Chapter 56

Through the system, Li Yuan got the phone calls of seven directors of the seller.

Li Yuan made special calls one by one.

From the seven populations, they learned about the current situation of Shengyang Entertainment.

Later, Li Yuan asked for the financial report of Shengyang Entertainment for the past three years from the hands of the seven.

Looking at a company’s financial report, you can often see the specific situation within a company.

Li Yuan did not notify the remaining directors of Shengyang Entertainment in advance, but drove his Ferrari antique sports car directly.

Came to the company building of Shengyang Entertainment.

Lao Liu, among the seven directors who traded stocks with Li Yuan, was waiting at the gate of Shengyang Entertainment Building.

In the phone call just now, Li Yuan asked Lao Liu to bring himself to Shengyang Entertainment to see the situation on the spot.

In this regard, Lao Liu would naturally not refuse.

As he drove to the Shengyang Entertainment Building, Li Yuan’s mind sounded a cold reminder of the system.

[Congratulations to the host for completing his choice and creating a private museum. Now your private museum is officially open, please receive the skill reward for the host. 】

Li Yuan checked the time and found that the time was not bad at all, exactly eight o’clock.

It means that Li Bo will start business at eight o’clock.

This allowed Li Yuan to see an advantage of Li Bo.

Regardless, Li Bo is quite punctual.

Li Yuan immediately chose to extract skills, wanting to see what the skills are given by the system.

[The system will provide the host with three skills immediately, please choose by yourself. 】

[1. With one foot tied to the hair, the host’s left foot becomes extremely flexible, and the double ponytail can be tied up quickly and well within three seconds. 】

[Second, the master tailor, the host will obtain the master tailor level. (The host gets only skills, not the inspiration of a master tailor)][Three, animal communication, you can communicate with pets through ideas. 】

Seeing these three skills, Li Yuan chose the third without hesitation.

Li Yuan didn’t understand the use of the first skill.

Not to mention that Sui people usually don’t wear double ponytails.

Even if you really tie a double ponytail, you can’t use your flexible left foot to help her tie it!

Wouldn’t it be regarded as abnormal?

Of course, except for some lsp with special hobbies.

The second skill, Master Tailor, is only skill, not inspiration.

This skill is chosen to work for others.

As for the third skill animal exchange, Li Yuan just photographed Xiaobaihu.

If you choose the skill animal communication, will you be able to communicate with Xiaobaihu?

After Li Yuan selects, the system prompts.

[Congratulations to the host for acquiring the skill animal communication. 】

After a while, Lao Liu was waiting at the entrance of Shengyang Entertainment.

I saw a red Ferrari sports car, whizzing to the door of the company.

As a large company, Shengyang Entertainment has done a good job in security.

Thirty security personnel are arranged at the gate to ensure that no paparazzi will get in.

However, as the largest entertainment company in China, it has been popular in recent years to promote trainee debuts.

Shengyang Entertainment has been enthusiastic about newcomers.

The newcomers picked it up one crop after another, and the security couldn’t remember everyone.

But as an entertainment company, there is a good way for the security staff.

That is, the face is too long to pass the test.

80% of those with longer faces than ordinary people are company trainees.

If the face is average, even if the company is stupid, it won’t spend money to hold it.

Old Liu watched the Ferrari getting closer and closer to him, and said in his heart.

When did the company get such a number one person?

Who held it?

Why is it so arrogant?

He drove the car directly to the company gate!

At this time, Lao Liu saw a young man in the car who could not see the brand, but with high-quality fabrics and decent tailoring.

Old Liu thought that this young man would walk into the gate of Shengyang Entertainment with his head held up.

Unexpectedly, the young man walked towards him directly.

“Is it Mr. Liu? We called before.”

“You said you were wearing a gray suit jacket with a blue tie.”

Hearing what the young man said, Lao Liu was stunned.

Old Liu thought he would buy 51% of the shares of Shengyang Entertainment from himself and others.

The one who controls the board of directors of Shengyang Entertainment will be a middle-aged man with a big belly like himself.

When investing in places like the entertainment industry, everyone knows what ideas they make.

But it didn’t happen that the one who bought the shares from himself and others turned out to be a young man who looked so good and could make his debut on the spot.

The appearance of the young man in front of him is definitely the owner of top resources as soon as he enters the company.

But behind this superior face, there are also unimaginable wealth hidden.

After a brief daze, Lao Liu hurriedly stretched out his hand enthusiastically and said.

“Mr. Li, it’s a good time to meet!”

“Go! Tell me directly where you want to go.”

“The shares have just been delivered, and everyone in the company still doesn’t know the situation.”

“It just so happens that I introduce your new boss to everyone.”

Li Yuan and Lao Liu shook their hands lightly and said.

“There is no need to introduce, you first show me the company’s situation, and I will hold a board of directors immediately.”.

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