The wizard of Douluo world

Chapter 231 Recognition

While Tang Wulin and Dai Yun'er were heading towards the Dragon Tomb, Gu Yuena was also quickly controlling the girl to absorb the energy of the Dragon God and Dragon Soul.

The girl's whole body was enveloped in colorful energy, but this was not completely smooth. While the colorful energy was being absorbed, it always wanted to separate part of it and escape through the air.

Gu Yuena understood that this was because she was attracted by the power of the Golden Dragon King's bloodline, and she also understood that Tang Wulin had also come to this space.

Gu Yuena naturally couldn't let this energy fly away. Although she didn't know Tang Wulin's attitude towards spirit beasts, Tang Wulin was the son of the Poseidon Tang San after all, and he was almost destined to become an enemy in the future.

Naturally, Gu Yuena would not let his strength continue to increase, so the energy that he wanted to distribute was forcibly suppressed by Gu Yuena.

Because she had to absorb the energy of the Dragon God and Dragon Soul while also suppressing the energy attracted by the bloodline of the Golden Dragon King, Gu Yuena was not particularly fast.

Moreover, Gu Yuena could clearly feel that the attraction of energy from the Golden Dragon King's bloodline was gradually increasing, which meant that Tang Wulin was approaching here.

However, as more and more energy was absorbed, her and Anping's bodies and processes were greatly enhanced, so the overall absorption rate was still on the rise. According to Gu Yuena's estimation, it can definitely be completed before Tang Wulin arrives.

Since Dai Yun'er and Tang Wulin didn't need to absorb Long Yun and Dragon Soul, all they could do was work hard to get on their way. Looking at Tang Wulin who was always on the road but not tired at all, Dai Yun'er asked: "Bai San, aren't you tired from traveling like this?"

Tang Wulin shook his head slightly and said, "No, are you tired? If so, let's take a rest."

In Tang Wulin's view, although Dai Yun'er is a princess of a country, she is also a girl. Although he had teased him before, after getting along with him for this period of time, he found that Dai Yun'er had obviously become much more mature than before after losing to Anping and Gu Yuena at Monster Academy.

Without the arrogant Dai Yun'er before, Tang Wulin thought she was still quite cute. Although they were in different countries, they were both members of the Tang Clan, so Tang Wulin thought it would be best for him to take care of her.

And Dai Yun'er did provide him with some knowledge that he had no access to before, such as the small world, dragon tombs, dragon souls, etc. These things were not accessible to him in the Sun and Moon Federation.

Dai Yun'er didn't pretend to be pretentious and nodded in agreement. She really felt tired. She originally thought her physical strength was good, but she didn't expect Tang Wulin to be so perverted. After traveling for such a long time, I didn't even look tired at all.

The two of them found a place, cleaned it up and sat on the floor. Although Dai Yun'er was the princess of the Star Luo Empire, given the current situation, she couldn't ask for more.

Dai Yun'er is not as delicate as she seems. You must know that the education method of their Monster Academy is learned from Shrek Academy. And at her current age, to be able to practice to the Soul Sect level, she must have endured hardships.

You must know that Dai Yun'er's current cultivation level was actually cultivated by himself, and was not forcibly improved by relying on drugs or anything. After all, she is a twin martial soul. In order to ensure that she can become a strong person, there is no way the Star Luo Empire would do such a thing.

After the two sat down, Tang Wulin took out a piece of cooked meat from the storage tool and handed it to Dai Yun'er. Seeing that Dai Yun'er didn't dislike him, he took out another piece and started to chew on it.

After this period of traveling, Dai Yun'er was indeed hungry. Not only did he not dislike the food that Tang Wulin handed over, but he also ate it with big mouthfuls. His eating appearance was almost the same as that of Tang Wulin.

Seeing Dai Yun'er finish the cooked meat he handed to her very quickly, Tang Wulin smiled and then took out another piece from the storage prop and handed it to her. Then he saw Dai Yun'er shake his head slightly and refuse. .

He thought it was Dai Yun'er who was worried about not having enough food, so he said, "Eat. The things I brought are enough for us to last for a few months. Don't worry about not having enough."

Dai Yun'er rolled her eyes at Tang Wulin and said angrily: "You think I'm you, I'm full."

Tang Wulin's face turned slightly red. Food was indeed a big need for him. After all, his strength was not in vain. The bloodline of the Spirit Dragon King did have a relatively large demand for energy.

The reason why he acted like this was because he had been with Xu Lizhi, the snack guy, for a long time. Both of them liked to eat, and they would exchange snacks from time to time when they had nothing to do.

When Dai Yun'er refused, he remembered that not everyone was as good at eating as Xu Lizhi, but he was just embarrassed and continued eating naturally.

Seeing that Tang Wulin was so good at eating, Dai Yun'er couldn't help but think of Tang Wulin from Shrek Academy who was also so good at eating. Although Tang Wulin always wore a mask, his figure was different from Tang Wulin. Not much.

After all, when he was in Star Luo City, Dai Yun'er had contact with Tang Wulin in order to learn about Shrek Academy, so Dai Yun'er was quite familiar with Tang Wulin. The reason why he hadn't been recognized before was because he changed his voice, and Dai Yun'er didn't pay much attention to his identity.

Looking at Tang Wulin devouring food, Dai Yun'er said, "Bai San, you are Tang Wulin, right?"

After hearing Dai Yun'er's words, Tang Wulin froze in his eating movements. But he soon understood why Dai Yun'er recognized his identity. After all, whether at a banquet or somewhere else, he was basically always eating.

When he was on the road before, Tang Wulin had nothing to hide because of his hunger. Coupled with his current appetite, Dai Yun'er would be really stupid if he couldn't recognize it.

Now that he was recognized, Tang Wulin stopped hiding anything. He nodded and took off his mask. His voice returned to its original tone and he said, "Yes, it's me. If you are worried about exploring the dragon with me, If I cheat you, our previous agreement will be void."

In Tang Wulin's opinion, since the other party recognized him, they would most likely part ways. After all, their identities were here. One is from the Sun-Moon Federation, and the other is a princess from the Star Luo Empire. They will almost certainly be enemies in the future.

So no matter what decision Dai Yun'er makes, Tang Wulin won't find it strange. And now that he has some understanding of this small world, he can complete the exploration even without Dai Yun'er.

Dai Yun'er shook his head slightly and said angrily: "What? After getting the news you want, you want to leave me and explore alone?"

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