The days went on in an orderly manner. In the blink of an eye, Xu Ru'an had been in the Xu family for more than three months.

On this day, Xu Ru'an did not have to go to kindergarten.

He was leisurely watching the tablet on the sofa. Today, his brothers were not at home, and he was the only one at home.

Originally, Xu Yufeng wanted to take him to the company, but Xu Ru'an was not happy. Xu Yufeng thought that he was under a shadow because of the last incident, so he did not force it.

The other brothers had things to do outside, and it was not convenient to bring a child with him, so they had to let him stay at home.

Without his brothers around, Xu Ru'an rarely had time to relax, so he was holding the tablet to watch his favorite TV series.

Aunt Lin brought snacks and milk to Xu Ru'an, and then went to do her own thing.

Just when Xu Ru'an was watching the exciting show, he suddenly heard a noise coming from upstairs, which sounded a bit like something falling to the ground.

At first, Xu Ru'an thought that it might be the servants at home who were cleaning and accidentally knocked something over. But after a while, he heard the sound of clattering again.

Xu Ru'an put down the tablet and called Aunt Lin, but no one responded.

So Xu Ru'an went upstairs by himself.

Strangely, the doors of the rooms of the brothers on the second floor were all closed, but the door of the innermost room was the only one that was open.

Xu Ru'an remembered that it seemed to be the room of the fifth brother whom he had never met. It was said that he was on a mission abroad and would not be back in the short term.

Xu Ru'an walked over carefully, leaned against the door, stretched his neck, and looked inside.

The curtains inside were not drawn, and the room was pitch black. Xu Ru'an could not make out anything at all.

However, Xu Ru'an could hear a faint breathing sound, and there was someone inside!

Could it be that the fifth brother of the Xu family, Shao Wanyu, had returned? Otherwise, why would there be someone in his room?

""Who's there?"

Xu Ruan was startled by the sudden voice.

He left the room and was thinking whether to leave or go in to see what was going on.

During this moment of hesitation, a pair of big hands reached out and hugged Xu Ruan.

""Child? When did you have such a small child at home?"

Xu Ru'an looked up and saw a tall man with a resolute look.

Xu Ru'an was held in his arms and could clearly feel the man's strong muscles. He must have exercised regularly.

""Kid, who are you? What are you doing in my room?"

His room, that's right, it's Xu Wanyu, the fifth son of the Xu family, that's Xu Ru'an's fifth brother.

""Fifth brother, when did you come back? Why didn't An An see you come home?"

Xu Ru'an had been sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV series since he got up in the morning. No one had come in from outside, but from the noise just now, Xu Wanyu should have just returned to the room.

"Fifth brother? Are you the child that Xu Zerui picked up and said he wanted to adopt?"

"Ah... yes."

Why did it feel like there was a hint of disgust in Xu Wanyu's eyes just now?

Xu Wanyu put Xu Ru'an down and said,"Go away, I want to sleep."

After leaving such a sentence, Xu Wanyu closed the door and left Xu Ru'an alone outside the door in a daze.

Xu Ru'an had a feeling that this fifth brother did not like him.

The book said that Xu Wanyu was the leader of the most outstanding mercenaries in the country, commanding more than 300 elite mercenaries. He not only had a cooperative relationship with the national military, but also had connections with some foreign mercenary corps.

Because the nature of his work required confidentiality, Xu Wanyu himself had always been very low-key and never appeared in the public eye. Outsiders only knew that the Xu family had a young master who was a soldier, but they didn't know that he was an extraordinary soldier.

And Xu Wanyu himself had been living outside for work and because he didn't want his family to be in danger because of him. He only returned to the Xu family on special holidays and occasions.

By the way, Xu Ru'an suddenly thought that the ending of everyone in the Xu family in the original book was very tragic, but when writing about Xu Wanyu's ending, his sister seemed to have left a foreshadowing in it.

Xu Wanyu's own martial arts index was off the charts, and few people could beat him, so the male protagonist seemed to have used other methods. There is no way to deal with him.

His ending is described like this: The seriously injured Xu Wanyu escaped under the cover of an old soldier. The male protagonist originally wanted to kill him, but he couldn't find anyone. However, even if Xu Wanyu could survive by chance, he couldn't make any waves, because he was completely useless. Without the Xu family as a backer, he was seriously injured and blinded. Even if he made a comeback, he was not worthy of the male protagonist.

Then in the finale, it was mentioned that at the wedding scene of the male and female protagonists, a guest claimed to have seen Xu Wanyu.

But the whole book has a perfect ending here, so Xu Ru'an thought that this might be a suspense left by his sister.

Xu Ru'an put his ear to the door and listened for a while. He guessed that Xu Wanyu should have gone to bed, so he didn't stay and returned to the living room.

Originally thought that after the brothers came back in the evening, Xu Wanyu would go downstairs to meet with others, but halfway through dinner, Xu Ru'an still didn't see Xu Wanyu.

【Didn't everyone know that the fifth brother was back? Didn't the fifth brother tell anyone else that he was back?

Hearing Xu Ru'an's voice, the brothers who were eating were all shocked. Xu Wanyu was back?

"Aunt Lin, is Brother Wu still sleeping? Isn't he hungry? Why didn't you ask him to come down and eat with us?"

"Young Master, the Fifth Young Master is back? But Aunt Lin doesn't know, so Aunt Lin will go upstairs now and ask the Fifth Young Master to come down for dinner."

When Aunt Lin went upstairs, Xu Yufeng asked Xu Ru'an:"How do you know your Fifth Brother is back?"

His Fifth Brother has been independent since he was a child. He likes to practice martial arts and has great kung fu. After he became an adult, he set up the current mercenary group despite the opposition of his family.

His family opposed it because they knew how dangerous this job was. Later, seeing that he was doing well and protecting himself well, they let him go.

Xu Wanyu seldom goes home. He has his own house outside. He said that he didn't want his family to be in danger because of him.

"Yes, today An An heard some noise upstairs in the living room, and when she went upstairs, she found someone in Fifth Brother’s room."

Xu Ru’an swallowed a mouthful of rice and continued,"Then I saw Fifth Brother, he said he was going to sleep, and I went downstairs for fear of disturbing him."

At this time, Aunt Lin came down alone,"Young Master, Fifth Young Master is not in the room?"

【How could this happen? I clearly saw him. When did he leave? How come no one noticed?】

"Aunt Lin, don't worry about it. It's probably my fifth brother who came back to get something and then left again."

The other brothers were no longer surprised. Xu Wanyu often did this. He came without saying hello and left without making any noise.

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