Chapter 584 Give you a piece of advice!

Listening to Andy’s unreserved concern, Laika was quite moved.

Just when Laika was about to thank him, Li Chang said to Andy.

“Andy, Laika suffered these grievances because of me.”

“Let me handle the affairs of the Ent family and the Lotto family!

Li Chang did not say how to resolve this matter with the Ent family and the Lotto family.

But Andy felt a strong killing intent from Li Chang’s words.

With the deepening of cooperation with Li Rui, Andy mobilized resources through Li Chang.

I vaguely guessed that the mysterious organization that resounded throughout the world, the Angel Investment Group, was probably Li Chang’s business.

If this is the case, then Li Chang’s wealth has at least reached more than 500 billion meters of gold.

Changang Angel Investment Group is an enterprise with venture capital as its main business direction.

This can also explain why Li Chang can come up with such a huge cash flow.

The Ent family and the Lotto family really couldn’t afford Li Chang.

The Lotto family also has some skills in the dark.

But the Lotto family’s ability in secret is not at all comparable to the Bedion Security Company.

As long as Li Chang wanted to touch the Lotto family, Lu Lin alone would have the ability to solve the energy behind the Ent family.

Since Li Chang said so, 397 Andy did not choose to participate in it again.

Looking at the scenery on the lake, Andy said.

“Blue Lake is prohibited from fishing all year round, but our Saiin family has the right to fish.”

“There are a lot of good fish in the Blue Lake, our brothers simply use a few shots, and the main ingredients for eating will be available in a while!

Andy deftly diverted the topic, and didn’t let this unpleasant thing become the main theme of everyone’s party.

Li Rui, Andy, and Laika are fishing here.

The three girls enjoyed the beautiful scenery on the Blue Lake and were very comfortable.

A gust of wind blew, with water vapor and the fragrance of camphor trees on the shore.

In the Kent family and the Lotto family, there was a storm because of Lu Lin’s phone call.

Lu Lin is the leader of Bedion Security Company, the top security company.

Has unimaginable energy.

Not to mention that the Lotto family has been supporting Viper Security in recent years.

Set foot in the same field as Bedion Security.

In business, Bedian Security and Viper Security have certain cooperation.

The Ent family also once employed security personnel at Bedion Security.

A small price was paid for this.

In fact, Lu Lin and the head of the Lotto (bgdd) family have a good personal relationship.

It’s a relationship that can be talked about.

However, because Bill of the Loto family offended Li Chang.

Lulin immediately separated from the Lotto family.

He is now Li Chang’s person, and he absolutely cannot befriend the forces that Li Chang does not like.

During the half year of the Ent family, it can be said that there have been many happy events.

Someone in his own family has caught up with the young head of the Lotto family, and the engagement of the two is bound to create a marriage between the Lotto family and the Ente family.

The properties of the Ent family and the Lotto family overlap.

The Lotto family can be a good one for the Raent family.

Let the Ent family develop more directions in the manufacturing industry.

The patriarch of the Ent family now has a smile on his face unconsciously every day.

When security resources were needed before, the relationship between the patriarch of the Ent family, the patriarch of the Toloto family.

Once took the initiative to make a phone call to Lu Lin.

But I didn’t expect that one day Lu Lin would take the initiative to call himself.

When picking up the phone, the patriarch of the Ent family was very enthusiastic.

As a result, Lu Lin’s face was completely gloomy after what Lu Lin said.

After hanging up the phone with Lu Lin, the patriarch of the Ent family first held a wave of internal family meetings.

Afterwards, he did not inform himself of the granddaughter who had been engaged and lived in the main house of the Lotto family.

Instead, he took the family’s private jet directly to Italy.

The reason is not to participate in this auction, but to apologize in person.

Lu Lin clearly asked himself what happened to the Whit family on the phone.

The patriarch of the Ent family never thought that Mike would take the Whit family as an example.

Who is the person who can make Lu Lin come forward, will such a person really forgive the Ent family when he is threatened like this?

At this time, the patriarch of the Ent family did not dare to contact his in-laws, that is, the Lotto family.

For fear that the Lotto family knew that Mike had caused trouble and annoyed a powerful enemy, they would choose to break off the marriage.

However, the patriarch of the Ent family had a lot of calculations, and he didn’t even think that he had just hung up Lu Lin’s phone when the Lotto family received a call from Lu Lin.

Listening to the sigh on the other end of the phone, Lu Lin said coldly.

Leon, “I have already explained the situation to you.”

“You must know what to do.”

“I’ll give you a piece of advice, the Ent family is over.”

“As for the outcome of your Lotto family, if you are present in person, you may be able to secure a first-line opportunity.”

Leon knew Lulin very well and knew that Lulin was never a person who could talk empty words.

There must be a reason for Lu Lin to say so.

It seemed that he had to make a trip to Italy.

It’s just that Leon still doesn’t know who his grandson Bill has offended.

Only then would Lu Lin say such a thing.

Lu Lin “We are also seven or eight years old.”

“I want to know clearly, who exactly did our Lotto family offend?”

Lu Lin heard the words and said in a deep voice.

“Don’t care who you offend, in short, your Loto family can’t afford to offend.

“If Sir orders, I will attack your Loto family.

“That’s all.”

After speaking, Lu Lin hung up the phone directly.

Leon was left alone, lost in thought.

If someone else made this call to him, Leon would definitely not take it seriously.

However, this call was not made by someone else, but by Lu Lin.

Based on his relationship with Lu Lin, Lu Lin would say something like this on this phone call.

It was enough to prove that Lu Lin was very afraid of the person who made him call.

After digesting Lu Lin’s words, Leon stood up.

Like the patriarch of the Ent family, before arranging a private plane to fly to Italy, a family meeting was held.

At the meeting, Lyon’s first sentence was to let his grandson break off the marriage.

Subsequently, all cooperation with the Ent family was suspended in all respects.

The project that invested nearly 3 billion meters of gold was called off, and the loss had to be borne by the Lotto family themselves.

No one in the family understood Leon’s order.

But Leon had no intention to explain at all, nor did he intend to explain.

Leon looked at his grandson’s stunned expression and said directly.

“You go to break off the marriage yourself, and then lead the family to complete the cleavage with the Ent family.

“After all this is done, stay in the clan and don’t go out until I come back.”

“I will not let you be the young patriarch, and I will talk about it when I come back.

“Hehe, you really found a girlfriend! You put your family in danger!”

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