Chapter 44

Accompanied by this milky milky “whooping sound, it sounded on the auction stage.”

Those rich people who had just raised their prices but failed to gain anything, finally brought up a little spirit.

Among them, the most violent response was Zongze, who was in the same box as Li Yuan.

“Li Ge, I finally came to my auction!”

Speaking of this, Zong Ze said softly.

“That’s not right! Chengwu auction houses usually sell 30 lots.”

“It’s only the twenty-ninth at this time. Is there anything more expensive than the little tiger cub I brought?”

Li Yuan’s eyes were on the auction stage at this time.

The auctioneer looked at a little bewildered, the little guy who kept calling in the cage.

For a while, not knowing whether it should be or not, he took the little guy out of the cage and displayed it.

Li Yuan glanced at Zong Ze in surprise.

Unexpectedly, the lot Zong Ze brought was an albino tiger cub.

Looking at the clear king character on the forehead of this little white tiger cub.

Li Yuan can confirm that this little tiger cub is a Siberian tiger.

Still albino Siberian tiger!

Li Yuan had only seen albino Bengal tigers in his previous life, and had never heard of albino Siberian tigers.

The adult Siberian tiger is a lap larger than the Bengal tiger, and the bones are stronger and stronger.

If the adult Siberian tiger looks like a general, then the Bengal tiger looks like a centurion.

Li Yuan only knew that Zongze was in the pet business.

Now it seems that Zongze’s pet business has something to do with it.

According to my understanding, the world that Li Yuan traveled to is extremely environmentally friendly.

Therefore, many cherished animals that did not exist in previous lives still have a certain stock in this world.

It is allowed to raise this large animal while ensuring that it can bring a good living space for the animal.

Large animals raised since childhood are more clingy than cats and dogs.

Seeing the auctioneer couldn’t handle the little white guy for a while, and interacting with the little guy as the auctioneer kept tapping on the cage.

Obviously annoyed this little guy.

After Zongze and Li Yuan greeted them, they simply walked out of the box.

Came to the auction table and helped the auctioneer lift the little guy out of the cage.

The little guy had just been weaned, and then tossed twice in Zong Ze’s arms, and Zong Ze let him go.

Snoring like a kitty, stretch out his limbs.

But even for a young tiger, the pink and tender claws are about the same size as Zongze’s palm.

Cute and mighty.

What Zong Ze didn’t know was that his appearance quickly caused other big men in the box to keep rolling their eyes.

It turned out to be the boy of the Zong family, your boy kept taking pictures of us!

It is no wonder that with the strength of the Zong family, they are fully capable of affording the price.

If Zongze knew what the big guys in the other boxes were thinking at this time, he would definitely yell wronged.

I want to shoot!

But my money is invested in the pet base. Where can the money come from?

And even if Zongze had money, he couldn’t do what Li Yuan did.

Those who didn’t change their face would wave out hundreds of millions of banknotes.

Zongze deliberately disclosed the news about the kid in his arms.

The rich people in the manor ran back to the magic city for this little guy.

The auctioneer saw that Zong Ze controlled the little guy, and said quickly.

“As we all know, albino tigers will not affect the health of tigers.”

“In contrast, albino tigers are more vigorous than normal body color tigers in summer.”

“This albino female Siberian tiger was just two months and fourteen days old and is currently unique in the world.”

“The starting price is 300 million yuan, and each increase must not be less than 10 million yuan.”

The auctioneer had just introduced this albino tigress, and the price on the auction board jumped directly to one billion.

Seeing this price, Zong Ze put a smile on his face.

However, this price is far from reaching Zongze’s expectations.

1.2 billion, 1.3 billion, 1.7 billion, 2.1 billion, 2.7 billion, 3 billion.

The price continued to soar, and soon caught up with the price of the Phoenix Crown bid at the Chengwu Auction last month.

However, even if the bid price reaches 3 billion, the bidding momentum has not diminished much.

Those rich people who bid still have more power.

If it’s just an ordinary female tiger, even the Siberian tiger can be sold at a price of around 80 million yuan.

The price of this albino female Siberian tiger will be so high,

First, because the white tiger belongs to the four spirits in myths and legends, it is a kind of auspiciousness.

The white tiger is very murderous and has the effect of driving ghosts out of the town house.

In addition, the life span of tigers can reach more than 25 years.

Raising a tiger is undoubtedly better than cats and dogs, which have a life span of more than ten years and reach the end.

Most importantly, the albino Siberian tiger is currently unique in the world.

Who doesn’t want to have a unique pet?

Now this little guy looks about the same size as a fat orange.

But when this little guy really grows up, he can grow to more than three meters long and weigh more than 350 kilograms.

Others walk their dogs in the park, and I walk around in the manor.

Who knows this feeling! .

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