Chapter 32

After eating, Li Yuan called the waiter, took out his bank card and handed it to the waiter.

Did not spend the money in the diamond VIP card in the hands of the Sui.

“Sir, you spent a total of 3.72 million.”

“In order to thank you for your support to our restaurant, the two chefs will give you a special dish prepared by the chef on the day when you come to consume it next time.”

Li Yuan raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

When I came to eat by myself in my entire life, it seemed that I had never been treated like this before.

But that’s right, I came to the Bilover Hotel to dine alone in my previous life.

The consumption of each meal is around 700,000 to 800,000, and occasionally it is as high as 1.5 to 600,000.

For every one million meals in the Bilover Hotel, there will be corresponding preferential treatment.

I want to come to this chef’s special dishes, which is a special treatment for spending three million meals.

After the bill was settled, the waiter looked at the opened red wine in front of Li Yuan and the Suyi and asked.

“Sir and Madam, if you need to drive for you after drinking, Bilover Hotel is willing to do it for you.”

“If you are driving a two-seater sports car, the hotel has a special car that can pick you up where you want to go.”

“The two-seater sports car hotel can also follow your instructions and drive to the designated parking lot.”

Li Yuan heard this and said.

“First send us to Ji Heya’s studio on Anning Road, and then drive my car to the parking lot of Lijing Water Garden.”

The waiter nodded when he heard the words.

I learned that when Li Yuan and the Sui came, they drove a two-seater sports car.

The waiter hurriedly arranged a Bentley Mulsanne as a special car to pick up Li Yuan and the Sui.

For the entire day today, this special car will be dispatched by Sui and Li Yuan at will.

Before facing hundreds of thousands of things, the Sui would think carefully for several days, and may be willing to buy it.

And now that he has been with Li Yuan for a few days, the Suy finds that the Bentley Mulsanne, whom he has always liked very much before, is the same.

The improvement of vision will make people’s thoughts change subtly.

I always heard about the stars in the entertainment circle for the lace news that came out of the upper ranks.

Some Sui people couldn’t understand this.

But if there is a man like Li Yuan by his side, let alone a month.

In just a few days, he had fallen.

Fortunately, Li Yuan is his husband, and Li Yuan also admits this relationship.

Now that I am in the music circle, I am already regarded as a real married woman.

Regarding this, the Sui did not have any anxiety or worries, but felt extremely sweet.

In the car, Li Yuan called Lu Ya.

Lu Ya started sorting out the information and drawing up the contract from early in the morning.

Lu Ya is more concerned about the cooperation with Li Yuan than signing the Suyi as the inspirational muse of Ji Heya.

The information that Lu Ya has compiled is trying to show how much economic benefits Ji Heya’s studio can bring to Li Yuan as much as possible.

It’s just that this economic gain will have a certain cycle.

I don’t know whether the content of these materials can meet Li Yuan’s expectation for a win-win situation.

When Bentley Mulsanne drove to Magic City Anning Road, at the door of Ji Heya’s studio.

Li Yuan found that Lu Ya had been waiting there early.

Looking at Li Yuan and the Sui, Lu Ya hurriedly stretched out her hand and greeted enthusiastically.

After the Sui had a few conversations with Lu Ya, he called his agent Li Man.

Together with Li Man, the person in charge of the studio’s new product line called by Lu Ya, went to sign the cooperation contract of Ji Heya Studio’s Muse of Inspiration.

Li Yuan was sitting on the sofa in Lu Ya’s office, quietly flipping through the stack of financial reports of Ji Heya’s studio in his hand.

Looking at Li Yuan looking at the financial report concentratingly, Lu Ya felt that he was compared to Suyi.

Li Yuan’s temperament is more in line with the tone of Ji Heya’s studio.

Li Yuan’s appearance and figure are very suitable for the haute couture men’s wear of Ji Heya’s studio.

Even when looking at Li Yuan’s perfect figure and bone shape, Lu Ya was born with a lot of inspiration.

However, Lu Ya dared not mention the matter of making Li Yuan the inspirational muse of Ji Heya’s studio.

In less than half an hour, Li Yuan read the financial report of Ji Heya Studio.

The revenue of Ji Heya Studio has increased by about 20% every year.

For a fashion luxury group, this is already a very proud achievement.

Li Yuan’s investment in Ji Heya’s studio was mainly for the Sui people.

Li Yuan supports the love and career of the Sui people, and also knows how much fashion resources can benefit the Sui people in the mixed music circle.

Otherwise, Li Yuan would never choose to invest in Jiheya Studio.

A 20% return on capital is a good result for fashion luxury companies.

But for some new energy investments, it is completely inadequate.

In addition, Ji Heya Studio intends to carry out commercialization attempts while retaining the original high-end product line.

Li Yuan is very optimistic about the commercialization of Heji Heya Studio.

“Ms. Lu, as a partner, I look forward to success in the commercialization of Ji Heya Studio.”

Lu Ya was still recalling the inspiration that came in his mind, but he did not expect that Li Yuan would directly and neatly agree to the investment of 2 billion in Jiheya Group.

After signing the contract, Li Yuan became the second largest shareholder of Ji Heya Studio and Lu Ya.

Lu Ya looked at Li Yuan, who had become her partner, and said.

“Did Mr. Li go with me to take a look at Ji Heya Studio’s thoughts on tailoring menswear?”

“There are now a lot of finished men’s clothing here, which are in line with Mr. Li’s temperament.”.

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