The wizard of Douluo world

Chapter 194 Le Zhengyu versus Tang Wulin

Wu Zhangkong said: "Do you know what this technology means to soul masters? If this technology is announced, it will be a huge improvement for the entire soul master world."

It's not that Le Zhengyu and Xu Xiaoyan haven't thought about what Wu Zhangkong said, but when Anping made props for them, they couldn't understand the array of magic patterns and various unknown spells.

In comparison, the production of Doukai can be said to be extremely simple. They know that even if this technology is announced, only a very small number of people can learn it.

In response to Wu Zhangkong's stern words, Le Zhengyu shook his head slightly and said: "Teacher Wu, let's not say that we don't understand this technology. Even if we do, why wouldn't it be handed over to you instead of Sun Moon Academy?" You know we are students of Sun Moon College now."

"And you all have guessed that this technology comes from Anping and Gu Yuena, so don't waste time talking about us. You won't get anything from us."

Then Le Zhengyu stood up, pulled Xu Xiaoyan, and said, "If Dean Cai and Teacher Wu have nothing more to do, we will leave."

Watching Le Zhengyu and Xu Xiaoyan leave, Wu Changkong looked at Cai Yue'er who was blocking him and said, "Mr. Cai, are we just going to let them go?"

Cai Yue'er shook her head slightly and said: "Otherwise, keep them? Then what is happening to our Shrek Academy? Now we know that this technology comes from Anping and Gu Yuena. Let's talk to them next."

In this way, they just left Anping and Gu Yuena's residence and came back soon.

Seeing Cai Yue'er and Wu Zhangkong arriving again, Anping said directly: "If you two are interested in making weapons for Le Zhengyu and Xu Xiaoyan, please come back."

You must know that the two weapons on Le Zhengyu and Xu Xiaoyan are equivalent to the pinnacle of Anping's current combination of alchemy and soul guidance technology.

Asking Anping to sell this technology is equivalent to asking Anping to sell a complete set of alchemy and soul guidance technology. And if you want to master alchemy, you need the support of various wizard spells.

This means that Anping still needs to provide them with a complete wizard's training system, which is simply impossible.

Anping has considered making the wizard training system public in the future, but it is definitely not now. It will definitely be announced when his strength reaches a certain level.

Now, except for Gu Yuena, even Le Zhengyu and Xu Xiaoyan have only obtained the meditation method modified by Anping.

Cai Yue'er frowned slightly and said, "If soul masters are as precious as you, how can technology progress?"

Anping waved his hand and said: "Dean Cai, what you said is serious. If we are to cherish our brooms, is the Tang Sect willing to publish their so-called secret knowledge to the vast number of soul masters for use? Or is your Shrek Academy willing to give your soul masters the opportunity to use it? The research on masters and soul guides has been announced?"

Wu Zhangkong said coldly: "How can we really generalize? The information of Shrek Academy has been accumulated by Shrek from generation to generation. The secret knowledge of Tang Sect is the founder of our Tang Sect..."

Anping interrupted: "I'm just giving you an example. I'm not interested in how the Tang Sect's secret knowledge came about, and I'm not interested in your Shrek's information either. Please come back."

Having said that, Cai Yue'er and Wu Zhangkong had nothing to say, so they turned around and left.

After leaving Anping and Gu Yuena's residence, Cai Yuer gradually calmed down and realized that her request was indeed a bit excessive. Just like Anping said, it is impossible for Shrek Academy to make its tens of thousands of years of research data public.

And Wu Zhangkong also knew that it was impossible for the Tang Sect to publish the so-called Tang Sect secrets to all soul masters for training. Therefore, after Anping masters such technology, it is everyone's freedom to announce or not to announce, to sell or not to sell.

In the afternoon, Ling Hongchen sent news about Le Zhengyu's next opponent. It was Tang Wulin who was the only one who had not been eliminated in the individual competition of Shrek Academy. Le Zhengyu was extremely looking forward to it.

I have to say that Tang Wulin was indeed quite strong, and he achieved victory when he met several students from the Monster Academy.

On the other side, Tang Wulin and the others also learned that Tang Wulin's opponent on the second day was actually Le Zhengyu. Xie Xie frowned and said, "Isn't the Xingluo Empire's draw targeting us? We have encountered several people in a row. times."

It’s no wonder that Xie Xie is like this. Recently, several people have lost to Le Zhengyu in a row, which has had a certain impact on the reputation of their Shrek Academy. I have heard Shrek Academy say this more than once.

Tang Wulin was confident and said, "Don't worry, for the reputation of Shrek Academy, I will definitely win it back."

The reason for this is that the seal in Tang Wulin's body has broken through again, and has now broken through the fifth level of seal.

As the power of the Golden Dragon King's bloodline increased again, Tang Wulin felt that his strength had been greatly enhanced and he was more confident in the upcoming competition.

The next day soon came, and there was still a lot of attention to the match between Tang Wulin and Le Zhengyu.

On one side is Le Zhengyu, who has defeated several Shrek students in succession, and on the other side is Tang Wulin, who has defeated several monster academy kings.

Another part of the reason is that Le Zhengyu is a student of the Sun and Moon Academy and Tang Wulin is a member of the Shrek Academy. You must know that the grudges between Sun Moon College and Shrek College are not only spread in Douluo Continent.

On the Star Luo Continent, there are quite a few people who know something about the grievances between Sun Moon College and Shrek College. These spectators can be said to be watching the fun without taking it too seriously.

The moment the referee announced that both players were on stage, the names of Le Zhengyu and Tang Wulin rang out in the sports center. There were obviously more people supporting Le Zhengyu than those supporting Tang Wulin.

After all, no matter how you look at it, Le Zhengyu's angel martial spirit is more powerful than Tang Wulin's Blue Silver Grass. In addition, Le Zhengyu is now the fifth-ring soul king, while Tang Wulin is only at the fourth-ring cultivation level.

As the referee announced that the contestants were on stage, Le Zhengyu stepped onto the stage step by step. He did not make any showoff movements such as spreading his wings and flying onto the stage. After taking the stage, he bowed to the audience like a gentleman, expressing his gratitude to the audience for supporting him. Thanks.

Then he looked at Tang Wulin across from him and said calmly: "I didn't expect it would be like this when we fight again, but I won't lose to you this time."

When he was at Shrek Academy, Le Zhengyu often fought against Tang Wulin, and he was really no match for him at that time.

But now, because of the new meditation method and the amplification of the holy sword, Le Zhengyu is full of confidence in defeating Tang Wulin.

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