The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 124 The Evangelical Church and Bain’s teacher (please order

Chapter 124 ‘The Evangelical Church’ and ‘Bain’s Teacher’ (please subscribe)

Blood all over the sky was sprinkled around, as if the sky was bleeding.

A sharp scream echoed throughout the area.


At the same time, a hole opened in the sky, and a flash of white light bloomed.

A dazzling white light spread across the area.

The blood that flooded the sky gradually began to melt away.

A shirtless middle-aged man walked out of the void.

Mental power enveloped his body, and he was extremely restless as the mental power surged.

The next moment, this restless mental power suddenly burst out, making a huge noise.

[Four-ring witchcraft·Void turbulence]!

The hole in the sky was completely torn open, and the violent airflow destroyed everything here.

The figure of the black-haired young man affected by the time-returning witchcraft began to disappear gradually until there was no trace left.


"This plane is the plane to be conquered by the Black Lizard Scholars Association."

Bain spoke softly.

Orlando frowned slightly in front of him.

There are too many plane passages under his control, so it is naturally impossible to know everything about every plane.

What's more, he rarely pays attention to such a small plane.

"How can there be a fourth-level wizard in a small plane? What are these black bugs doing?"

Orlando said, with a hint of doubt in his tone.

His Book of Truth moved, and he thought it was Chen Mu who needed him to take it back to complete his mission.

But I didn't expect to see this scene after coming here.

It is not common for a world-level wizard organization to dispatch fourth-level wizards to conquer small planes.

Especially for world-level wizard organizations like the Black Lizard Scholars Association, which don't have many fourth-level wizards in total.

Moreover, this developing small plane is marked by wizard organizations such as the Black Lizard Scholars Association.

Most world-level wizard organizations target planes whose potential has reached its limit.

Moreover, it is too strange that people from the Black Lizard Scholars Association would take action against members of the Watching Sea.

Because of entangled interests, few wizard organizations would have grudges with the Sea of ​​Watch.

After all, the largest white wizard organization in the wizarding world has no interest in conquering the plane.

"The Evangelical Church is also involved. The person who just attacked my student is the third-level wizard of the Evangelical sect."

"Evangelical Episcopal Church?"

There was a hint of solemnity in Orlando's eyes.

Bain nodded.

The next moment, Bain waved his hand, and a piece of yellow cloth flew out of his hand.

With a flash of yellow light, Chen Mu appeared on the spot.

Chen Mu, who appeared on the spot, was shocked when he saw the teacher and Orlando in front of him.

The next moment, Chen Mu looked at the surrounding environment.

Sure enough, the surrounding area had been devastated.


"You and Orlando should leave this plane first. There is something wrong with this plane."

Bain spoke.

The plane where a fourth-level wizard resides is too dangerous for the current Chen Mu.

Hearing Bain's words, Chen Mu knew something must have happened.

But his teacher didn't say anything, so he naturally didn't ask.

The sudden attack of the third-level wizard broke his original plan.

The difference between text simulation and reality is also huge.

In the text simulation, he clearly completed the task successfully and no accidents occurred.

But in reality, a third-level wizard took action against him.

Even if the third-level wizard hadn't used witchcraft at the beginning, then Chen Mu might have been in trouble.

Chen Mu felt a little solemn in his heart.

It seems that the text simulation cannot be fully trusted in the future. After all, he will definitely not be able to behave exactly the same as he in the text simulation in reality.

This small difference may not have any impact in the Wizarding Continent, because the big trend will not be changed.

But now, if you make one wrong step, the road ahead will be unknown.

The simulator cannot cover everything.

It's okay to improve your strength, but if you rely solely on simulators to peek into the future, there are too many factors that will affect it.

Chen Mu knew that his mission this time would definitely not be completed for the time being.

"Come on, little one."

Orlando said on the side, waved his hand casually, and a plane passage appeared in front of Chen Mu.

Orlando put his hand on Chen Mu's shoulder.

The next moment, the two disappeared in front of the plane passage.

Bain's eyes stayed at the place where Chen Mu left for a moment and then moved away.

A string of characters flashed through his deep eyes.

"How come the Evangelist will appear in this small plane?"

This is what Bain is thinking now.

