After eating a delicious fried chicken and cola, Xu Ru'an heard Xu Yufeng mention the amusement park he had given her before.

"Brother, are you saying that there is an event at the amusement park today?"

"Yes, An An, do you want to go?"

"Is it okay? An An wants to go"

"Then we'll go there now."

Because today is the monthly special event day of the amusement park, there are a lot of people.

Bai Haochen was afraid that they would be dispersed by the crowd if he didn't pay attention, so he held Xu Ru'an tightly in his arms.

Xu Mochen asked the staff for a map of the amusement park, wanting to see which amusement facilities were suitable for playing with An'an.

Xu Ru'an glanced at the words on the map, and suddenly he was attracted by one of the names.

""Brother, what are these words?"

Xu Ru'an pointed at the three words that were magnified in the middle of the map and asked Xu Yufeng.

"Oh, Mengxingyuan is the name of this amusement park."

"What! The name of this amusement park is Meng Xing Yuan?"

"Yes, what's wrong, An An doesn't like this name? It doesn't matter, this playground is given to An An by big brother, An An can change the name at will, as long as An An likes it."

Xu Yufeng thought An An didn't like this name, so he generously gave him the right to name the playground.

The reason why Xu Ru'an was so surprised was not because he didn't like this name. It was because of another thing.

【How could this happen? How could it be such a coincidence? I remember that in the original book, the Mengxingyuan Amusement Park incident should have happened after several people in the Xu family died.】

【It can't be such a coincidence, right? I don't know if the fifth brother is in the amusement park now. If the fifth brother is there, then it is not a coincidence.】

【What should I do? How can I be sure that the fifth brother is here now? Should I tell my eldest brother that if the fifth brother is here now, he might be in danger?

Xu Yufeng finally understood why An An was so excited after knowing the name of the amusement park. It turned out that it was because the fifth brother might be in danger.

Realizing the seriousness of the matter, Xu Yufeng also took it seriously.

"An An, let Assistant Bai take you to play the carousel first. Big brother suddenly remembered something, so he went over there to make a phone call first."

Bai Haochen didn't doubt anything, thinking that Xu Yufeng really had something to deal with, so he took An An over there first.

But Xu Ru'an was anxious, because the Meng Xingyuan incident was a big deal for his fifth brother!

【What to do? The eldest brother can no longer be relied upon. The original book says that the fifth brother is here to carry out the last mission of his life, but the male protagonist does not intend to let him complete this mission successfully.】

【The male protagonist planted a trap in this mission, which caused the fifth brother to have an accident during the mission and become disabled for life. Since then, the fifth brother has been in agony.

Xu Yufeng, who was holding a mobile phone and making a call, heard this, his hands trembled, and he looked at An An in disbelief.

Xu Yufeng was also anxious. To confirm whether the fifth brother was here, he could only call Lao Liu and ask him to use his hacker ability to screen the surveillance video here to see if the fifth brother was here.

"Hey, brother, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"Lao Liu, this is an emergency. I need you to mobilize people immediately to find out from the surveillance video whether Lao Wu is in Meng Xing Yuan Amusement Park."

"Huh? Mengxingyuan Amusement Park? Did something happen to Fifth Brother there?"

"I'm giving you the monitoring authority here. Don't ask too many questions. Just do what I say and I'll explain it later."

The main thing is that Xu Yufeng doesn't know how to explain that he learned from An An's inner voice that something would happen to his fifth brother.

Xu Yufeng glanced at An An sitting on the carousel and knew how anxious he was.

He walked towards the monitoring room. While Lao Liu was taking action, he also tried to find it.

""An'an, what's wrong with you? Don't you want to play on this carousel?"

Bai Haochen found that Xu Ru'an was very different from the excited look when he first arrived at the amusement park. Now he looked listless, with a frown on his face, as if he had something bothering him.

"Brother Haochen, An An wants to go over there.

Bai Haochen looked in the direction of Xu Ru'an's finger. That was the place for the super roller coaster, which was also the most popular entertainment project.

But it was not suitable for children as old as An An to play there, even if they were accompanied by adults.

"An An, that is not suitable for a child like you to play. It is too dangerous for you."

"But An An thinks it looks cool. An An just wants to take a look. Is that not okay?"

Of course Xu Ru'an knew the danger. It should be said that the roller coaster that was tampered by the male protagonist was more dangerous.

When she thought about the male protagonist taking the risk to tamper with the roller coaster just to make the strong and healthy Fifth Brother unable to get up again, Xu Ru'an felt that the male protagonist was not a normal person at all. People like him should be called villains.

Fortunately, the male protagonist has not completely lost his humanity and still retained some conscience. At that time, there was only a man with advanced cancer and the Fifth Brother on the roller coaster.

The man with advanced cancer was a staff member of the over-controlled roller coaster of this amusement park. He knew that he would not live long, so he agreed to the male protagonist's plan under the male protagonist's enticement.

It was also because of him that the Fifth Brother got on the tampered roller coaster.

"Please, Brother Haochen, you are the best. An An just wants to watch others play from the side. An An will not go up."

"Well, I'll take you there to have a look."

Unable to persuade Xu Ruan, Bai Haochen had no choice but to carry him over.

"It's strange, why are all those people getting off?"

As soon as they reached the queue, Bai Haochen and his friends saw the people who had just gotten on the roller coaster being taken off by a staff member, and even the queue was dispersed.

"Excuse me, what's wrong with this roller coaster?"

"We are not sure, but we heard that it is closed today and we cannot play there. It is undergoing routine inspection and maintenance."

Hearing this, Xu Ru'an's heart skipped a beat.

It seems that the fifth brother is indeed here now. What this person said is exactly the same as described in the book!

""An An, you see no one can play anymore, let's go."

Bai Haochen turned around and wanted to take An An away, but who knew where Xu Ru'an was.

An An was gone! Bai Haochen was stunned for a moment before he finally reacted.

He shouted Xu Ru'an's name anxiously, but there was no response, and An An was nowhere to be seen.

Seeing that Bai Haochen was so anxious that he was about to cry, Xu Ru'an, who was hiding in the dark corner, could only silently say sorry to Bai Haochen.

"Brother Haochen, I'm sorry, I have to stay here to save my fifth brother, so this is the only way. I'm sorry to have to bear with you for a while."

Xu Ru'an swore in his heart that he would make it up to Bai Haochen after the matter was accomplished.

Bai Haochen was afraid that Xu Ru'an was kidnapped, so he was almost going crazy. He hurriedly ran to other places to look for An'an and took out his mobile phone to contact Xu Yufeng.

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