiao Wu could leave.

Then he opened the file bag again and pulled out a piece of white paper.

There is a person's avatar on the top, and the person's name and introduction below.

[Yue Zheng (suspected pseudonym)]

[Fighter, S-class criminal, a wanted order was issued by the First Federal Bureau of Investigation. This person has a cold personality and cruel methods, and committed the 2.30 serial murder case]

If anyone has seen Chen Mu's previous battle, they will know.

This man is already dead, and it was Chen Mu who killed him.

Originally, this case could have been concluded, but now Chen Mu is planning to use this person's identity to plan something.

There are some things that are not convenient for him to take action, but it is reasonable for Yue Zheng to take action.

Anyway, except for him and his teacher, no one else knows that Yue Zheng is a dead man.

Time flies, and five years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Chen Mu was sitting in an office dealing with things. Behind him stood a young and beautiful woman.

After a while, Chen Mu put down the things after finishing all the things in his hands.

After seeing this scene, the woman behind her possessed herself and whispered in Chen Mu's ear:

"Director, there is a meeting at the General Administration that requires you to go."

"I won't go, I pushed it."

Hearing this, the woman nodded and walked out of the office.

Five years have passed, and Chen Mu's appearance has changed into that of a middle-aged man.

And his identity jumped three levels in a row from detachment leader to chief to deputy director, and finally became the chief director of the fourth bureau this year.

This position that his teacher had not occupied for more than ten years took it ten years after Chen Mu joined the fourth game.

Although the director of the Fourth Bureau is not a high-level person in the federation, he is definitely not a small figure.

You must know that Chen Mu is only thirty-four years old this year.

The reason why he can rise so quickly is very simple. His achievements are overwhelming.

There are many people who don't like him, or don't want him to continue to be promoted.

Just like those at the General Administration, their little tricks have never stopped over the years.

But even so, he still became the director of the fourth bureau.

Because he has personally handled too many major cases in these five years, the number is ridiculous.

Of course, just some ordinary cases, no matter how many he completed, were not enough for him to become the director of the Fourth Bureau.

There are also some 'special' events among them, which are the important reasons why he can cross the third level in five years.

"It seems like the path of a fighter has reached its limit?"

Chen Mu muttered to himself, tapping his fingers on the desk.

His current mental strength and physique are definitely comparable to a first-level spiritual wizard and a first-level blood wizard.

His talent on this extraordinary path can be said to be unimaginably high.

For the first time, Chen Mu knew how geniuses practice.

It's just that this path cannot open up the spiritual sea, and it will be useless no matter how high his spiritual power is.

At most, his will is firmer and his thinking is sharper. He can stay alert all day long by sleeping for an hour or two every day.

He practiced the Baji fighting technique taught to him by Kang Shouzheng.

Now he is already at the limit of current fighters.

It can be said that dodging bullets is as easy as eating and drinking for Chen Mu at this time.

Some gunmen didn't even have the guts to shoot when faced with him.

"The potential of this path cannot stop here. The 'immortals' recorded in the history of this world are undoubtedly practicing martial arts."

"It's just that in modern times, due to the influence of the times, fighters have gradually declined, so most things have been lost in the long river of history."

Chen Mu was tangled in thoughts.

He can be 100% sure that the potential of the fighter's path is definitely more than this.

Chen Mu had read the history of this world a long time ago. He originally thought that the person who recorded it used an exaggerated method to record it.

But now that he has truly become a fighter, and after walking a certain distance on this path, he discovered that the powerful immortal-like people recorded in history used fighting skills.

No immortal can fight hand to hand.

After calming down his thoughts, Chen Mu tidied his desk and walked out of the office.

His office is still some distance away from where most people in the fourth inning work.

Walking to the office area, everyone who was working respectfully called Director.

"Xiao Wu, come here."

When Xiao Wu, who was sorting out the wanted posters, heard this, he quickly put down the things in his hands and walked towards Chen Mu.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

"How's Team Black Crow doing?"

Chen Mu lit a cigarette and said.

It is said to be a cigarette, but it is actually a specially supplied herbal cigarette. It is bitter, but it can slightly improve the physical condition.

Chen Mu had checked that there was nothing wrong with this kind of cigarette, so he would occasionally smoke two.

However, for him, this precious medicine does not improve him very much, but mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are, so if it can be improved a little bit, it will be better.

"Boss, we have all been dispatched as per your request. The first batch of people were personally selected by you. There is absolutely no question about their loyalty."

"But if you are caught, will the Federation become suspicious of you?"

Xiao Wu said.

Chen Mu shook his head.

Chen Mu trained this group of people exactly according to the method of cultivating family members, and their loyalty was higher than Xiao Wu imagined.

