Chapter 18

The Suy who had greeted the audience sat back down to the silver piano again.

Originally, the Suiz wanted to play his famous song, “Swan’s Snow”.

I can think of Li Yuan, Sui people’s mind suddenly came to mind, the piano music Li Yuan played last night.

The score of this piece is so simple that Suy is shocked.

The Sui never thought that piano music arranged with such a simple melody could be so charming.

The melody of this piece was simply memorized by the Sui people just by looking at it.

As a Sui pianist, he felt that Li Yuan’s talent should not be buried.

The Sui polished his fingers and played “The Mark of the Rain” softly.

A drizzle in full bloom at night, with a different kind of tranquility.

This put an end to the Sui’s performance this hour.

Except for those with other purposes, most of the people who come to enjoy the concert have a strong appreciation of music.

Many of them came to the Sui’s famous song “Swan’s Snow”.

But when the melody played by the Sui was not “Swan’s Snow”, these people’s brows frowned.

But soon, the frowned brows of these people were relaxed, and the expressions on their faces gradually became obsessed.

I was immersed in the blooming rain world.

Until the end of the music.

These talents suddenly thought that they had never heard of this piano music before!

Could it be said that this is another original creation of the Sui people?

If this is the case, then this glorious concert is really not in vain!

This song does not lose “Swan’s Snow”,

At this year’s National Music Appreciation, the Sui who just won the Beethoven Music Award.

It can’t be said that it will win another enviable music award.

After the Sui bowed again, he snarled at Li Yuan without a trace.

It’s like saying that this girl has something to ask you.

Li Yuan raised his eyebrows when he saw this, and spoke to Zong Heng and Zong Ze.

“I’m leaving now, thank you for the hospitality of Uncle Zong today.”

Upon hearing this, Zong Heng did not retain Li Yuan.

Now that the time has reached nine o’clock, I will entertain Li Yuan again.

I can only take Li Yuan to those places that are not serious.

“Li Ge, the day after tomorrow, the auction house is going to conduct a season auction. I don’t know if Li Ge is not interested?”

“If you are interested, how about we go and join in the fun the day after tomorrow?”

Li Yuan had nothing to do in the past few days, and Li Yuan readily agreed to Zongze’s invitation.

Just when Li Yuan was about to stand up, he only heard Lu Ya speak.

“Mr. Li, Sui people are very compatible with our Ji Heya studio in terms of looks and talents.”

“I think Ji He Yaxin is the inspirational muse of high-end clothing. If Mr. Li doesn’t have any better suggestions, I think I will be the Sui.”

Through the expression on Li Yuan’s face just now, Lu Ya already knew who Li Yuan would recommend.

Lu Ya would say this in order to praise the Sui people first.

To express in advance that he and Li Yuan have the same vision, which is a kind of flattery to Li Yuan.

Li Yuan stood up when he heard the words, with a smile on his face.

“Ms. Lu has a great vision. If Ji Heya’s studio has anything to help in the future.”

“I can choose to cooperate with Ji Heya Studio for a win-win situation.”

After speaking, Li Yuan took a step from the VIP channel to the backstage.

Since Li Yuan is in the first row, Zong Heng himself brought him here.

There is no staff to stop Li Yuan.

Through Li Yuan’s words just now, Lu Ya knew that Li Yuan had conveyed to herself that he could invest in Ji Heya’s studio.

It’s just that if Ji Heya Studio wants to get investment, it must let Li Yuan see the possibility of a win-win situation.

A few simple words let Lu Ya know that Li Yuan is definitely not just a rich second generation.

Lu Ya also put away the idea that Li Yuan was just the new owner of Sining Mansion.

Li Yuan, who talks in this way, is properly a business tycoon.

Thinking of this, Lu Ya decided to go backstage in person.

Although Lu Ya couldn’t guess what the relationship was between Li Yuan and the Sui.

But Li Yuan is so vigorously admiring the Sui people, he has to let the Sui people know that it is.

Go on your own, so that the Sui people in the backstage can save a lot of face.

Giving face to the Suyis is tantamount to giving face to Li Yuan.

Ji Heya’s studio has a funding chain gap of about 2 billion.

In fact, Yiji Heya Studio’s position in the industry can easily attract investment.

However, Lu Ya did not want to find dozens of small shareholders who invested tens of millions, which would undoubtedly complicate the composition of Ji Heya’s work.

Minority shareholders are likely to unite and evade their rights.

If any shareholder gets involved in some scandal, it will affect the brand value of Ji Heya Studio.

Therefore, if possible, Lu Ya hopes to find an investor who can invest 2 billion in a lump sum.

In exchange for 30% of the shares of Ji Heya Studio, which has a market value of nearly 7 billion.

After that, only get dividends and don’t get involved in the management of Ji Heya’s studio.

As for the win-win situation mentioned by Li Yuan, it is not a problem at all.

For Ji Heya Studio, the easiest thing is to make money. .

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