The wizard's road begins with the simulator

Chapter 101 Special Wizard Qualifications and Control of Three Islands (Please subscribe)

Chapter 101 ‘Special Wizard Qualifications’ and ‘Control of Three Islands’ (Please subscribe)


[One hundred and eighty-five years old: The speed of refining bloodline is getting slower and slower, so you give up refining bloodline and start practicing meditation. 】

[One hundred and ninety years old: The slow pace of practice makes you a little anxious, but you are not in a desperate mood, because your plan is still going on. In the same year, your eldest son Zeus Weasley passed away. 】

[One hundred and ninety-five years old: You no longer refine your bloodline and practice meditation, and focus on the development of your family and the White Crow Society. 】

[Two hundred years old: You handed over the position of family patriarch and the position of leader of the White Crow Society to your two grandsons respectively, and began to wait for the last time. You knew that your time was running out. 】

[Two hundred and five years old: Another five years have passed, and there is still no news. 】

[Two hundred and ten years old: The waiting is long for you, but it is also a hope. 】

[Two hundred and fifteen years old: Another five years, a hundred years of waiting still has no results, but you still have the last trace of expectation in your heart. 】

[Two hundred and twenty years old: In the end, your direct blood descendant, Ibuprofen Weasley, still did not come back from the Pure Yellow Tower. Your expectations were completely disappointed. You were helpless, but there was nothing you could do. 】

[Two hundred and twenty-five years old: The hidden injury breaks out and you die. 】

[The simulation is over, please choose your reward! 】

【Keep realm】or【Keep spell】

"Preserve the realm!"

Chen Mu thought, and the blood in his body began to boil.

After a while, Chen Mu's body returned to calm.

At this moment, Chen Mu was one step closer to becoming a second-level wizard on the Bloodline Road.

"It's a pity, it still doesn't work."

However, Chen Mu, who had been promoted, was not happy, but had a look of helplessness on his face.

Because the century-old plan in this text simulation has once again become empty talk.

In fact, ever since he became a first-level wizard, he had already begun to think about the future.

His White Crow bloodline can support him to become a second-level wizard, but what about after becoming a second-level wizard.

Before becoming a second-level wizard, he could also rely on the simulator to forcibly refine his bloodline and polish himself to the level of a second-level wizard.

But once he becomes a second-level wizard, if he forcibly refines his bloodline by himself, he will not be able to become a third-level wizard even with a simulator.

Because the potential of the White Crow bloodline is there, even the original owner of the White Crow bloodline was only a third-level wizard in the end.

Unless Chen Mu can possess the blood refining method and the real white crow.

Otherwise, he will not make any improvement after becoming a second-level bloodline wizard.

The same is true for the spiritual path.

Although there are four Totem Hearts in each simulation that can provide him with some mental power, these improvements are too little and too slow.

Moreover, the black tower meditation method has completely lost its effect after he became a first-level wizard.

The Black Tower Meditation Method is for wizard apprentices to practice, not for first-level wizards.

He had to find an advanced meditation method that could support his ongoing practice.

In fact, if you are looking for an advanced meditation method that only supports level 2 wizards, Chen Mu already has one.

In other words, it already existed during the real body simulation.

After all, after simulating the real body for hundreds of years, Chen Mu naturally gained a lot.

But Chen Mu was not satisfied with this. He wanted to find a meditation method that would allow him to practice to a fourth or fifth level wizard.

After becoming a true wizard, every time you switch to meditation, it is a troublesome thing.

But for Chen Mu, who has a simulator, it is not difficult to switch to meditation.

One simulation was enough for him to convert to the meditation method perfectly.

Whether it is the future of the blood wizard path or the future of the spiritual wizard path.

There is one organization that can satisfy them all, and Chen Mu is no stranger to this organization.

The pure yellow tower!

That's right, it's the pure yellow tower that appeared many times in Chen Mu's simulations.

Since learning about the power of the Pure Yellow Tower, Chen Mu would try to join the Pure Yellow Tower in almost every simulation while practicing the path of a bloodline wizard.

This has almost become a task in his text simulation.

It's just that this task has changed Chen Mu from becoming a first-level wizard to now a dual-cultivation first-level wizard.

After dozens of simulations, he was never able to join the Pure Yellow Tower.

Chen Mu originally thought that he would have the opportunity to join the Pure Yellow Tower after becoming a dual-cultivation wizard on the bloodline path and the spiritual path.