"You will be the middleman, and Xiao Mo will be the liaison. After a year, we will start collecting intelligence information to ensure that all the companies and organizations to which we send black crows will be as if they have had their pants removed and there are no secrets."

"As a middleman, don't come forward directly. Someone will help you collect information."

Chen Mu said.

Xiao Wu nodded solemnly after hearing this.

His boss is not very ambitious and his ability is not very high.

His loyalty has long been maxed out.

The Black Crow Group is an agent organization cultivated by Chen Mu personally. Yes, they are agents.

It can also be said to be an undercover organization.

Hundreds of people in this organization will become Chen Mu's eyes in the next countless years.

"Boss, why hasn't the General Administration given us four more people recently?"

Seeing that there was nothing else to do, Xiao Wu asked curiously.

Since a year ago, the General Administration has stopped filling people in the fourth game. It used to be called sending talents.

However, in the past year, the General Administration has not added people to the fourth bureau. It seems that it is worrying about something. Even the original deputy director of the fourth bureau has been transferred away.

Hearing this, Chen Mu's face seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Chen Mu stubbed out the herbal cigarette with his hand, then shook his head gently.

Seeing that the boss had no intention of replying, Xiao Wu didn't ask any more questions.

But he knew that this matter must be related to his omnipotent boss.

In fact, this matter does have something to do with Chen Mu, but it can also be said that it has nothing to do with it.

After all, what does what the wanted criminal does have to do with him, the director of the Fourth Bureau?

Time passed and it was already four years later.

Nan City, the fourth bureau headquarters, in an office.

"Four rounds, this is your transfer order."

A man in uniform with a stern face placed a file bag in his hand on the desk in front of Chen Mu.

Chen Mu's expression did not change, and he reached out to take the file bag from the desk.

Then he flipped through it casually, and found three red seals on the last page of a stack of papers.

After reading it, Chen Mu put the stack of paper in his hand back into the portfolio and closed it.

Seeing this scene, a trace of confusion flashed in Zhang Cheng's eyes, but it disappeared instantly.

"The General Administration wants to transfer me to the first bureau as a detachment leader?"

Chen Mu looked at Zhang and said with a chuckle.

"Four rounds, I don't understand this. I haven't opened it and read your transfer order."

Hearing this, Zhang Cheng also had some doubts in his heart.

The youngest director of the fourth bureau in the federation was transferred to the first bureau as a detachment leader. What a joke.

Isn't this pure provocation?

At the very least, it should be a position of captain. Isn't the detachment captain insulting?

"Is it possible that the General Administration accidentally made a mistake? I can go back and ask again for you."

Zhang Cheng spoke.

The mountains are high and the emperor is far away. How could the Fourth Bureau in Nanshi provoke people from the Kyoto General Bureau?

And the person who can issue such a transfer order must at least be a high-level federal official or the director of the General Administration.

Therefore, Zhang Cheng believed that the General Administration had made an own mistake.

"No need, I have been transferred to stay. If you want to transfer me, let Feng Donglin come in person."

Chen Mu spoke with a smile, and then casually threw the file bag in front of him into the trash can.

Seeing this scene, even a fool understood Zhang Cheng.

The Fourth Bureau in front of him did have a grudge against the Director-General. There was no trace of respect in his tone when he called the Director-General by name, and there seemed to be a trace of disdain?

But how could the hatred arise between the two of them when they were so far apart?

But this kind of thing is no longer something he can participate in. He is just a messenger.

It would be best for him not to get involved in disputes between big shots.

So Zhang Cheng nodded respectfully and left the office.

"Xiao Mo, how's it going in the first game?"

The woman behind Chen Mu did not speak from the beginning to the end. After hearing Chen Mu's words, she lowered her body and whispered in Chen Mu's ear.

After hearing these words from Xiao Mo, Chen Mu nodded.

Four years have passed, and there are people from the Black Crow Group in the ninth federal bureau.

It wouldn't be a problem if he took off his underwear, but some little secrets couldn't be hidden from Chen Mu.

"It seems that the teacher's movements are a bit too big. Feng Donglin can't bear it and is going to have an operation on me?"

Chen Mu thought slightly in his heart.

Thinking about problems from God's perspective will make his thinking clearer.

That's the benefit of having an undercover agent.

If he is a genius accumulated from several lifetimes of experience, then his teacher Kang Shouzheng is a real genius.

He had only been in the General Administration for a few years, and he was already threatening the position of the General Director.

"Xiao Mo, how is my master's wife doing?"

Chen Mu asked.

He was a little worried about Feng Donglin's old tricks.

After all, he can become the director of the first game, and the blood of innocent people on his hands can fill a swimming pool.

"Master's wife is well protected by your teacher. There is no danger."

