Chapter 88

Seeing Xiao Baihu happily running towards him, Li Yuan took Xiao Baihu in his arms.

Through the skill animal communication, Li Yuan knew that the little white tiger would run out.

It’s because I feel my breath.

This made Li Yuan couldn’t help being surprised by Xiao Baihu’s spiritual sense as the king of beasts.

This kind of spiritual perception is incomparable to human beings.

The little white tiger in Li Yuan’s arms lay on Li Yuan honestly.

The big head arched around Li Yuan’s neck.

Be coquettish, not at all losing the puppet cat that has been specially domesticated.

In the past two days, Xiao Baihu was lonely and broken.

Since coming to this world, Xiao Baihu has only had in-depth exchanges with Li Yuan.

Although the breeder who was next to Xiaobaihu cared for Xiaobaihu.

But in the eyes of Xiaobaihu, the breeder is just a feeding machine.

And when breastfeeding, I always force myself to do strange movements.

Be a p!

There are many actions that are friendly, what kind of friendship do you let me show to the air?

I’m not crazy!

What a strange two-legged beast!

The Sui were originally admiring the rare Dangui.

When he saw Xiao Baihu running out of the Toad Palace, the Sui thought he had made a mistake.

But the stripes on the little guy and the king character on his forehead all told the Sui that Li Yuan was holding a little tiger in his arms.

The Sui swallowed and asked uncertainly.

“Husband, is this the little tiger you raised?”

In the Sui’s circle, everyone raises cats and dogs.

The Sui have also heard that some beasts will be kept in the upper class as pets.

But the Sui have never been in contact.

Now Li Yuan holds the little white tiger in his arms, proving that the rumors are true.

Li Yuan said with a smile when he heard what the Sui said.

“This little guy has only lived in Toad Palace for a few days, and we are the front and back feet.”

“It just so happens that this little guy hasn’t given a name yet, wife, you can give this little guy a name~!”

Seeing that the Suy wanted to hug the little white tiger, but didn’t dare to hug it.

Li Yuan communicated through the skill pet and said to Xiao Baihu.

“From now on, treat her like me, don’t stretch out your paws when you touch her, and don’t make too big moves.”

The Sui have no skills to communicate with pets, and cannot understand the meaning of the little white tiger’s limbs and roar.

Therefore, Xiao Baihu’s roar and violent beating, even if it is to show good to the Sui people.

The Sui were not aware of it either.

At this moment, Li Yuan only heard Xiao Baihu roar.

“Is she a father too?”

At this time, Li Yuan knew that in Xiao Baihu’s subconscious mind, he regarded himself as his father.

Li Yuan explained to the little tiger childishly.

“I am a father, she is naturally a mother!”

Upon hearing this, Xiao Baihu cleverly jumped off Li Yuan’s body.

Then, in the Sui’s expression of shock, he rushed into the Sui’s arms.

Honestly, he leaned his head on the shoulder of the Sui.

After a brief panic, the Sui confirmed that Xiao Baihu had no malice towards him.

And also very close to myself.

In less than two minutes, the Suy people regarded the well-behaved little white tiger as their own treasure.

“Husband, this little guy is white, so let’s call it Li Bai!”

“That little Corgi is simply called Li Pangpang.”

The Sui never regarded pets as a prop to please themselves.

Instead, treat pets as family members.

Since they were family members, the Sui simply let these two pets have the surnames Li.

Li Yuan raised an eyebrow when he heard the name given by the Suy.

Li Bai, this name is okay, but what the hell is Li Bai’s name?

Sui people like Corgi with a fat face with short legs, so Corgi, who has queen blood, is called Li Pangpang?

Li Pang Pang is also a girl anyhow!

Is it really appropriate to call this name?

Li Yuan decided that when he really had a child in the future, he would have to pick up the name by himself.

We must not let the named ghost of Suyi harm her daughter.

The Suy who was playing with Xiao Baihu asked Li Yuan.

“Husband, Li Bai should have at least 10 million yuan!”

The breeder on the side couldn’t help but frowned.

This is the only albino Siberian tiger in the world.

But Mr. Li spent 7.1 billion to buy it from the auction house.

Ten million, you can’t even buy an ordinary tiger cub.

Zeyuan pet breeding base, the price of ordinary tiger cubs bred has reached more than 60 million.

The high-quality ones can sell for 80 million pieces.

Seeing that Li Yuan didn’t mean the price, the breeder on the side would naturally not do something that might upset the boss.

The breeder quickly stepped forward, came to Li Yuan, and said to Li Yuan.

“Boss, this little white tiger has been very obedient since you came back last time.”

“I have nothing to train.”

The breeder still thought it was incredible until this time.

It’s not that no one has ordered cubs from the Zeyuan pet breeding base before.

Those people bought the cubs home, and they trained for five months in the past.

Those cubs still can’t be as well-behaved as the little white tiger.

Originally, the breeder thought that it was a fantasy for Li Yuan not to build a tiger park.

Now that Li Yuan wants to build a tiger park, the breeder will recommend Li Yuan, there is no need to build it.

There is no essential difference between the cuteness of the little white tiger and the puppet cat.

It can be free-range at home.

Hearing what the breeder said, Li Yuan did not choose to answer, but changed the subject.

“¨ “I heard Zezi say that he has given you all the design plans for the pet room.”

“You take out all those designs, and I will let this little guy choose one by himself.”

The breeder has already seen Li Yuan’s wealthy and self-willedness.

At the Chengyi auction site, nearly 20 billion in cash was swayed arrogantly.

But letting pets choose their own designs is no longer what Hao Heng (de Zhao) can describe.

Of the seventeen designs in my hands, three have been prepared.

Even the breeder himself is not sure how much it will cost.

But now that Li Yuan said so, the breeder still took out seventeen sets of drawings.

In particular, three sets of drawings were drawn out.

“Boss, the other fourteen drawings have ready-made things, and it can be completely built in ten days.”

“These three drawings are the design of the ecological park, and a closed ecosystem will be formed inside.”

“If you choose these three designs, you need a huge area for the pet room.”

“Otherwise, there is no way to implement these three plans well.”

Li Yuan heard this and ignored these.

The seventeen sets of plans were directly placed in front of Xiao Baihu.

Through pet communication and Xiaobaihu communicated.

“Li Bai, this is your room from now on. It’s up to you to decide which style you want to choose.”.

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