Chapter 37

For the entertainment industry, the Sui did have plans before.

Just plan where this kind of thing is so easy to implement.

“Husband, I learn piano and I am good at singing.”

“I originally planned to release a single first. If the single works well, I will make an album later.”

“Sister Man is going to help me contact the lyricist and composer.”

It’s not that Sui people haven’t thought about originality, but playing piano and writing songs and singing are two completely different things.

Sui people do not deny their talents in piano, but they are separated from each other in lyrics and composition.

It is best to leave it to professional people.

But professional songwriters and composers are so easy to find.

The songs of the major singers take turns to dominate the charts, and it is difficult for newcomers to mix in the field of singers.

Through his understanding of the world in the past few days, Li Yuan has learned that the entertainment industry in this world that he has traveled through the rebirth is much more prosperous than in his previous life.

The actor, the queen, the emperor, the queen, the singer, and the queen all have very good cards.

Because these entertainment practitioners enjoy a high reputation and social status.

As a result, these entertainment practitioners have stricter moral requirements than Li Yuan’s previous life.

Thinking of the songs of the previous life in this world, there has never been a situation.

Li Yuan felt that if the Sui wanted to release a single, he could really help.

Although Li Yuan can’t remember all the songs in the previous life.

But Li Yuan can still sing the lyrics of the songs he always listens to.

When several brothers got married in the previous life, they all made Li Yuan the best man.

As a best man, you have to be fooled by your brothers to sing a song at the wedding ceremony.

As a result, every time he sang, Li Yuan always grabbed the limelight from the audience.

Even if Li Yuan has deliberately converged a lot.

No way, who made Li Yuan sing so good?

“My wife, do you have any thoughts on the first song for the entertainment industry?”

Originally, the Sui had no ideas, but now they have established a relationship with Li Yuan, and the husband and wife yelled.

I also decided to make the news of the marriage public.

As a married woman who is new to the entertainment industry, the Sui’s first song wants to sing a cookie between herself and Li Yuan.

After all, love is to show off!

“I want Sister Man to try to find a lyricist who is suitable for writing sweet songs and write a sweet song about marriage.”

“After reading the lyrics, I will find another composer and ask the composer to make up a piece of music suitable for me to sing on the piano.”

It turns out that the Sui wanted to go the way of playing and singing.

This way is really suitable for the Sui people.

Can maximize the abilities of the genius girl in the Sui piano world.

To talk about the sweet song of marriage, Li Yuan just knows one.

Just when the Sui people were thinking about which lyricist should Li Man contact with, they heard a deep, magnetic singing voice in their ears.

[Looking for the sun in a place where there is no wind

Make warm sun in your cold place


You are always naive

The rest of my life

I only want you

For the rest of your life

The wind and snow are you

Plain is you

You are the poor

Ronghua is you

You are tender in my heart

Wherever you look

Also you]

Gan, this voice is too good for Su, right?

This was the first reaction of the Sui people.

Immediately afterwards, the Sui were immersed in Li Yuan’s song.

Especially for the rest of your life, you are the wind and snow, you are the plain, and you are the poor.

It almost hit the heart of the Sui people.

I have confirmed the relationship with Li Yuan, if one day Li Yuan really goes bankrupt.

The Sui people are willing to raise Li Yuan with their own hands.

But think of Li Yuan’s private museum, Ferrari antique sports car, the entire Sining Mansion, and his investment in Ji Heya.

The Sui felt that it was really unrealistic to let Li Yuan go bankrupt.

The last sentence “wherever you look is also you” made the Suy’s heart tremble.

Meeting Li Yuan’s eyes, the Suyi couldn’t help it anymore.

Standing on tiptoes, his soft lips were lightly printed on Li Yuan’s face.

This kiss was impulsive and took all the courage of the Sui people.

The Sui secretly said in his heart.

Sui, you lsp, you are holding it!

At this moment, the Sui only felt a heat on his lips.

Two hours later, the Sui once again stood in the kitchen with Li Yuan.

It’s just that this time the Sui people no longer have the energy to continue making vinaigrette.

The Suy in a bathrobe felt that his plan of practicing violin, which was too thunderous at night, might be breaking the ring for the first time.

Looking at the Sui, Li Yuan felt distressed on the one hand and embarrassed on the other.

Time is really too long!

Sui’s physical energy is so exhausted, Li Yuan feels that the current Sui people are really not suitable for eating boiled vegetables.

Simply Li Yuan called the Bilover Hotel and customized a package to replenish vitality.

The Sui and Li Yuan are nestled on the sofa, with their heads resting on Li Yuan’s shoulders.

Now there is no gap between the Sui and Li Yuan.

There is no difference between a real newlywed couple.

“Husband, who sang the song that I just sang! Why haven’t I heard such a beautiful song before?”

Li Yuan said simply after hearing this.

“Not online.”

There is an example of the piano score given to the Sui people in “The Mark of the Rain” last time.

Li Yuan has become more and more accustomed to talking nonsense.

Things that do not belong to this world, even if they and the Sui people say they are songs written by others.

It’s hard to explain when the Sui asks.

Can’t you tell the Sui people that these are works from another world, right?

It’s better to be on your own body and let yourself carry this pot. .

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