Hearing this, Chen Mu nodded.

He rubbed his eyebrows. He was actually not very good at things like politics.

If this director of the fourth bureau was not related to his plan, he would not even want to be the director.

Rather than dealing with messy things, he wanted to push all the way through and kill everything that stood in his way.

But this world is not the wizarding world.

Although the strong are respected, this "strength" is reflected in various aspects.

If he really faces the challenge, then he may face a large-scale weapon.

After all, this world is, on the surface, a technological world.

But soon, once his plan is completed, this fourth game will no longer exist.

The Federation has become corrupt, and Chen Mu doesn't want to see the world destroyed.

His enemies are not the top brass of the Federation, his enemies do not belong to this world.

"I started collecting intelligence information on a large scale and used Plan B after being exposed. Within a month, I made these organizations have no secrets in front of me."

Chen Mu said.

The Black Crow Group has been lurking for four years, and it's time for their petty quarrel to end.

He didn't come to this world to be a director until he died.

This extraordinary path as a fighter is his true pursuit.

And if he wants to restore the martial artist's path to its historical glory, it is not enough for him alone.

"Chen Mu! Are you going to betray the Federation?!"

A sharp shout came from an old man's mouth.

Chen Mu's face was expressionless, and a trace of disdain seemed to flash in his eyes.

"Old Feng, a scumbag like you seems to have no qualifications to say these words. Could it be that you think that killing you is my own intention."

"Think about it, how many people have you provoked in the Federation? Those who want your life can line up from Kyoto to Nanshi."

Hearing Chen Mu's words, Feng Donglin breathed his last breath.

Countless figures flashed through his mind.

He already believed Chen Mu's words. Chen Mu was the knife to eradicate him, and there must be someone behind Chen Mu.

But who is this person?

Kang Shouzheng?

Or Wang Yueyang?

It's just that sometimes it's not a good thing to think too much, because it will ignore the original answer.

"Give me a chance and let me go. The position of Director of the General Administration can be handed over to your teacher. I will leave the Federation and never appear in front of you."

"I can also hand over the several sub-spaces I control."

Until now, he wanted to live.

But Chen Mu in front of him did not reply to his words.


The wind of fists was everywhere, and he, who had reached his limit, could not stop the punch!

Blood splattered everywhere!

Chen Mu withdrew his hand and threw the blood on his hand to the ground.

Give you a chance?

Then who gives those innocent people who died at your hands a chance?

Taking out a small medicine bag, Chen Mu sprinkled the medicine powder on Feng Donglin's body.


The sound of the corpse being corroded was heard, and an unpleasant smell came from the corpse.

After a while, the corpse in front of him turned into a puddle of water.

A figure walked behind Chen Mu, his expression a little complicated.

"Do you really want to do this?"

Kang Shouzheng asked.

He suddenly found that he couldn't see through his student.

In his opinion, Chen Mu's thoughts couldn't be described as crazy.

Chen Mu did not look back at his teacher.

Instead, he said: "How long do you think the Federal Ninth Bureau can resist? Even if technology develops further, the world will still be unable to escape the fate of being annexed."

"I can't hide it anymore. You can just browse it online and find out."

Chen Mu understood now.

The world he reincarnated into should not be an ordinary world.

So far, the two worlds he has been reincarnated into are worlds that are nearing the end of the world.

The previous world was the Age of Ending Law, and this world is facing the invasion of other worlds.

"Let's reform the system. We don't have much time. Within a hundred years, martial arts schools must be opened throughout the federation."

"Since no one is the pioneer, we will be the first pioneers."

"Change the path of a fighter to martial arts, and change the path of a fighter to a warrior."

"Technology will only bring this world to destruction, because we are running out of time. Martial arts is the only way to save the world. Only by practicing martial arts can all people save the world!"

Chen Mu turned to look at his teacher and said solemnly.

Kang Shouzheng was silent.

Finally, he nodded.

Chen Mu was right, he couldn't hide it for a few years.

There are more and more subspaces appearing randomly, and the Federal Ninth Bureau alone can no longer suppress them.

The upper echelons of the Federation were rotten.

Since no one is a forerunner, then they are the forerunners!

There was a trace of heroism in his heart that he hadn't seen for a long time.

"How to do it?"

"First unify the nine federal bureaus and rename them the Federal Strategic Guidance Bureau."

"Then we will integrate fighting skills, create martial arts, divide them into levels, and open martial arts subjects in all schools!"

Chen Mu looked into the distance and said.

At this moment, he seemed to see the future!

ps: This world is indeed very important, let me rewrite it.

This world is very important to the protagonist's journey to conquer all realms. I emphasize that it is not about word count. I have a complete outline, Ha Baozi.

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