Xia Chuling felt even more depressed when he heard Xu Ru'an's words.

In fact, he knew very well that Xia Yifan was not his biological father after all, but his adoptive father. One day, he would have his own children.

So Xia Chuling was a little worried. He was afraid that after his adoptive father's child was born, would he, the adopted son, have to leave?

"Brother Chu Ling, what's wrong with you? You look very bad, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Xia Chu Ling shook his head,"No, An An, do you think Uncle Xia and his family will not want me anymore after they have their own children?"

【Huh? So he was worried about this? I remember that the original book actually mentioned this. Yes, in fact, Xia Yifan really cares about and loves Brother Chu Ling.】

【When Xia Yifan and Su Lengyan got married, Chu Ling had just turned 13. Considering Chu Ling's feelings, Xia Yifan and Su Lengyan asked for his consent before deciding to have a child.】

【At that time, Brother Chu Ling was already very smart and independent. He was able to help Xia Yifan with some work matters, including giving Xia Yifan advice and planning. It can be said that he made a lot of efforts to bring down the Xu family.

Xia Chuling was shocked. How could An An know so much? And how could he help his adoptive father to attack An An's family?

An An is his best friend. He likes An An the most. Not only will he not help his adoptive father to deal with An An and his family, he will also protect An An in his own way. He is still young and has no skills yet, but he is already studying hard.

"An An, it's okay, I've figured it out, I'll study hard, and when I grow up and have the ability, I won't be afraid of anything, and I can still protect An An."

"Yeah, I believe that Brother Chu Ling will definitely become very outstanding!"

【Don't worry, you will be called the little devil in the future, you can't be anything but excellent】

【He said he would protect me, does that mean I have succeeded in conquering him?】

When Xu Ruan thought that he had a life-saving talisman on him, he felt happy and relieved.

After school, it was still the fifth brother who came to pick An An up on his cool motorcycle.

"An An, there is a guest at home. When you meet him later, just call him Grandpa Chen."

Xu Ru'an nodded in agreement.

After returning home, Xu Ru'an saw an old man with a white beard, a long white shirt and reading glasses in the front hall.

Father and Mother Xu were drinking tea with him, chatting and laughing.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back."

Xu Ru'an took off his schoolbag and handed it to the housekeeper, then ran to sit next to them.

Xu Ru'an looked at the old man sitting opposite with curiosity,"Grandpa Chen, hello"

"Hey, little kid, do you know me?"

"I don't know you. My fifth brother asked me to call you that."

At this time, Xu Wanyu also came in from outside. He had just driven his car to the garage for maintenance, so he did not come in with Xu Ru'an.

"It turns out that you, this cute little kid, are the younger brother of that stinky boy."

"Mr. Chen, are you going to stay overnight? I'll ask Aunt Lin to clean up your room."

"Sure, I will stay here for a few more days. An old friend wants me to help him look at something."

In this way, Xu Ru'an learned about Grandpa Chen's identity from their conversation.

It turned out that he was a very famous treasure appraiser, but he had been retired for many years and did not come out easily.

This time, it was because a friend of his for many years accidentally got a magical treasure, and he asked several treasure appraisers but none of them could tell what it was, so he had to ask Grandpa Chen to help him identify it.

The reason why Grandpa Chen came to the Xu family first was because Grandpa Chen and Xu Qingfeng's deceased parents were very good friends, and Grandpa Chen watched Xu Wanyu and his children grow up.

It can be said that Xu Wanyu and his children are like his grandchildren.

"You little brat, you'll have to take me to find someone tomorrow."

"Sure, no problem for me."

During the meal, Xu Zerui, who was always talkative and active, heard Chen Lao talking about helping to appraise treasures tomorrow.

"Grandpa Chen, can you take me with you? I also want to see how magical the treasure is."

"You haven't changed at all, you're always meddling in other people's business. You don't know how to appraise treasures, so what are you going to see?"

"Grandpa Chen, I want to go and see it. Don't let my fifth brother take you there tomorrow. I can take you there myself."

Not only Xu Zerui was interested, but even Xu Hanwen was also interested.

"Grandpa Chen, I heard that the treasure is very magical, but people who have come into contact with it can't explain clearly what kind of magic it is. It feels like something special."

"I have also heard that this thing was brought back from an auction abroad and is priceless."

The Xu brothers told everyone what they had heard about this treasure.

But Old Chen put down his chopsticks and sighed.

"That thing is not magical, but evil."


Everyone else was stunned, and all eyes turned to Chen Lao.

"I don't know the details. I haven't seen the real thing yet, so it's hard to identify it."

Mr. Chen stroked his beard and said slowly:"According to my old friend, this bead of unknown material was confiscated from a tomb robber. He didn't have it originally."

"It was almost two months later that the pearl was handed over to him for safekeeping because it had killed many people."

This was what his old friend told him on the phone. At that time, he did not believe it at all and thought his old friend was exaggerating. It was not until several workers in his old friend's home had accidents that he began to believe it a little. His old friend also asked him to come over to help take a look. So he, who was curious about the pearl, came here.

"Mr. Chen, what does it mean to kill several people?"

"First, the two civilian police officers who were keeping it died suddenly, and then the tomb robber who was imprisoned for tomb robbing was also found dead in prison."

"Finally, there were a few workers who worked at my old friend's house. My old friend said that when the beads were sent to him, they were placed in a wooden box. My friend did not dare to open it and put it in the study together with the box."

Mr. Chen remembered that when his old friend told him about this, his voice was trembling.

"Unexpectedly, a cleaner who came in to clean the box accidentally knocked it over, and the beads rolled out. The cleaner could only pick up the beads and put them away."

"Then the next day, the cleaner was found dead in the bathroom. After that, workers had accidents one after another. After asking, it was found that they all had one thing in common before the accident, that is, they had come into contact with the bead."

After listening to Chen Lao's words, everyone else took a breath, only Xu Ru'an listened with relish and didn't find it scary at all.

"That's really weird. Aren't you afraid, Mr. Chen? How dare you go and appraise the treasure?"

"What's the big deal? I'm already old, and I've been appraising treasures for so many years. I've seen all kinds of amazing things, so I'm not afraid."

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