The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 120 Outsiders and the Book of Truth (Please subscribe)

Chapter 120 ‘Outsiders’ and ‘Book of Truth’ (Please subscribe)

Chen Mu only heard his teacher's voice in his ears.

The next moment, his eyes flashed, the familiar scene disappeared, and his body appeared above the white sea.

The white sea without waves in the ancient well appeared in front of Chen Mu.

Bain stood beside him, staring at the sky above the white sea with interest.

Chen Mu turned his head and looked in the direction Bain was looking at, but found nothing.

Thinking of the huge scream just now, Chen Mu's heart moved slightly, as if he remembered something.


The next moment a gap appeared out of thin air in the sky over the white sea, Chen Mu was already sure of it.


A pair of red hands stretched out the gap and slowly opened the small gap.

As the gap gradually becomes larger, transparent spatial turbulence pours out from the gap.

Chen Mu's expression became a little solemn.

However, the teacher standing next to him did not change his expression, nor did he speak.

"This vampire is in the wrong place."

Bain chuckled and spoke.

The moment he spoke, the blood in his mouth completely tore open the gap, and his body squeezed in from outside the boundary.

His body was completely reflected in Chen Mu's eyes.

"Isn't this a vampire? Or should I say a vampire?"

Seeing the complete appearance of this vampire, Chen Mu was a little surprised.

In fact, this so-called vampire looked too much like the vampire in his impression.

It's just that his face is not pale, but red.

After the vampire entered the third rift, the small gap behind him closed automatically.

Just when he was looking around wantonly, he turned his attention to Chen Mu and Bain.

A big white fish emerged from the white sea under his feet, and he grabbed the vampire and dragged it into the sea.


From the appearance of the vampire to being taken away by the fish, everything happened in just a moment.

Before Chen Mu could react, there was nothing in front of him, as if everything just now did not exist.

"Watching South China Sea is located in the third rift in the wizarding world. This kind of thing is inevitable."

"What you saw just now should be spies from the Blood Sea Realm. You will have more opportunities to deal with them in the future."

The Bain Golem beside Chen Mu said.

Hearing this, Chen Mu's heart moved slightly.

Blood Sea Realm?

This name was not unfamiliar to him.

It has appeared in his simulations many times, shortening the simulations that he could have lived longer by a lot.

But that's all in simulation, not to mention text simulation.

In reality, this was the first time that Chen Mu saw people from the Blood Sea Realm.

And hundreds of years later, a war will break out across the wizarding world, and the source of this war is the Blood Sea Realm.

"Is this blood sea realm very strong?"

Chen Mu asked.

This is actually nonsense. It can start a war with the wizarding world. The blood sea world will naturally not be weak.

But since Chen Mu asked this, he naturally had his own meaning.

Hearing Chen Mu's words, Bain nodded.

"The blood ancestors who stand at the top of the Blood Sea Realm are equivalent to the seventh-level wizards in the wizarding world."

Bain spoke.

This sentence means a lot.

The simplest meaning is that the top powerhouses in the Blood Sea Realm are similar to those in the Wizarding World.

"Aren't they afraid of attracting the wrath of the great wizards in the wizarding world with their unscrupulous snooping?"

"Oh, is this also called snooping?"

Bain said with a chuckle.

The next moment, he continued to speak: "The Wizarding World has been infiltrating the Blood Sea Realm for more than 100,000 years. It is estimated that they can no longer bear it."

"If this continues, I'm afraid the Blood Sea Realm will be the first to provoke a cross-border war."

Chen Mu was shocked when he heard this.

I have to say that his teacher's guess was really accurate.

Chen Mu relied on the simulator to learn that the Blood Sea Realm would provoke a cross-border war that would sweep the wizarding world more than a hundred years later.

All second-level wizards and above in the wizarding world must participate in this war.

But his teacher made his own judgment.

And the time is also correct, hundreds of years are indeed within a thousand years.

Sure enough, vision can determine a person's judgment.

