Chapter 62

Li Yuan heard the words, handed the bottle to the breeder on the side, and said.

“Flush another bottle of goat’s milk for this little guy!”

“This little guy is not full.”

Hear what Li Yuan said.

The breeder hurriedly took the bottle and went to brew the goat milk powder.

I think that every time I feed Xiaobai Tiger’s milk, it takes at least one hour for a bottle of goat’s milk.

But Li Yuan finished feeding in less than ten minutes.

The breeder felt for the first time whether he should resign.

With his own ability, follow Zongge to make money.

There is really some suspicion of being lazy money.

Watching Xiao Baihu keep rubbing his small head against the back of his hand.

From time to time, I stick out my tongue, trying to lick my chin and face.

Li Yuan stretched out his hand and rubbed Xiao Baihu’s forehead, the hair beside the word Wang.

By doing this, Xiao Baihu was expressing closeness to himself.

Although Xiao Baihu was only more than two months old, he had already grown velvety barbs on his tongue.

There is nothing wrong with licking your hands. If you lick your face, you may get red marks from the barbs.

Soon the breeder walked over with the brewed goat’s milk.

The little white tiger is growing his body. The more nutrients he takes now, the better his future development will be.

After two bottles of goat milk were eaten, Xiao Baihu and Li Yuan played for a while.

He lay down on the carpet lazily.

Li Yuan stood up and said to the breeder.

“You stay here these two days and help me take care of the little white tiger.”

“When I move in, this little guy won’t need you to bother.”

“In addition, this little guy’s food or something, you make a list for me.”

“When the time comes, I will prepare it myself.”

The breeder was a little embarrassed for a while.

My job is to complete the little white tiger domestication service.

Now the pet owner doesn’t need to be himself, and the breeder doesn’t know for a while how he should go back, how to explain to Zongze.

“Mr. Li, I want to make a phone call with my boss first to communicate.”

“can you look?”

Li Yuan nodded and said.


Just communicated with Xiao Baihu.

Li Yuan knew that the breeder had been taking good care of the little white tiger.

The training is also very meticulous.

After calling.

The breeder was stunned by the news he got from Zongze.

Mr. Li, who loves his own service, is his second boss.

The breeder hurriedly said.

“Boss, I will write down all the nutritional food for Xiaobaihu every time period.”

“The little white tiger can be raised in the yard after four months.”

“Brother Zong asked me to be here and draw you a design drawing of the Tiger Garden.”

Li Yuan heard this and shook his head.

Said the little white tiger needs to be stocked.

It’s nothing more than because tigers are not like cats and dogs. They can lie at home all day long.

To maintain their posture, tigers need to exercise in the sun from time to time.

The tiger park was built for fear that the little white tiger would injure other people during the activity.

Now Li Yuan can communicate with Xiao Baihu, just like teaching a child.

Tell Xiao Baihu what to do and what not to do.

Therefore, there is no need to dedicate space to build a tiger park.

To put it bluntly, Tiger Garden is a large open-air cage.

Li Yuan promised not to put the little white tiger in a cage, so naturally he would not break his promise.

At this moment, Li Yuan’s phone rang.

Li Yuan saw that it was a call from Zong Ze.

“Ge Li, I’m afraid Xiao Liuzi won’t understand what he said.”

“Do you have any special needs for the construction of the Tiger Park?”

“You can tell me, I will arrange someone to build it for you.”

Li Yuan heard this and said.

“This little white tiger listens to me very much.”

“I don’t think it is necessary to build a tiger garden in the Toad Palace.”

“Just choose a bigger room and create a resting place for this little guy.”

“This little guy will not leave the scope of Toad Palace when going out.”

Zong Ze secretly said when he heard Li Yuan’s words.

Wouldn’t Li Yuan treat the little white tiger as a big cat?

After Xiao Liuzi’s training, Xiao Baihu can indeed meet Li Yuan’s requirements.

But I just heard Xiaoliuzi say that Li Yuan wants to train Xiaobaihu by himself.

“Li Ge, are you sure you don’t build a tiger park?”

“If you don’t build a tiger garden, I suggest that the bedroom of Xiaobaihu should be built in accordance with the ecological room.”

“The ground is covered with golden velvet moss, and a bionic lamp is hung on the roof.”

“Using rockery landscaping techniques, build a rock mine cave in the house.”

Li Yuan heard the words, thought for a moment and said.

“Zongze, you should have a corresponding design plan, right?”

“At that time, you will bring the design plan, and I will let this little guy choose by himself.”

Zong Ze didn’t know that Li Yuan could communicate with Xiao Baihu.

I really want Xiao Baihu to choose his favorite style and build his own bedroom.

Only when Li Yuan is very fond of the little white tiger.

Zong Ze secretly said.

I love a little white tiger so much, and then if Li Yuan has a child with the Sui.

That’s not to be spoiled! .

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