The crisis was finally resolved. Seeing Shen Bing being taken away by Fifth Brother's men, Xu Ru'an finally relaxed.

Xu Wanyu picked up Xu Ru'an, and the soft touch surprised him a little.

"You came here with your eldest brother, right? Where is your eldest brother?"

【Oops! I forgot about my big brother and Assistant Bai! They must be very worried now!】

"I'll call my brother and ask him to pick you up."

But before he could finish the call, Xu Yufeng came running over with Bai Haochen.

Xu Yufeng was relieved to see that Xu Ru'an and Xu Wanyu were safe.

"I'm glad you're all right."

After Xu Wanyu said hello to his elder brother, he wanted to hand Xu Ru'an over to him, but Xu Ru'an was unwilling to let go.

"Fifth brother, won’t you come home with us?"

"I still have work, I'm busy"

"Really? Don't you even have time to go home and have a meal with everyone? An An wants to stay with his fifth brother"

【Although mom and the others don’t mention Fifth Brother much at home, I know it all. Everyone will miss Fifth Brother. This time Fifth Brother almost got into trouble. If mom and the others knew about it, they would definitely be very sad.

So Xu Ru’an wanted to bring Fifth Brother home, even if it was just for a meal, everyone could meet Fifth Brother.

Xu Wanyu was a little moved. He knew very well that because of his special job, he was destined to sacrifice some things, so over time, he got used to it. He was used to being alone and rarely got along with or met with his family.

Now hearing Xu Ru’an’s true feelings, he suddenly remembered that he really hadn’t been home to see everyone for a long time.

"Old Five, come home with us. Mom and Dad are very worried and miss you. They know you are busy with work, but like An An said, there is at least time for a meal, right?"

Xu Wanyu looked at Xu Ru'an's earnest eyes, and his heart softened a little, and finally nodded and agreed.

Xu Ru'an cheered with joy, and Xu Yufeng patted Xu Wanyu's shoulder with relief.

Xu Yufeng sent a message to the family group chat that Xu Wanyu was going home for dinner, and it suddenly became lively.

Xu Zerui was no longer sad when he learned that the fifth brother and An An were safe.

The other brothers also said that they would go back for dinner, and then everyone would have a good gathering with Xu Wanyu.

The happiest one was He Youtong. She had always been worried and missed Xu Wanyu. Knowing that Xu Wanyu was going home for dinner, she immediately planned to cook a hearty dinner herself to nourish Xu Wanyu's body.

Back at the Xu family, Xu Wanyu, sitting at the dinner table, felt the unprecedented warm hospitality of his family.

This made him a little embarrassed, and his cheeks flushed slightly.

【Hehehe... Brother Five is actually shy】

【It's great that all the Xu family members are here! I, Xu Ru'an, am so lucky to have so many family members here!】

【I really hope it can always be like this, and that the fifth brother can move back and live with everyone! 】

This playground incident actually happened ahead of time, which made Xu Ru'an puzzled and a little worried. Isn't this male protagonist Xia Yifan too good at making trouble? You really can't relax for a moment.

If it wasn't such a coincidence this time, and he and his eldest brother came to the playground, maybe the fifth brother would have been in big trouble. He

Youtong and the others fully agreed with Xu Ru'an's idea that Xu Wanyu would move back home to live permanently.

But they all knew Xu Wanyu very well, and they were afraid that it might be difficult to deal with his personality.

Xu Wanyu looked at Xu Ru'an thoughtfully. Although he had accepted that he could hear Xu Ru'an's voice, he couldn't figure out why only he could hear it, and no one else in the family seemed to hear it.

And according to his analysis, he believed that Xu Ru'an should have the magical ability to predict the future.

Who exactly is the male protagonist Xia Yifan he mentioned? Why did he want to harm himself?

After dinner, Xu Wanyu received a call from his subordinates, reporting to him about their interrogation of Shen Bing.

"Boss, we have done as you instructed. The money has been transferred to Shen Bing's daughter's account, so Shen Bing also told us everything he knew."

"I have sorted out everything and written it into the report. When will you come back to check it out? Do you need me to send someone to pick you up?"

Xu Wanyu did not reply immediately, but glanced at Xu Ruan.

"Please send me an electronic version of the report first. I will take a look at it first. You don't need to arrange a car for me yet. I will tell you after I have read the report."

""Okay, got it, boss."

A minute later, Xu Wanyu opened the report sent by his subordinates.

Everything was just as Xu Ru'an said, but Shen Bing didn't know who the person who paid him to do the job was. According to his account, a masked man took the initiative to find him.

And Xu Ru'an obviously knew who the masked man was, so it seemed that he should think carefully about what to do next.

Xu Wanyu got up and wanted to go back to his room to charge his mobile phone, but Xu Ru'an, who had been secretly watching his every move, thought he was leaving.

"Fifth brother, can An An sleep with you tonight?"


Xu Wanyu looked at him puzzledly,"You want to sleep with me?"

""An An, you are biased! As soon as the fifth brother came back, you took the initiative to ask him to sleep with you, why didn't you invite me, the sixth brother?"

Xu Zerui was unhappy. In this family, he was the only one who had never slept with An An!

【I don’t want to sleep with Sixth Brother. I don’t want to see that sleeping posture of his. I’m afraid I’ll be crushed to death by him!】

【And my goal now is to keep Fifth Brother at home, and then pester him to move back home, instead of living alone outside. This is the key point!】

"Fifth brother, you are the best. An An wants to sleep with you tonight, is that possible?"

Xu Ru'an used her ultimate skill of acting cute and coquettish, vowing to achieve her goal!

"Lao Wu, since An An wants to sleep with you, you should agree to it. Work is not urgent, so just stay at home for one more night.

He Youtong didn't want to disappoint An An, and also wanted to let his son stay at home for a while longer.

【That's right, Fifth Brother, look at me. They say sincerity is king. I am really sincere, so Fifth Brother, just obey me obediently. It would be even better if you can agree to move back and live here permanently. That would be even more perfect! Xu Wanyu almost couldn't hold it in. What does it mean to obey him obediently? He made me sound like a virgin. Did he think that this was a scene where a bad guy robbed a woman?

"Okay, you can sleep with me tonight, but let me make one thing clear: I won't tell you a story to lull you to sleep."

"Yes! An An got it. An An is very well behaved. I don’t need my fifth brother to tell me stories to coax me to sleep."

【That's great, I couldn't ask for more, here only fifth brother won't tell me a bedtime story, God knows how much I hate these bedtime stories, they are too childish, and have no hypnotic effect at all, it's better to play English listening music for me! 】

Xu Zerui turned his face away, holding back his smile, he finally felt a little more balanced in his heart, it turned out that An An didn't want to be coaxed to sleep by his elder brothers, it was so funny.

Xu Hanwen decided that if there is a next time, he will play English listening music for An An to see if it can really hypnotize her.

Xu Wanyu also picked up Xu Ru'an with a smile,"You are quite easy."

"That's it!"

After saying that, Xu Ru'an came to his senses. It seemed that Fifth Brother was not praising him. But never mind. Anyway, his goal was achieved, and nothing else mattered.

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