Luo Aihua looked at Xu Qingfeng. Of course, he recognized Xu Qingfeng. Although the Xu family was the richest, the Luo family was not bad either. He was not afraid of Xu Qingfeng.

"Xu Qingfeng, you are here at the auction too. My daughter was the first to see the crown, and I was the first to make an offer. I hope you can give me some face and stop arguing with me."

Xu Qingfeng had only this idea originally. Didn't you see that he was asking for An An's opinion?

After hearing what Luo Aihua said, Xu Qingfeng became unhappy. He raised his sign and shouted a number:"I'll bid two million."

"Excuse me, Mr. Luo, do you mind a fair competition?"

Luo Aihua snorted coldly and also raised the sign,"I bid three million."

"five million"

"Eight million!"

The two of them actually got into a fight.

Xu Ru'an panicked. He pulled Xu Qingfeng's clothes to stop him from bidding, but Xu Qingfeng shouted more and more vigorously, and he shouted out ten million.

Luo Aihua's face turned pale and she hesitated. Luo

Yiyi was very good at reading adults' expressions. He knew that Luo Aihua had hesitated, but she didn't want to let Xu Ru'an take away her favorite princess crown.

If Xu Ru'an knew what Luo Yiyi was thinking, he would definitely cry to death. He didn't want to take things from girls like this.

"Dad, what's wrong with you? Is it because we don't have enough money? It doesn't matter. Since Dad has no money, Yiyi is very sensible and will not make Dad embarrassed. Yiyi doesn't want the crown anymore."

Luo Yiyi knows Luo Aihua very well and knows that he cares most about face. If he stops bidding now, it really means that their Luo family has no money.

How can this be possible! Their Luo family is one of the top three wealthy families. If it is rumored that their Luo family is short of money, wouldn't that be a slap in the face of their Luo family? He can't afford to lose face like this.

"Twenty million!"

【Oh my god! He actually bid 20 million? Dad, please stop bidding! This crown is worthless!】

【20 million to buy a crown inlaid with glass. If the appraisal result comes out, won’t people laugh at me as a fool?

This is why Xu Ru’an tried desperately to stop Xu Qingfeng from bidding. He remembered it very clearly. The book mentioned this incident. It said that at the auction, a rich man bought a crown inlaid with glass for love. It was a perfect interpretation of what it means that rich people are willful. You don’t understand their world.

But Xu Ru’an didn’t expect that this love is fatherly love, and this Luo Yiyi is really a rip-off.

【Dad, An An doesn't want you to be a slave, stop it! 】

Xu Qingfeng, who was about to continue to bid to disgust Luo Aihua, stopped immediately after hearing An An's voice.

"Ahem, I won't shout anymore, Mr. Luo, the crown belongs to you."

Xu Qingfeng really didn't want to be a fool, but fortunately, he was almost there, he was almost going to become a joke, fortunately An An was there

""Dad, Yiyi loves you so much, the beautiful crown finally belongs to Yiyi."

Luo Aihua also breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing his baby daughter's smile, he felt it was worth it, but he would soon regret it.

As the hammer fell, Luo Aihua successfully took the crown.

The next step was the most anticipated expert appraisal.

"Judging from the color of the sapphire, it should be real. Such a big gem must be worth a lot of money."

"The Luo family is really wealthy. They paid 20 million just for a little girl. If it turns out that the gem is not real, wouldn’t that be a joke?"

"I think the gem is a bit fake, it's too perfect, it looks fake."

Xu Ru'an agreed with this person's point of view. It is indeed fake. How can something made of glass not be perfect?

Soon, the appraisal expert finished the appraisal.

"Ladies and gentlemen, here are the results of our appraisal: the crown is made of ordinary silver, and the gemstones inlaid in it are not blue gems, but imitation gems made of blue glass fired at high temperature, and the other broken stones are also made of glass."

When this result came out, everyone was stunned and there was a lot of noise.

Luo Aihua couldn't accept this result either. He actually spent 20 million to buy an imitation made of glass?

He knew that he would become the laughing stock of the whole city after he walked out of the auction.

Luo Yiyi didn't know what glass firing meant at all. She only had eyes for the beautiful crown now, and she was still immersed in the joy of victory in snatching the crown from Xu Ru'an.

"Mr. Luo, please pay the bill."

Luo Aihua swiped the card with a dark face. He saw Luo Yiyi couldn't wait to take the crown from the staff with a happy and satisfied expression. Luo Aihua felt even more embarrassed.

"Luo Yiyi, you and your mother are really from a vulgar family, not presentable!"

Luo Aihua began to dislike Luo Yiyi. If she was not his only child, he would probably have fought with her.

After hearing Luo Aihua's words, Luo Yiyi realized that he and the others looked strange.

"Dad, what's wrong? Did Yiyi do something wrong?"

"Humph, forget it this time. After we go back, I will arrange a teacher to give you lessons. You must learn well then!"

Luo Yiyi didn't understand why her father suddenly seemed like a different person. She could see that Luo Aihua didn't seem to love her as much as before, and even seemed to dislike her.

She couldn't help but look at Xu Ru'an. Was he playing tricks again? Did he say bad things about himself to Luo Aihua when she wasn't paying attention?

Sure enough, Xu Ru'an was a nuisance. She hated Xu Ru'an!

Xu Ru'an felt Luo Yiyi's unfriendly eyes and wondered why she was glaring at her.

When Xu Qingfeng saw that Huang Guan was really as Xu Ru'an said, he excitedly hugged him and kissed his little face.

""An'an, you are awesome!"

Xu Ru'an accepted Xu Qingfeng's praise and kiss inexplicably, as long as Dad didn't make a water fish.

Xu Qingfeng decided that he would listen to Xu Ru'an from now on, and he would never take pictures of things that Xu Ru'an didn't allow him to take pictures of.

So for the next few exhibits that looked good, Xu Qingfeng didn't bid for any of them because of Xu Ru'an.

It wasn't until an ordinary stone appeared that Xu Ru'an had some reaction, looking a little excited.

【Here it comes, it comes, it’s finally here!】

【The dark horse of the auction! No one would have thought that this ordinary-looking stone would turn out to be an imperial green jadeite after being cut!】

【I remember that this stone was looked down upon by everyone. No one bid for it at the beginning. Then, an old man who liked to collect stones bought it at a low price of 10,000 yuan.】

【Who knew that after it was cut open, it turned out to be green, the imperial green among jades. Except for the old man who took the photo of the stone, everyone else regretted it.】

【How about I tell my dad that I like this stone and ask him to take a picture of it?】

Just as Xu Ru'an was about to speak, Xu Qingfeng immediately raised his sign,"I'll pay 10,000. Although this stone doesn't look very good, it would be nice to take a picture of it and give it to my little son An'an as a toy."

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