The wizard of Douluo world

Chapter 336 The transfer begins

"Are there any good things done? There are some." Anping pondered for a moment and said: "At least in terms of dealing with evil soul masters, Shrek Academy has indeed made a huge contribution, and its contribution in resisting the abyss is also significant."

No matter how much Anping dislikes Shrek Academy, Anping has to admit that Shrek Academy has indeed made great efforts in targeting evil soul masters and Abyss.

Yali was obviously not satisfied with Anping's answer. She shook her head slightly and said, "We are talking about education issues, leaving aside things like evil soul masters and abyss."

Hearing what Yali said, Anping shook his head slightly and said, "In terms of education, I really can't think of it. Shrek Academy has indeed trained many powerful soul masters?"

Yali said angrily: "Don't think that I don't know what you want to say. I also know that Shrek Academy recruits the top geniuses in the continent. If this can't cultivate a strong Shrek, why don't we just close it down?" Forget it.”

Anping nodded indifferently and said: "That's the fact. It can only be said that Shrek Academy is lucky. It happened that the so-called first generation of Shrek's Seven Monsters became gods, and later there were students like Huo Yuhao who became gods. , most people will think that Shrek Academy will have any special training methods."

"After all, this is a world where strength is respected. God is the pinnacle that ordinary soul masters can imagine. Shrek Academy, which has attained the god level, will naturally attract people who don't know the truth to join. And Shrek Academy Just use God’s influence to recruit talents, thus forming a cycle.”

Hearing Anping's sigh, Yali nodded and said: "You are right. The most fundamental reason why Shrek Academy has been able to develop to this point is that there was a god-level appearance. Speaking of which, it has been a long time since Spirit Ice Douluo ascended. It’s been ten thousand years, but I don’t know who will become a god first in this era.”

Anping said angrily: "I know what you want to say. After I finish my work with Master and Angel Douluo, I will naturally tell you how to break through the 100th level without relying on divine status. As for the first person to become a god, the emperor should be God, when Di Tian comes out of seclusion, he should be at the so-called god level."

It's not that Anping is because of Yun Ming and Yali's status as Shrek Academy, but the breakthrough method customized by Anping requires meditation methods like Le Zhengyu and Xu Xiaoyan. Although it is not a troublesome thing, it is still It takes time.

Yali would definitely not have any objections to this. On the contrary, Yali was a little surprised when she heard Anping say that Ditian was going to become a god, but she was so surprised that it was not a surprise. After all, Ditian himself has more than 800,000 years of cultivation, and he is also from the Dragon Clan.

Yali nodded slightly. She did have the idea of ​​asking. Now that she got the promise, she no longer struggled with this issue. After chatting for a few words, she left.

In the following time, Anping became familiar with the abilities of the third-level wizard every day, and Gu Yuena guided Le Zhengyu and Xu Xiaoyan. Only then did Yun Ming and Yali realize that Anping and Gu Yuena were not only far more talented in cultivation than those so-called geniuses, but also had their own understanding of cultivation.

You must know that Le Zhengyu and Xu Xiaoyan both studied at Shrek Academy. Yali and Yun Ming still understand the talents of these two people. Under normal circumstances, even if they have Anping and Gu Yuena providing fairy grass, Le Zhengyu and Xu Xiaoyan can only reach Soul King at best.

However, they discovered that both Le Zhengyu and Xu Xiaoyan had reached the cultivation level of a sixth-ring soul emperor. It didn't matter just that they were high-level, but the quality of the soul power in their bodies was far superior to that of ordinary soul saints. Compared with Le Zhengyu and Xu Xiaoyan, those genius soul masters at Shrek Academy are completely unworthy of the title of genius.

After getting along for a period of time, Yun Ming and Yali also saw the holy sword and spiritual mirror with the ability to fight armor reported by Cai Yue'er. After seeing the real objects, they finally understood why Cai Yue'er hoped that Shrek Academy could come forward to take action from Anping and Gu Yue. Na has this technology in her hands.

Just half a month after Le Zhengen and Leng Yaozhu left, the news finally came. It has to be said that the Angel Family is really popular in the south. It only took half a month to gather enough people. Among them are not just ordinary people. , also includes companies from all walks of life.

After getting the news, Anping directly used the teleportation technique to bring Gu Yuena, Yun Ming, Yali, Xiong Jun and Bi Ji to the southern legion station.

The reason why Yun Ming and Yali followed was to see how Anping transferred the entire southern army. Although they paid attention when Anping and Gu Yuena moved to the Star Dou Forest, they could only watch the images from the satellite.

At first they didn't even know that Anping and Gu Yuena were responsible for transferring the Star Dou Forest. Later, they learned from Zang Xin that Anping and Gu Yuena transferred the Ice and Fire Eyes. Anping and Gu Yuena did it.

Coupled with their time together in the City of Miracles, although they had completely believed that Anping and Gu Yuena could do such a thing, they still wanted to see how it was done with their own eyes.

After arriving at the Southern Legion, after confirming that there was no problem with the placement of various props, Anping made an announcement to Le Zhengen, Leng Yaozhu, Yun Ming and Yali and started the transfer operation.

Because Anping has broken through, both magic and spiritual power are no longer the same. This transfer of the southern legion station does not require fusion with Gu Yuena.

An accident occurred just as the space barrier was raised. A group of people wearing Southern Legion uniforms suddenly launched an attack on Anping. Le Zhengen, Leng Yaozhu and Yun Ming took action together to directly control these people.

The reason why Anping wanted to explain to Le Zhengen and the others was that they were worried that people from the Tang Sect and Shi Laike would interfere. They were a little unconcerned at first, but they didn't expect that someone would actually dare to take action at this time.

You must know that even if those people don't know Xiong Jun and Biji, Le Zhengen, Leng Yaozhu, Yun Ming and Yali have all come from various activities. It is impossible for them not to know each other. They never expected that someone would dare to take action in the presence of these four people.

Moreover, most of the people who took action were officers of the Southern Legion, otherwise they would not have been able to get close to Anping and the others. What they couldn't understand was what these people were thinking. They had already reached the officer level and were exposed at this time.

But what they didn't expect was that this was not the first batch of such people, and two more batches of people took action later. These people who took action were all at the Soul King level before, and the one with the highest cultivation level had even reached the Soul Douluo level.

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