"Then why do we in the wizarding world not take the initiative to start a war? Wouldn't the chance of winning be higher?"

Chen Mu asked.

The little guy's curiosity is quite strong.

But this is not a secret, so Bain has no intention of hiding it.

So he said: "The Blood Sea Realm is a good place, it would be a pity to destroy it."

While speaking, Bain had a habitual smile on his face.

A chill ran through Chen Mu's heart, but it quickly disappeared.

Before, he thought that the Blood Sea Realm was at least evenly matched with the Wizarding World, or perhaps stronger than the Wizarding World. Otherwise, how could he dare to forcibly provoke a cross-border war.

But now, listen to the meaning of his teacher's words.

This blood sea realm has clearly been penetrated by the wizarding world for hundreds of thousands of years. In the end, it jumped over the wall and launched a cross-border war against the wizarding world.

The role Chen Mu played in the text simulation before was to represent the cannon fodder of the wizarding world in this cross-border war.

That's right, cannon fodder.

Except for the large wizarding organizations in the wizarding world, the rest of the wild wizards are cannon fodder in this war.

No one cares whether these people live or die.

It's cruel, but it's also true.

After all, in the wizarding world, in the eyes of these world-level wizarding organizations, these wild wizards are just blood-sucking bugs lying on the wizarding world and are of no use.

Can they help the wizarding world conquer the plane?

The answer is no!

Can they develop a powerful meditation method?

The answer is still no!

Since they are of no use, becoming cannon fodder in a cross-border war can be regarded as adding a bright color to their lives.

Chen Mu didn't speak anymore, his eyes stayed on the place where the vampire was taken into the sea just now.

"You have successfully converted to the path of the White Wizard, and the next step is a long period of meditation improvement."

"As for your bloodline, I guess we have to wait a few more years."

"Every hundred years, there is an exchange meeting between world-level wizard organizations. It seems to have been more than ninety years since the last time. If you are interested in this exchange meeting, you can go and see it."

Bain spoke.

Then, before Chen Mu could reply, his figure moved and disappeared.

His demon clone also requires mental power to maintain, so it is inactive most of the time.

Chen Mu glanced at the sea in front of him, and his figure also disappeared from the spot.

When he appeared again, he was already deep in Wanghai Island.

In the eyes of those great wizards, time is the least valuable thing, but for Chen Mu, time is his most valuable thing.

Because time is his key to unlocking plug-ins.

Although it is difficult for the current Chen Mu to make progress on the road of blood.

But on the path of the White Wizard, his potential is limitless.

If he was given a thousand years, he would have the confidence to become one of the top wizards in the wizarding world just by relying on simulation.

After all, his thousand years, if counted, are more than hundreds of thousands of years.

Time passed, and two months passed in the blink of an eye.

Wanghaiyu Center.

Chen Mu calmed down his slightly shocked mental power and looked inside the spiritual sea.

At this time, his spiritual sea was much thicker than before.

The mental power has almost been refined by Chen Mu.

Now, he has walked one-third of the way to the first level wizard.

Don't think this is very slow, this is actually extremely fast.

Chen Mu is confident that he will become a second-level spiritual wizard within a year.

Compared with the blood wizard path, the white wizard path wizard has one advantage that is not considered beneficial to others, but is considered a benefit to Chen Mu.

That is, there are no limits to this path.

Give him time and he will become stronger.

Bloodline wizards are different. Bloodline wizards have many restrictions. The bloodline upper limit and the refining method are all limitations of bloodline wizards.

Others may not find these helpful.

After all, it is difficult for most people to refine their bloodline to the upper limit of their bloodline in their lifetime.

Because they don't have a lot of time.

Chen Mu is different. What he lacks most is time.


Looking at Bain who suddenly appeared in front of him, Chen Mu spoke softly.

"Yes, it seems that the watch meditation method is more suitable for you than I thought."

Bain glanced at Chen Mu, smiled slightly and spoke.