But the fact is that he thought too much, and the Pure Yellow Tower did not accept him at all.

This simulation is actually the closest Chen Mu has been to the Pure Yellow Tower!

Because in this simulation, although he himself did not join the Pure Yellow Tower.

But his direct bloodline, namely Ibuprofen Weasley, was admitted to the Pure Yellow Tower after testing his wizard qualifications.

That's right, Chen Mu changed his approach in this simulation.

That is giving birth to a child.

Chen Mu is lucky, but also unlucky.

Fortunately, one of his direct bloodlines actually joined the Pure Yellow Tower. Even Chen Mu himself had not thought of this.

Before the simulation, Chen Mu didn't have any expectations, so he just gave it a try.

I didn’t expect it to happen!

But rather than saying that it has come true, it is better to say that the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment.

Because his direct bloodline joined the Pure Yellow Tower for hundreds of years and never came back even once.

This inevitably reminded Chen Mu of the simulation many years ago.

In that simulation, he also chose to develop his family, but in the end, none of his fifteen heirs returned to the subcontinent.

This time is so similar to that time.

"Special wizard qualifications?"

Chen Mu said to himself.

Unexpectedly, he, a fifth-level qualified person, could actually have a direct bloodline with a special wizard qualification.

But it has nothing to do with him anymore, after all, this simulation is over.

No matter how unwilling you are, there is nothing you can do.

Chen Mu remembered that the condition that needs to be met to join the Pure Yellow Tower is that it must be a special wizard qualification.

Chen Mu could never be satisfied with just this one.

Even the pure yellow tower with first-level wizard qualifications doesn't take it seriously, they only want special wizard qualifications.

Although Chen Mu still doesn't understand the effect of special wizard qualifications.

But the requirements of the Pure Yellow Tower are just like this. What can Chen Mu do.

He could only give up on the path to the Pure Yellow Tower.

This is not the only cross-border wizard organization in the wizarding world.

As he grows stronger, one day the true face of the world will be revealed in front of him.

Putting away his messy thoughts, Chen Mu concealed the light blue light curtain.

Now that this month's simulation has ended, the remaining island should also fall into the hands of the White Crow Society.

Bryn Island, Mochizukihara.


Dark red flames filled the sky, and the sky was dyed bloody.

[One Ring of Witchcraft·Dark Flame Technique]!

The flame lingered for a long time, as if it would never go out.

Chen Mu took the Dark Star Wand back into his spiritual sea.

The next moment, Chen Mu's mental power surged, and the surrounding flames began to gradually disappear.

As the last flame disappeared, a body that had turned black was revealed.

Chen Mu's figure moved and appeared in front of the corpse.

Then Chen Mu waved his hand and put the body into the space key, and the next moment his figure disappeared from the place.

This is the last one.

So far, within three days, both first-level wizards on Bryn Island had died in his hands.

Chen Mu now deals with ordinary first-level wizards with dimensionality reduction strikes.

Blood witchcraft on the left hand, spiritual witchcraft on the right hand.

An ordinary first-level wizard can be said to have no power to fight back against Chen Mu.

As for why they killed these two wizards directly instead of accepting them into the White Crow Society.

The reason is also very simple, it can't be taken away.

Chen Mu's White Crow Seal is not unlimited.

At least at this time, he can only control a first-level wizard.

The fewer wizards there are in the White Crow Society, the more "at ease" Yaoguang Academy will be.

Time passed and it was already more than a month later.

This month, nothing major happened on the mainland of Cape Wanghai, but something big happened on Bulin Island, which is close to Fen Island.

The only wizard organization on Bryn Island was wiped out, both wizards died, and the one controlling Bryn Island became another wizard organization - [White Crow Society].

This new wizard organization that controls Breen Island is actually familiar to most people on the island.

Although the news that the White Crow would destroy the Sipu family and take control of Fen City did not spread throughout the northern continent, the people of Bulin Island who were close to Fen Island still knew about it.

Some of them even came from Fendao.

But I never expected that this organization not only controlled Fen Island, but now even Bulin Island also fell under their control.

But this time, these people didn't want to leave Brin Island anymore. Where did they go?

Are you going to Koh Lan?

Seeing how strong the White Crow Society is, who knows whether Kolan Island will eventually fall under their control.

They finally settled down and didn't want to keep running.

Furthermore, whether it is the White Crow Society or the Heart of Thorns who control the island, they have nothing to do with ordinary people like him.

