The wizard of Douluo world

Chapter 262 Two choices

After all, what Xu Xiaoyan said was so serious, her parents and brother naturally did not dare to delay, and they did whatever Anping asked them to do. After knowing that they came to the island through Dragon Valley, they had time to look at Anping and Gu Yuena in front of them.

Speaking of which, Xu Xiaoyan's brother met Anping and Gu Yuena once at the Soul Ascension Platform in East China Sea. At that time, Anping and Gu Yuena were even lower than him. Unexpectedly, these two people were far ahead of him now. .

Xu Xiaoyu still has some complaints against Anping and Gu Yuena. After all, his sister quit Tangmen and Shrek Academy because of these two people. Their family was even expelled from the family because of this. Now they even Anping and Gu Yuena If you offend the Tang Clan, you can't even go to the outside world.

However, he could only think about these things in his heart. He was really shocked by Anping and Gu Yuena. They were obviously the same age as his sister, but they had already reached at least the level of Soul Emperor.

When Xu Xiaoyan's family was seeing Anping and Gu Yuena in large numbers, Anping was also looking at them. He could feel that apart from Xu Xiaoyu, the three people in front of him were a little resentful, and Xu Xiaoyan's parents were pretty good.

After a moment of silence, Anping said: "Uncle, aunt, and Xu Xiaoyu. Xiaoyan should have told you the basic situation. Now you have two choices. The first is to stay on this island temporarily until the matter is resolved. . You don’t have to worry about anything you need in life or even for cultivation, I will take care of it for you.”

Hearing this, Xu Xiaoyu asked in surprise: "Do we have a second choice?"

The reason why I asked this was because I was really worried about those people in the Tang Sect. You must know that although the Tang Sect in the Sun and Moon Federation is relatively hidden, families like theirs still have a little understanding of the Tang Sect.

Even if they were not expelled from the family, I am afraid that the entire Xu family would not be able to save them from the Tang Clan. So he was very curious about whether they could have a second choice now that things had developed to this point.

Anping nodded slightly and said: "Of course there is a second option. This second option is that you can still return to the mainland to live, but you certainly can't live with your current identity. I can also help you with disguised identities. solve."

Xu Xiaoyan's family was a little happy when they heard this. If they weren't forced by the situation, how could they be willing to stay on such a deserted island with no plants.

Although Anping said that he could provide them with things for living and cultivation, they still wanted to go back. After all, most humans are social animals, and they were not special people, so naturally they still wanted to go back and live.

The reason why Anping gave this choice was also because of this part of the reason. After all, this is still a desert island that has not yet started construction, and they still have a lot of things to do. It would not be good if the family stays here all the time.

At this time, Xu Xiaoyan's father closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then shook his head slightly and said: "No, our martial arts is still too obvious, unless we don't use the martial arts after we go back. Even so, some strong people may Can we confirm our identity through soul power?"

Anping shook his head slightly and said, "You don't have to worry about the fluctuations of martial souls and soul power. The disguised identity I mentioned naturally includes this part. Otherwise, what's the point of pretending?"

As for how to forge identities for them, some less legal means should be used, such as letting demon spirits control federal officials. This is how Anping and Gu Yuena's identities were created.

"This..." Xu Xiaoyu felt a little unbelievable and thought for a long time before speaking, "How is it possible? Can the fluctuations of martial soul and soul power be changed?"

You must know that in everyone's perception, the martial spirit is almost fixed. Even if it mutates, it will not be much different from the original martial spirit. As for the soul power fluctuations, everyone's soul power fluctuations are special. Some people may be able to simulate them very closely, but in the eyes of the strong, they can all be seen through at a glance.

Looking at the three people who were slightly hesitant, Xu Xiaoyan said: "Brother, you don't have to worry about this. Brother Anping is very powerful. To him, these are just small things."

In order to reassure them, Anping directly demonstrated the ability to simulate soul power and change the shape of martial souls in front of them, and then said, "Can you see anything?"

The three of them shook their heads together. Whether it was Xu Xiaoyu or his parents with higher soul power, they really didn't find any flaws. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they really wouldn't believe that Anping could do this.

Although Anping's level is already exaggerated among his peers, they know that it is impossible to achieve such a level of soul emperor. In their impression, he must at least be titled Douluo, and it must be a high-level title. Douluo.

Although he had seen Anping's magical operations, after all, it was related to the safety of his family. Xu Xiaoyan's father asked the question he was most concerned about: "If we choose the second one, can we hide it from Titled Douluo?"

The reason why he asked this question was because he felt that there must be a titled Douluo in the Tang Sect, and from what Xu Xiaoyan said, what Anping and Gu Yuena did must have offended the Tang Sect a lot. If they really took action against them, It is possible to send someone with a Titled Douluo level.

Anping nodded and said: "Of course it is possible. I can guarantee that, let alone Titled Douluo, even Yun Ming from Shrek Academy will not be able to spot my disguise in person, so you can rest assured."

Seeing Anping's confidence, Xu Xiaoyan's father did not ask any more questions, but nodded lightly and said: "In that case, let's choose the second option. As for changing the city, I need to think about it..."

They were not too surprised by their choice of Anping, they just nodded and said nothing more. But at this time, Le Zhengyu said: "If you change to another city, I suggest choosing Mingdu, where the Tang Sect and Shrek's power is the weakest."

Le Zhengyu paused and continued: "Moreover, Mingdu is the most populous city. As long as you don't expose your identity, Tang Sect and Shrek Academy will not be able to find you no matter how powerful you are."

Anping did not refute, but nodded and said: "Mingdu is indeed the best choice."

After all, both Tang Clan and Shrek Academy are organizations that are not favored by the Federation, so Tang Clan and Shrek Academy are the weakest places in the Ming capital.

It can even be said that most people in the capital don't like Tang Sect and Shrek Academy. It is difficult for Tang Sect and Shrek Academy to develop any influence in Mingdu.

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