He attributed Chen Mubai's rapid improvement in the wizard's path to the watch meditation method.

After all, no one has ever practiced this meditation method, and no one knows what effect it has.

There are many meditation methods that can improve the speed of meditation very quickly in the early stage, so Bain doesn't think there is anything strange about Chen Mu's improvement speed.

Even if Chen Mu really had any secrets, he had no intention of prying into them.

After all, Chen Mu is his student.

And, what wizard doesn't have secrets?

He can go from a fifth-level wizard to a fourth-level wizard, and he will only have more secrets than others.

"Let's go, your book of truth has been generated."

Bain spoke.

The next moment, there was a wand in his hand.

The real body coming here shows that Chen Mu's trip will definitely not be easy.

With a gentle wave of the wand, Chen Mu and Bain disappeared.

Chen Mu's eyes flashed, and a strange scene appeared in front of him.

Chen Mu had experienced this situation of being suddenly taken away by his teacher many times, so he was used to it.

A huge ancient tree appeared in front of him. The height of the ancient tree almost reached the sky.

Chen Mu looked up from below and couldn't even see the crown of the tree.

"This is the Tree of Truth. Go and pick your own Book of Truth."

Bain on the side said.

The next moment, a green light shone from the ancient tree in front of Chen Mu, covering Chen Mu's body.

A green scenery appeared in front of him.

"Is this the crown of that giant tree?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Mu thought to himself.

The next moment, a thick branch stretched out in front of Chen Mu like a tentacle.

A book hangs from the top of this branch.

Chen Mu is no stranger to this book.

It is undoubtedly the Book of Truth.

Chen Mu only knew that the Book of Truth was generated, but he did not expect that it grew from a tree.

This is too inconsistent.

After getting rid of some inexplicable emotions in his heart, Chen Mu put his hand on the Book of Truth.

The next moment, a faint blue light emitted from the Book of Truth.

After that, the Book of Truth turned into a blue light and penetrated into Chen Mu's spiritual sea.

Chen Mu instinctively closed his eyes, and a strange memory appeared in his mind.

This memory is of the Book of Truth.

After a moment, Chen Mu opened his eyes, and the light blue light flashed in his eyes.

"The Book of Truth!"

Chen Mu was a little surprised.

But the next moment, there was a wry smile on his face.

After having the Book of Truth, he is considered a true member of the Watching Sea, and there are some things that he cannot avoid.

A moment later, Chen Mu's eyes flashed and disappeared into the crown of the Tree of Truth.

Bain appeared in front of him.

After seeing Chen Mu, a smile appeared on his face.

He is Chen Mu's teacher and his guide on the wizard's journey.

But there is never love or hate for no reason in this world. Even if he is Chen Mu's teacher, he cannot always help Chen Mu for free.

Chen Mu is his student and will naturally be his good assistant in the future.


Bain smiled and nodded.

"After you have the Book of Truth, you don't have to stay on Wanghai Island all the time. You can choose a place to stay in Tinghai Pavilion."

"Even if you leave Watching the South China Sea and return to the Wizarding Continent, it's okay, but I don't recommend leaving here so early."

Bain spoke.

The next moment, his mental power surged and enveloped Chen Mu's body, and the two of them disappeared.

When he appeared again, a huge attic appeared in front of Chen Mu.

Listen to Haige!

This is where the members of the Sea of ​​Watch live.

In other words, Chen Mu is not the only one here.

But this place is too big, and it is still not easy to meet other members of the Watching Sea here.

After all, most people in Watching Sea don't stay here.

Although the people of Watching the Sea do not participate in conquering the plane, it does not mean that they need to stay in the wizarding world all the time.

On the contrary, because of the special nature of white wizards, they often need to get out of here.

“You can pick out a loft yourself, most of them are unowned.”

"That's it."

Chen Mu looked at the huge attic opening in front of him.

Baine bringing him here is enough to show that this place is ownerless.