As long as they don't cause trouble, nothing will happen to them.

What they didn't know was that Kolan Island had indeed fallen under the control of the White Crow Society, but it was just not revealed.

Kolan Island, Magnolia City, in a palace.

Chen Mu, who was sitting at the top of the palace meeting hall, nodded from time to time while listening to the reports from the people below.

This palace was originally where Benny lived, and now it naturally belongs to Chen Mu.

Chen Mu also transformed the palace hall into a simple meeting hall.

This palace is no stranger to Chen Mu. He has lived in this palace for many years in the real body simulation.

"There is no need to continue to expand our influence. If we expand further, Yaoguang Academy will not be able to sit still."

Chen Mu, who was sitting at the top, said.

The three islands are already the limit of what the White Crow Society can currently control. Continuing to expand the White Crow Society's power will do more harm than good.

After taking Bryn Island, the White Crow Society has now come into Yaoguang Academy's sight.

However, the only islands controlled by the White Crow Society at this time were Fen Island and Brin Island. Kelan Island was still Benny's territory in the eyes of Yaoguang Academy.

Chen Mu did not intend to expose Kolan Island. After all, even if he did not take the initiative to expose it, Kolan Island still belonged to the White Crow Society.

The current White Crow Society is not strong enough to confront Yaoguang Academy head-on.

And the current Yaoguang Academy doesn't pay much attention to the White Crow Society.

Even if the White Crow Society really controls three islands in their eyes, Yaoguang Academy will not care too much.

Of course, if the White Crow Society steps out of these three islands and continues to stretch its hands, Yaoguang Academy may not be able to sit still.

After all, Yaoguang Academy does not allow anyone to threaten their status, not even the slightest threat.

Chen Mu is not stupid either. He will naturally not jump out like a standout.

Three islands are enough, and Chen Mu is not short of magic stones now.

With three islands as the base, it was enough for him to have a very good start in every simulation.

In the simulation, Chen Mu may choose to continue to expand his power to see how far it can reach in the end, but in reality Chen Mu will not continue to expand.

After Chen Mu finished speaking, everyone nodded and then respectfully left.

Only a young man in a yellow robe remained.

"Master, there is news about the person you asked me to pay attention to. That person arrived on Fen Island a day ago and is now living in Bulin City on Bulin Island."

Xinya spoke respectfully, and then told Chen Mu everything he knew.

After hearing this, Chen Mu's expression remained unchanged and he waved his hand to indicate that Xin Ya could leave.

Xin Ya bowed respectfully, while Chen Mu sat in the palace seat and thought for a moment.

"Sure enough, just like in the real simulation, Vesta from the White Tower still comes to Cape View Continent."

Chen Mu said to himself.

So far, although the development speed of the White Crow Society is faster in reality than in the real body simulation.

But some of the things that happen in real-life simulations still happen in reality.

For example, this Vesta Kings from the White Tower came to Fen Island a day ago in the real body simulation.

Then we went from Fen Island to Bulin Island, and finally from Bulin Island to the islands deep in the northern continent of Cape Wang Sea.

The people in the White Tower were not stupid either. After they knew that Chen Mu might not be in the Violet Continent, they immediately rushed to various continents to look for traces of Chen Mu.

It was this Vesta Kings who came to Cape View Continent.

An old wizard who has lived for at least two hundred years.

"Do you want to take action?"

This is actually what Chen Mu is thinking about at this moment.

In the real body simulation, he was a hindsight, so he did not take action. In fact, even if he did take action in the real body simulation, he was not sure of killing him.

Because at that time, he was only a first-level blood wizard after all.

In real comparison, he might even be weaker than Vesta.

But things are different now. Now he is not only a first-level blood wizard, but also a first-level spiritual wizard.

And he has helpers, so it seems a bit unreasonable if he doesn't take action at this time.

Without any further hesitation, Chen Mu disappeared from the seat.

Chen Mu never considered himself to be a gentleman. When he had a grudge, he would usually avenge it on the spot.

If he couldn't retaliate on the spot, Chen Mu would naturally not let it go when he had the opportunity to retaliate.

The White Tower spread the news throughout the continent that he had a third-level wizard-level treasure. It's strange that Chen Mu could bear it.

Thank you Ji Xing Zhi Ru for the 500-point reward, and thank you book friend 20210321 for the 1,500-point reward. I love you all~

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