Xu Ru'an felt it was very strange to see the three people who had fallen into silence and whose faces were obviously not very good.

But he didn't think too much about it, because he was very sleepy and just wanted to go back to his room to sleep.

Xu Ru'an yawned, and Aunt Lin noticed it,"Young Master, you must be feeling sleepy. Aunt Lin will take you back to your room to sleep.""

"Aunt Lin, wait a minute, the little guy is injured and uncomfortable, and he will probably make a fuss at night, so let him sleep with me, and I will take care of him."

Xu Yufeng said this because he felt a little guilty, and more importantly, he wanted to know more about the relationship between Bai Haochen and him from Xu Ru'an.

""Big brother, you let Xiao Naituan sleep with you?"

Did he hear it right? Is this still his big brother who likes to be alone and doesn't like to interact with other people?

Xu Zerui asked again in disbelief.

"What, no? Or do you have some problem with me as the big brother? That's why you don't let me sleep with the little one?"

"Of course not, as long as Big Brother likes it."

Xu Ru'an was speechless. Shouldn't the person involved be asked for his opinion on this matter?

But it was obvious that Xu Ru'an's opinion was not important at all. After taking a bath, he was carried back to the room by Xu Yufeng. After

Xu Yufeng placed Xu Ru'an on the big bed, he smiled and said to Xu Ru'an:"Little guy, wait for me, I'll make a phone call and tell you a story when I come back."

Xu Ru'an's eyes widened. No way, he still wants to tell her a story? But she doesn't need it!

Xu Ru'an clenched the edge of the quilt with both hands, looked at his chubby hands, and compromised instantly.

Well, he had forgotten that he was just a three-year-old child at this moment, so forget it, destroy it, he was really tired.

Xu Yufeng called his secretary to explain his work arrangements for tomorrow. When he hung up the phone and came back, he saw the little guy lying quietly on the bed, his eyes wide open, looking very cute.

Xu Yufeng put away the phone, smiled and went to bed.

The little guy didn't seem to like to talk much. If it weren't for being able to hear his inner thoughts from time to time, Xu Yufeng would have thought he was a mute.

"What kind of story do you want to hear, little one?"


"Whatever the story is? I don't know, little guy, why don't you tell me more."

Xu Ru'an really didn't want to talk. This man was clearly teasing her.

【Childish, I don't want to listen to any stories, I just want to sleep, brother】

""Okay, it looks like you are very sleepy, but before you go to sleep, I want to say sorry to you. I was too busy today and didn't take good care of you, so you got hurt."

Looking at Xu Yufeng who looked apologetic, Xu Ru'an shook his head.

In fact, he really didn't mean to blame Xu Yufeng. Although he complained a few words in his heart, he actually knew very well that it was all the fault of that crazy woman.

And even if he had to blame someone, he should blame the unreliable Xu Zerui first. It was he who took him to find Xu Yufeng, and Xu Yufeng was just forced to accept it.

"Don't blame Big Brother"

"The little guy is so good"

【Looking closely, the Xu family's genes are really good. The eldest, second, third and sixth brothers that I have met are all very good-looking.

Hearing the little guy praising him for his good looks in his heart, Xu Yufeng smiled again and pinched the little guy's face with his slender fingers,"Little guy, you are so cute."

Xu Ru'an muttered a few words in dissatisfaction, but because his face was pinched, it affected his speech, so Xu Yufeng didn't hear what he said.

【Hmm... adults are so childish! How come Xu Yufeng is different from what is described in the plot? It's hard to imagine that such a person would die for love in the end. It seems that he loves Assistant Bai very much.

Xu Yufeng's hand paused, his expression was a little complicated. The little guy mentioned that he liked Assistant Bai again.

Will he and Assistant Bai both die in the future? And he died for Assistant Bai?

The little guy was right. It was really hard to imagine that he would become like that. Obviously, he didn't have any feelings for Assistant Bai now.

【Assistant Bai must be struggling now, after all, he really has feelings for Xu Yufeng, but one side is family affection, the other side is love. Faced with these two choices, no matter which one he chooses, or what the final outcome is, Assistant Bai will regret it. No wonder he is willing to die for Xu Yufeng in the end. 】

For some reason, when Xu Yufeng heard the little guy say that Bai Haochen would die for him in the end, his heart ached.

【If I find a suitable opportunity and gently remind Xu Yufeng to help Assistant Bai, will things turn out differently?……】

【No, not to mention whether Xu Yufeng will believe it or not, the most important thing is, if the plot changes because of my interference, will the world collapse?】

【Really, I'm just a little kid now, it's so hard for me……】

Xu Yufeng patted Xu Ru'an gently,"Little guy, it's late, you should go to bed."


Looking at Xu Ru'an's peaceful sleeping face, Xu Yufeng sighed. Since the little guy wanted to help Bai Haochen, he would do as he wished.

He also wanted to see if he would fall in love with Bai Haochen in the end as the little guy said.

The moonlight outside the window was dim, and the faint light reflected on the two people sleeping soundly on the bed. They had a good night's sleep.

When Xu Ru'an woke up, there was no one beside him.

After being carried downstairs by Aunt Lin, Xu Ru'an saw Xu Hanwen.

"Good morning, little one."

"Good morning, Third Brother."

Xu Ru'an adapted to his identity as the young master of the Xu family more than he thought.

While eating breakfast, Xu Ru'an made a very important decision in his heart.

Since he changed his original ending of dying early in the book and became the young master of the Xu family from a villain's family, considering that several villain brothers were relatively good to him and for the sake of saving his own life, he decided to use his knowledge of the plot to help the Xu family avoid the tragic death of all members.

He must turn the tide before the current male protagonist and his adopted son become completely powerful.

Before, he was worried that if he forcibly changed the plot, the world would collapse or a chain reaction would occur, so he had been very careful, but he had been here for a while, and his own plot had changed a long time ago, but the world was still normal, which meant that his guess was not true.

"What are you thinking about, little guy? The porridge in your bowl is getting cold."

"Third brother, where are the eldest brothers?"

"The eldest brother went to the company, the second brother went to the hospital, and your sixth brother also went out. Today, only you and I stay at home."

Stay at home? Calculating the time, it seems that today is the day when the second brother is meeting with two experts in the hospital to discuss the surgery of the big shot.

In other words, tomorrow is the day when the second brother is framed. It seems that when the second brother comes back, he has to remind the second brother indirectly, so that he will not fall into the trap of others.

If it doesn't work, he will cry and make a fuss to go to the hospital with him tomorrow, and then improvise, and must find out the traitorous assistant who was bribed by the male protagonist, so that the second brother can complete the surgery smoothly.

"Third Master, Mr. Fan and Miss Fan came over and said they were here to apologize to the young master."

"Oh, they are finally here, let them in."

At this time, Xu Ru'an finished the last mouthful of porridge, and before he could wipe his mouth clean, he was picked up by Xu Hanwen.

"Little guy, the two people who offended you are here, let's go and see them together."

The two people who offended him? The housekeeper just said that their surname was Fan, and Xu Ru'an thought of the crazy woman from yesterday.

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