If it was just the Black Lizard Scholar, then everything that happened in this plane had nothing to do with him.

But the Evangelist will be involved, so it is not only related to him, but also to the Sea of ​​Watch.

Because this world-level wizard organization is the only mortal enemy of the Sea of ​​Watch in the true sense.

The largest dark wizard organization in the wizarding world!

"I want to see what you are planning."

The next moment, four purple wands flew back to Bain, and his body disappeared in place.

"The Evangelical Church? What about my teacher?"

After hearing Orlando's words, Chen Mu spoke with a hint of worry in his tone.

He is no longer the same person he was when he first joined the Sea of ​​Watch, and the books he read during this period were not in vain.

Chen Mu is naturally familiar with what the Evangelist Church is.

The largest dark wizard organization in the wizarding world.

This group of wizards is full of lunatics, and the person who controls this organization is also a seventh-level wizard who stands at the top of the wizarding world.

"Your teacher will be fine. Although he is a magic weapon wizard, his spiritual sea has constructed a bunch of time witchcraft, and his life-saving methods are first-rate."

After hearing Chen Mu's words, Orlando chuckled and spoke.

"On the contrary, you are lucky enough to encounter this kind of thing for the first time after leaving the wizarding world."

Hearing this, Chen Mu smiled bitterly.

Not to mention that his teachers Bain and Orlando didn't expect it, he himself didn't expect that just completing a collection task this time would be so 'wonderful'.


"You should go back to the Sea of ​​Watch first. Just cancel the mission you took on in the Book of Truth."

"Can I cancel the mission I have already accepted?"

Chen Mu spoke with some confusion.

No wonder he was confused, because as far as he understood, once a mission in the Overwatch Sea Mission Space was accepted, it could not be canceled but could only be completed.

"There is a fourth-level wizard in the Mudom plane, and the mission level will change, so it can naturally be cancelled."

Hearing this, Chen Mu nodded.

The next moment, the Book of Truth appeared in front of him, a blue light flashed in the book, and Chen Mu's body disappeared.

After Chen Mu left, the smile on Orlando's face gradually disappeared.

The Book of Truth was shaking slightly in his spiritual sea.

"Old guy, you can really cause trouble!"

It took less than half an hour for him and Chen Mu to arrive here through the plane passage and for Chen Mu to leave.

But this time is enough for a lot of things to happen on the Mudom plane.

The reason why his Book of Truth was shaking was naturally because Bain was sending him a message.

Orlando summoned the Book of Truth, and the message delivered to him by Bain appeared in his mind through the Book of Truth, and his expression gradually became solemn.

At the same time, the Book of Truth floated in front of him and began to turn the pages rapidly.

Hundreds of pages were turned over, and only a dozen or so pages showed light.

This is the message he is sending to other wizards in the Sea of ​​Watch.

And on the dozen or so pages that lit up, someone responded.

Orlando tore open a plane channel smoothly, and the spiritual power surged around his body and stepped into the plane channel.

"Old guy, don't die!"

On the other side, in the small plane of Mudom.

Bain looked at the scene in front of him with a faint smile, but his heart was already in turmoil.

"How dare the Evangelist? How did they hide the seventh-level wizards in the wizarding world?"

When this scene came into Bain's eyes, the body of this fourth-level wizard trembled slightly.

Are you really not afraid of the seventh-level wizard going crazy?

"Why aren't you here, old guy? If you don't come, you'll be in trouble this time."

Bain's mind was tangled with thoughts.

But he said, "Do you think it's okay for me to leave now?"

No one replied to him, as if he was talking to himself.

Bain's face turned grim, and a red-gold wand emerged from his spiritual sea.

What responded to him was a torrent of blood that dyed the sky red.

"Follower, can you ride faster?"

Bain roared in his heart, and the red-gold wand only resisted for a moment before being drowned by the blood-red torrent.

And the real target of this sea of ​​blood is his body.

At this moment, an arm stretched out from the sky. The arm was covered with a pure white arm shirt. There was a small cloud-like mark on the arm shirt.

The space seemed to have stopped, and the blood-colored torrent in the sky was still in mid-air.

When Bain saw this scene, a hint of surprise and surprise flashed in his eyes.

The first one to arrive was not Orlando!


