Xu Ru'an was sitting on the sofa in the lounge of the Hacker Alliance base, and opposite him were all young men.

They looked at each other, and they were all very fluent in front of the computer, but now they were timid in front of a child.

Xu Ru'an was very upset, and he wanted to say to them,"Can you get out of here?" So many people were surrounding him, and he thought he was watching monkeys in the zoo!

The reason for this scene was that he had a physical examination in the hospital today, and after his second brother confirmed that his body had recovered well, he followed Xu Zerui to the Hacker Alliance base.

When Xu Zerui appeared in the base holding him, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the base.

Because the base suddenly had a very important guest, Xu Zerui, the boss, had to receive him personally, so he could only put Xu Ru'an in the lounge and let the people in the base take good care of him.

So those who were originally curious about Xu Ru'an swarmed into the lounge and looked at Xu Ru'an.

"Brothers, An An knows that she is very cute, so everyone is staring at her, but you can't keep staring at An An, or she will be shy."

Xu Ru'an said this while making a blushing gesture

"That’s right, looking at his sultry look, he is exactly the same as the boss!"

"Yes, that’s definitely right, it’s the boss’s child!"

"Oh my god, when did the boss cause the death?"

"The boss is really amazing! He did it so quietly and even had a child!"

After hearing what they were discussing, Xu Ru'an finally understood that the reason why this group of people had been staring at him was because they were trying to confirm whether he was the son of their boss.

What a horrible idea! Their imagination was too outrageous. Xu Ru'an had to doubt himself. Did he really look so much like Xu Zerui?

This didn't seem to be the first time he heard someone say that he was Xu Zerui's son, right?

It was all Xu Zerui's fault that he was thrown here without saying anything, causing so many people to misunderstand.

And that person actually said that he was as reserved as Xu Zerui. He must be blind. When Xu Zerui came out, he would complain!

At this moment, someone shouted that the boss was coming, and the group of people immediately dispersed.

"What are you all doing here! Don't you have anything to do?"

Xu Zerui walked up to Xu Ru'an, saw his aggrieved face, and said with a smile:"Why, are you scared? Aren't you too timid?"

"No way! I'm not like you at all. An An isn't the one who's shy and reserved. Sixth Brother is! Humph, these brothers are just like Sixth Brother. They're all annoying!"

"Huh? What do you mean? I just went in for a short while, why did you scold Sixth Brother the moment you saw him?"

"Sixth brother, you should quickly explain to those brothers that An An is not your son, but your little brother."

Xu Zerui walked out of the lounge confused, grabbed a little brother at random, and finally understood what Xu Ru'an meant after some coercion and inducement.

Xu Zerui didn't know whether to laugh or cry. What were these people thinking? No wonder the little milk ball looked like this.

After Xu Zerui explained it clearly, the people in the base realized that they had misunderstood.

The people in the base saw that Xu Ru'an was cute, smart, and clever, so they all loved to tease him. Before long, Xu Ru'an felt that he had become familiar with them.

""Little Milk Ball, let's go, Su Lengyan and her cousin are here."

Xu Ru'an saw Su Lengyan again. When they were in kindergarten, Su Lengyan didn't seem to recognize her. Now they met again, looking at Su Lengyan's appearance, she still didn't recognize her.

"This little boy, you are so cute."

Because Su Lengyan is a kindergarten teacher, she has a special preference for children.

"Sister, we meet again."

"Huh? We've met before."

"My little brother is from Yingxiu Kindergarten. He was bullied a few days ago, and you were there."

After Xu Zerui's reminder, Su Lengyan finally remembered

"Ah! Little Xu Ru'an, you are Xu Zerui's younger brother."

"I'm so sorry. I just started working at Yingxiu Kindergarten. I can't interfere with what happened that day. I feel really bad for you and Xia Chuling being bullied."

Su Lengyan really lived up to her character of a saintly heroine. Tears welled up in her eyes.

Xu Ru'an turned to look at Xu Zerui and found that he was indifferent. She felt relieved.

【Fortunately, Brother Liu is not in love now, otherwise it would be difficult to talk about the following things.】

"An An, don't worry. Xiao Xuan has been expelled from the kindergarten. The principal said that the kindergarten will focus on the children's moral education in the future?"

"An'an, you and Xia Chuling can come to me if you have any problems in kindergarten."

Su Lengyan gently rubbed Xu Ru'an's head, and the man next to her began to get impatient.

""Cousin, let's talk about the important things first. Mr. Xu's time is very precious."

The person who said this was Su Lengyan's cousin Chen Wenbin. He majored in computer engineering in college. Although he had some strength, he had many minor problems and a bad temper. Recently, he had some unpleasantness with his colleagues in the company and resigned in a fit of anger.

However, he owed a lot of debts because of gambling before. Just when he was at a loss, a man came to him and gave him a sum of money and a document. He said that as long as he did what the document said, he would give him a sum of money after the matter was completed.

He was blinded by money and thought that the matter was not difficult to handle, so he agreed.

The first thing he was asked to do in the document was to find his cousin Su Lengyan and ask her to ask Xu Zerui for help and let him be Xu Zerui's assistant. Only then did Chen Wenbin know that his cousin actually knew Xu Zerui, the boss of the hacker alliance.

"Xu Zerui, thank you for your help. This is my cousin Chen Wenbin. He studies computer engineering and is looking for a job recently. He admires you very much and says you are his idol. So when he found out that you were looking for an assistant and that I knew you, he asked me to introduce you to each other."

Xu Zerui looked Chen Wenbin up and down and slowly said,"How did you know that I needed to hire an assistant? This matter should not be known to outsiders except those in our alliance."

Chen Wenbin was stunned. He really had not thought about this question, because he always did what that person told him.

"I also heard this from others...……"

"Don’t know who this other person is?"

"……This... I can't tell you. I promised someone to keep it a secret."

Chen Wenbin could only make up a story out of nothing, and he didn't know if Xu Zerui would believe it.

【Humph! You're lying! It was the male lead who asked you to come! You owed a lot of gambling debts, and you agreed to come and cause trouble for the money!】

【No, we must stop this person from being Sixth Brother's assistant! 】

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