Bain spoke: "Summon the Book of Truth in the spiritual sea, and then ask Tinghai Pavilion to record your Book of Truth. This place will belong to you."

Chen Mu did as he was told, his mental power surged, and the Book of Truth was suspended in front of him.

The next moment, the Book of Truth opened automatically, and a blue light emerged. After this light appeared, it quickly flew into the attic in front of Chen Mu.

After a while, Chen Mu felt that the attic here was connected with his Book of Truth.

It's a strange feeling.

It was like if he wanted to, he could always return to the attic no matter where he was.

But of course this is impossible.

If he is in the third rift, if Chen Mu wants to come back, he only needs to summon the Book of Truth to teleport back.

But if it's out of bounds, naturally it won't work.

With a thought in Chen Mu's mind, the Book of Truth suspended in front of him closed again, and his body appeared inside Tinghai Pavilion.

Bane appeared beside him.

"You can live here for a while. After controlling the Book of Truth, you need to complete some tasks in the Sea of ​​Watch."

"These tasks are not complicated. You can summon the Book of Truth to enter the task space."

"If you have any problems, just activate my golem clone at any time."

Bain spoke.

After saying that, the figure moved and disappeared.

Chen Mu's new residence is very large, with a planting room, library, and laboratory.

Most of his needs can be met here.

Of course, if a large-scale experiment is needed, there is also a teleportation witch formation that connects the ten thousand palaces of the South China Sea.

As the largest white wizard organization in the wizarding world.

There are countless private experimental areas and public experimental areas scattered in the South China Sea of ​​the Sea of ​​Watch.

The White Wizard's focus is knowledge and research, not combat.

But it hasn't been many years since Chen Mu traveled to this world.

In the Sea of ​​Watch, the largest white wizard organization in the wizarding world, although he follows the most orthodox white wizard path, he is indeed a layman.

In terms of experimental research, Chen Mu still has a lot to learn.

A powerful wizard cannot naturally only manifest in the realm of a wizard.

There are many pure combat wizards in the wizarding world, but these people rarely reach the end of this road.

Chen Mu has a simulator that can simulate improvement.

Simulation can preserve realm and spells, but it cannot preserve knowledge.

Since the improvement of realm can be completed in simulation, he will naturally embark on the path of pursuing knowledge in reality.

It's not too late for him to start now.

It can even be said that he started very early, because at present, he is not yet twenty-five years old.

Bain will ignore Chen Mu's age because age is not important in the wizarding world.

There is no difference in Bain's eyes between a twenty-five-year-old wizard and a hundred-year-old wizard.

Chen Mu actually had this consideration in mind when he joined the Sea of ​​Watchers.

Otherwise, he could join a world-level wizard organization composed entirely of combat wizards.

I believe they will not reject Chen Mu, who is already at the limit of a second-level bloodline wizard.


Chen Mu's eyes were a little complicated.

Ever since he traveled to this world, he had always been thinking about getting stronger and improving.

But the most essential thing about this wizard has been forgotten by him.

What kind of group are wizards?

They are selfish and cruel. In order to achieve their goals, human life is just a number in the eyes of wizards.

Profit is the main theme lingering in the wizarding world.

However, in this group, in the original era, wizards burned their whole lives and used up all their knowledge, just to improve the state of meditation.

During this time.

Knowledge! It is undoubtedly the wizard's key to the world and the stick that moves it.

When he was weak, Chen Mu thought about becoming stronger so that he could survive better in this world.

After becoming stronger, he became a first-level wizard.

Chen Mu was still unsatisfied. He wanted to become stronger and it was worthwhile for him to come to this wizarding world.

In the past few years, he has added the Ring of Ouroboros to his real body simulation and the Sea of ​​Watch in reality.

But now, after he's been through a lot.

Chen Mu understood.

The improvement of the wizard's realm is never achieved overnight.

I want to go further in this world, or on the path of a wizard.


It's the master key that Chen Mu created for himself!

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