Bain spoke in shock.

Sure enough, at the critical moment, his teacher was reliable!

What a follower, you can't be trusted at all, lean back.

However, the bloody torrent in the sky only stagnated for a moment before surging again.

A hunchbacked old man with white robes, white beard and white hair appeared next to Bain.

"Slug, you can really cause trouble."

The old man spoke softly.

The moment he spoke, a huge shield fell from the sky and stood in front of the two of them.


The bloody torrent impacted on the giant shield, making a huge sound.

However, the giant shield was not shaken at all and still stood firmly in front of the two of them.

There was a hint of relief and embarrassment on Bain's face.

Teacher, how old am I and you still call me a slug!

But at this time, the boulder in his heart had sunk slightly.

The reason was naturally the giant shield standing in front of him and his teacher.

A level five magic weapon!

And his teacher.

A level five wizard!

Wizards of this level are the controllers in some small world-level wizard organizations.

And placed on the pyramid of the wizarding world, although it is not the top of the pyramid, it is still the top of the pyramid!

"Teacher, the Evangelist Church is planning."

Bain's words fell.

The hunchbacked old man standing next to him nodded, his expression did not change, and he did not speak.

His gaze was at the end of this sea of ​​blood.

And above the end was the 'red-haired man' who was also looking at him.

"After sleeping for hundreds of years, it's time to get active."


A huge bell rang throughout the area.

The sound of the bell brought a bright light to Bain's eyes.

His teacher’s unique skill, ‘send the bell’!

The moment the bell rang, several more old men appeared beside Bain.

They were all old men who looked like they were about to die.

These old men all looked sleepy, as if they had just woken up.

The somewhat solid atmosphere suddenly became lively when these old men appeared.

"Slug, are you already a fourth-level wizard?"

"Have you just woken up, old slug? Why is this clock ringing so feebly?"


Looking at the several old men appearing on the side, Bain wanted to speak respectfully.

But before he could speak, the old men in front of him started chatting among themselves.

A look of embarrassment appeared on Bain's face.

What's going on over there with the followers? Why did you invite all these living fossils here?

Is the message I conveyed so exaggerated?

As Orlando controls the plane passage, Orlando's Book of Truth has more functions than him.

Little did they know that his words about "big changes in the wizarding world" disturbed the dreams of many old guys in the Sea of ​​Watch.

"Solve it quickly and go back to sleep."

"It's so unlucky. Why are these blood-sucking insects in the Blood Sea Realm becoming more and more restless?"

Several sounds reached Bain's ears.

He knew that this matter had nothing to do with him anymore, and all he had to do now was to make a fuss.

[Five-ring witchcraft·Tomir’s art]!

A streak of golden light passed across the sky, and the bloody torrent was split in the middle.

Golden light shines in the sky, seeming to overflow this small plane.

Is it useful to cut off the formless torrent like the sea of ​​blood?

The answer is useful!

This sea of ​​blood seemed to turn into a living thing at the moment when this witchcraft was released, and was given life. Then this sea of ​​blood that was given life was completely cut off by this golden light witchcraft.

Such a method!

It’s the real five-ring witchcraft!

As for why the name of this witchcraft is so strange, the reason is naturally that this witchcraft was created by a fifth-level wizard named Tomir.

And the old man who released this witchcraft next to Bain.

His name is Tomir.

You have disturbed the dreams of these old guys, the Evangelical Church, you are miserable!

Bain felt a little gloating in his heart.

The source that triggered all this, Chen Mu, did not see this shocking scene at this time.

"This doesn't seem to mean canceling the mission?"

Chen Mu, whose consciousness appeared in the mission space, was slightly startled.

In the mission space, the first-level mission he accepted has disappeared.

But this does not mean that he has canceled the mission.

Because the task space prompted him to complete the task.

But he didn't complete the task!

Chen Mu was slightly confused.

This seems a little different from what Orlando said.

The next moment, his consciousness was ejected from the mission space.

Chen Mu was a little puzzled by completing the mission of Watching the Sea for no reason.

If you don't understand this, you can only ask him after his teacher comes back.

PS: I’m back home. Three chapters with ten thousand words have been updated. Please vote for me! !

Thank you all for your monthly votes~~

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