Chapter 41

But the big guys in the music industry are not young anymore, right!

Accompanied by speculation about the song, and speculation about the Sui husband.

A new hot search, “Suyi Husband Piano Music” is continuously rising on the hot search charts.

After the Sui people responded to the message in general, they had a good mentality and did not swipe their phones frantically because of the soaring Weibo fans.

Compared with Weibo, Li Yuan is undoubtedly more attractive to Sui people.

After breakfast, Li Yuan wanted to take the Sui to the Chengwu Auction House.

Chengwu Auction House is a private auction house, although it is not as large as Da Vader Auction House.

But the reputation in the circle of collectors is not weaker than the Grand Vader auction house.

The season auctions of Chengwu Auction House have never disappointed.

In the auction last month, Chengwu Auction House sold a phoenix crown with a price of 3.5 billion yuan.

The transaction value of a few lots eventually exceeded the one billion mark.

Last month’s auction at Chengwu Auction House was only a monthly auction.

Seasonal auctions are naturally a higher grade than monthly auctions.

Many people in the circle have already been thinking about this season.

The Suyi people really want to go to the Chengwu auction house with Li Yuan, on the one hand, to increase their own insights.

On the other hand, the Sui people also want to have more time to accompany Li Yuan.

But piano playing is an indispensable skill for talent and hard work.

Last night, the Sui were lazy and didn’t practice the piano for the first time.

So today the Sui must find a way to make up for yesterday’s time.

At the same time, in addition to practicing piano.

The Suy also wanted to try and practice the song Li Yuan gave him.

After learning about the Sui’s decision, Li Yuan did not force it.

On the contrary, Li Yuan appreciates the Sui people’s persistence and pursuit of dreams.

I heard the Sui call, and Li Man was studying to rent a recording studio.

Li Yuan spoke directly to the Sui.

“My wife, since you decided to develop on the road of singing, I might as well build a private recording studio for you in Toad Palace!”

“I don’t want you to go out to rent a recording studio with Sister Man in the future.”

“In addition, all the clothes you bought in Ji Heya need a professional showcase.”

“The area of ​​the Toad Palace is large enough. My contact person will prepare a large cloakroom for you in the Toad Palace, so that you can put these clothes conveniently.”

Li Yuan said to the Sui people in a very ordinary manner, as if to say another very trivial thing.

Sui people want to ask Li Yuan, do you know what you said?

Said how many women’s ultimate dreams.

Starting the red beast parked in the parking lot, Li Yuan drove the car out of the Lijing Shuiyuan Community.

Li Yuan and Zong Ze made an appointment to meet at the gate of Chengwu auction.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of Chengwu auction, Li Yuan saw Zong Ze fiddle with his mobile phone there.

Seeing Li Yuan, Zong Ze hurriedly greeted him and said enthusiastically.

“Li Ge, the person in your family has published your marriage news on Weibo!”

When Zong Ze spoke, his face was full of envy.

The old man disagreed. The relationship between himself and Yu Wan would never be possible, and there would be a day when it would be public.

Li Yuan raised his brow slightly when he heard the words.

Li Yuan heard the Sui talk about getting married publicly on Weibo last night, but he didn’t expect the Sui to be so fast.

Li Yuan took out his mobile phone and directly downloaded Weibo.

I registered a new account with my mobile phone number.

The so-called Iraqi people are on the water side.

Li Yuan simply set his Weibo name to be on the water side.

Quietly, he opened the Weibo of Sui people.

Looking at the photos of the two marriage certificates taken by the Suyi, Li Yuan gave a thumbs up.

Then I opened the comment area and saw someone post happy marriage.

After Li Yuan clicked a few likes, he also learned to post his first comment on Weibo.

On the water side: happy marriage.

Then Li Yuan and Zong Ze walked into the exhibition hall of Chengwu Auction.

In most auctions, it is allowed to find someone to bid on behalf of the auction.

Like before, Li Liang contacted Li Yuan and promised to auction on behalf of Li Yuan at the Da Weide auction.

The Chengwu auction is different, as a private auction only for small circles.

The Chengwu Auction will eliminate the act of inviting people to auction.

If you want to auction, you have to come in person.

Therefore, there are not too many people who come to Chengwu auction every time, but they are all big names from all walks of life.

“This Chengwu auction house is getting more and more mysterious!”

“There is only half an hour left before the official auction, and the list of auctionable lots has not yet been released.”

“I don’t know if this thing I sent can be the finale.”

Through communication with Zongze before, Li Yuan knew that Zongze was investing in pets.

But the pets that Zongze invests in are not those cats and dogs.

It is a beast that can only be raised in a large manor.

For example, clouded leopards, black panthers, lions, tigers and other fierce beasts have been trained since childhood.

Even better than some naughty cats and dogs.

In recent years, wealthy people have become popular to breed these beasts after they abandon the Tibetan mastiff.

Since Zong Ze is confident that the pet he sent, he can be the finale at the auction.

The things that I want to send will definitely not be bad. .

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