The wizard of Douluo world

Chapter 509 Take action

People watching the game were also in disbelief. Those who didn't know Jingang Zhuo felt that Tang Wulin should not take back the Poseidon Trident and replace it with a metal ring that had no function.

The people who guessed that the metal circle was King Kong Taku showed extremely shocked expressions, and they would rather they guessed wrong. You must know that the King Kong Zhuo is a divine weapon, but they don't believe that the divine weapon can be destroyed.

What Tang Wulin didn't know was that the reason why Gu Yuena didn't take action immediately after Tang Wulin took out the Diamond Diamond was not because she didn't recognize the Diamond Diamond. On the contrary, Gu Yuena immediately guessed what it was after Tang Wulin took out the Diamond Diamond.

The reason why Gu Yuena took out the King Kong Zhuo instead of putting away the Silver Dragon Spear directly in Tang Wulin was because Gu Yuena could feel the strength of the ability that the King Kong Zhuo could display, and she could easily handle it as long as she was careful.

And the most important thing is that today's Silver Dragon Spear is no longer the Silver Dragon Spear of the past. After the integration of the power of the Golden Dragon King and the transformation of the Sky of Truth, today's Silver Dragon Spear is no ordinary artifact or super artifact.

Facts have also proven this. After Gu Yuena added several spells such as sharpness and disintegration to the silver dragon gun, she smashed the Star Luo Empire's national artifact King Kong into pieces with just one blow. .

This also shows from the side that the main reason why the King Kong Takumi can be called an artifact is because of its memory characteristic of being able to swallow other people's weapons. The materials used to make the King Kong Takumi are not particularly excellent.

In Gu Yuena's analysis, she discovered that the characteristic of being able to swallow weapons is because there is a hint of conceptual properties on the Vajra, and this concept is specific to weapons. For a group like wizards, conceptual things are not particularly difficult to deal with.

If Tang Wulin had known that this would be the result, he would never have used the Diamond Diamond. You must know that his original idea was to use King Kong Zhuo to obtain a higher-level spiritual weapon from Anping or Gu Yuena.

Ever since the launch of Miracle City, they have been coveting this kind of thing that can replace the battle armor for a long time. For such a long time, it's not like they haven't tried to obtain spiritual weapons from various sources for research.

It's a pity that apart from developing this kind of thing, it's more complicated than the formation patterns engraved on the battle armor, and many of them have never heard of it. They also thought about dismantling the spiritual weapons they obtained, but unfortunately, all the spiritual weapons they obtained were damaged during the dismantling process.

They thought of getting this kind of spiritual weapon from Anping or Gu Yuena, so they borrowed this national artifact King Kong Zhuo from the Xingluo Empire, and the price was that after they obtained the method of making the spiritual weapon, they would share it with Xingluo One piece of empire.

What Tang Wulin didn't expect was that Gu Yuena actually took out the silver dragon spear to fight. After learning that the Silver Dragon Spear might be a more powerful artifact than the previous Golden Dragon Spear, Tang Wulin naturally began to think of using a diamond to obtain it.

You must know that according to Tang San's divine consciousness, it is a divine weapon that is very likely to be comparable to the Poseidon Trident. After a collision, this was confirmed. Tang Wulin sacrificed the Diamond Trident without hesitation. .

However, Tang Wulin's strong heartache also disappeared in a flash. He did not forget that he was still fighting. In a hurry, Tang Wulin used the Poseidon Trident to respond to Gu Yuena's attack. At the same time, he stepped on the ghost shadow steps to prevent being controlled by Gu Yuena.

And just when Tang Wulin responded to Gu Yuena's attack carefully, he was still controlled by space chains. The moment he was controlled, Tang Wulin quickly activated the power in the Poseidon Trident to break the chains that controlled him.

At the same time, Tang Wulin was secretly shocked that the gap between himself and Gu Yuena was so huge. If it weren't for the fact that he was currently using the Poseidon Trident and had been taught by Tang San's divine consciousness for a long time, I might have lost in one face-to-face encounter.

Seeing that Tang Wulin was at a disadvantage, everyone in the Guan Zhan audience had similar thoughts to Tang Wulin. Before the competition, they had read the information of all the contestants. Although the information of Anping and Gu Yuena was vague in many places, their ages were indeed solid.

Although most of them, the younger generation from various major forces, went to school at Shrek Academy, they really didn’t know much about Anping and Gu Yuena. The number of times these two people took action was really too small. The only public records available were the Tianhai Alliance competition and the Sun Moon Academy battle against Tang Wulin and the others.

When they fought against Tang Wulin and several Shrek students, most of them thought it was because the soul fusion skills of Anping and Gu Yuena were powerful enough that they achieved the final victory.

After all, compared to Anping and Gu Yuena, who have never been in contact with each other, almost all of them have had contact with Tang Wulin, and they all know how powerful Tang Wulin is.

And Tang Wulin, who was no match for any of them, was no match for Gu Yuena even when he was holding what seemed to be the Poseidon's artifact, the Poseidon Trident.

At the same time, many people have discovered a problem. If what Tang Wulin is holding is really the Poseidon Trident, then what is it in Gu Yuena's hand that can collide with the Poseidon Trident? I'm afraid it is also an artifact. ?

When thinking of this, some people couldn't help but show greedy eyes. They all know that Tang Sect and Shrek Academy will not deal with the City of Miracles, and this is not the City of Miracles. If something really happens to Anping and Gu Yuena, I am afraid that Tang Sect and Shrek Academy will not be able to deal with them. Will protect them.

Putting aside what these people were thinking, Tang Wulin directly activated all the soul rings and shattered them without seeing any hope of victory. Anyone with some knowledge would be able to tell that Tang Wulin was What Wulin used was Haotian Sect's special skill of ring explosion.

As Tang Wulin used the explosive ring, his aura, which was already close to that of a Titled Douluo, broke through to the level of a Titled Douluo at an extremely fast speed. As Tang Wulin's aura improved, the sea-blue light in Tang Wulin's eyes flashed slightly.

At this moment, Tang Wulin's aura became solemn, giving people the feeling of being as vast as the sea. Gu Yuena frowned slightly, thinking that this might be Poseidon Tang San's move, and she couldn't help but be on guard.

At this moment, Tang Wulin waved the Poseidon Trident in his hand, and blue-gold halos emerged from the tip of the Poseidon Trident.

The blue-gold halo emerged as Tang Wulin stirred the tip of the Poseidon Trident, and moved towards Gu Yuena's body at lightning speed.

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