The voice rang again, and Xu Zerui heard it clearly. From the content, it was obvious that it was said by the little boy in Su Lengyan's arms.

But why didn't the little boy speak? Xu Zerui stared at Xu Ruan intently.

【Damn! Xu Zerui, you love-brained guy has been staring at me. What on earth do you want to do? Are you trying to kill someone?】

【Are you thinking about how to kill me? Damn! I didn't expect that besides being a love-brained person, Xu Zerui is also a pervert! 】

Confirmed, this is what the little boy is saying! But this should be the boy's inner thoughts.

Xu Zerui looked at Su Lengyan and saw that she looked normal, which means that only he can hear this inner voice.

However, this little boy looks small, but he is quite courageous. Not only did he say that he was a love-brained person, he also said that he was a pervert!

"Xu Zerui, do you have anything else to say? I still need to take little brother Ru'an to the hospital."

"Send him to hospital? What happened to him?"

"Little brother Ruan is an orphan who was abandoned in the alley. He is covered in wounds. I plan to send him to the hospital first and then contact the welfare home."

"Leng Yan, you are such a kind girl"

【Humph, love-brain.】

Love-brain again! Why does this little boy keep emphasizing the word love-brain!

"Ruyan, let me hold the little brother. I'm free. The car is parked in front. I'll drive you there."

Then he carried Xu Ru'an over.

Xu Ru'an, who was held by Xu Zerui, stiffened all over instantly and trembled all over. It was so scary that he was actually held by the villain!

【Oh my god! What is this love-brained guy doing? He even wants to take me to the hospital? This doesn't fit his character! Shouldn't he kill me right away?】

【No! I almost forgot that his brother, Xu Xingyi, the second young master of the Xu family, is a doctor. Could he be trying to send him to Xu Xingyi and then let his brother kill me? 】Hmm?

This little boy actually knows his second brother Xu Xingyi?

Xu Zerui put his face close to Xu Ru'an, staring at him with a puzzled look. Looking carefully, the little boy's face was tender and plump, his eyes were round and big, black and shiny, and there was a faint smell of milk on his body. He looked a bit cute.

"What's your name, little girl?"

"……Xu Ruan"

"Oh, you have the same last name as me."

【Hehe... what do you think I think?】

My younger sister gave me the name, I don't know what she was thinking

"You are quite interesting. I will send you to my second brother first."

【Shit! Sure enough, he wants to send me to his second brother! What should I do? Am I going to die a more miserable death? 】

Why does this little milk ball always think that he will die? Xu Zerui couldn't figure it out. He thought he was quite handsome. Although his temper was not very good sometimes, he would not take it out on a child!

At this time, Su Lengyan received a call. After she hung up the phone, she looked anxious.

"Xu Zerui, I'm sorry, could you please take my little brother to the hospital? Something happened at home and I need to go back now."

"Sure, sure. Do you need me to accompany you there?"

"No need, I can do it myself, then I'll trouble you, little brother!"

After leaving this sentence, Su Lengyan got in a taxi and left

【No way, the heroine just left like that, leaving me and this love-brained guy behind! I'm dead, I'm definitely dead】

"Okay, let's go too, little milk ball."

Xu Ru'an didn't want to talk anymore. He simply closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep since he got in the car. If he hadn't been complaining in his heart, Xu Zerui would have thought he was really asleep.

【Speaking of this love-brain, it's also quite miserable. I remember Xu Zerui fell in love with the heroine at first sight, and then he became a bootlicker. As long as the heroine asked him to do something, he would do it one by one.】

【The male protagonist also took advantage of this. At the global hacker competition a month later, the female protagonist listened to the male protagonist and asked her cousin to become Xu Zerui's assistant. But in fact, this cousin's assistant had already been bribed by the male protagonist, with the purpose of staying with Xu Zerui and looking for opportunities to bring him down.

Hearing this, Xu Zerui frowned, and even the word"licking dog" came out.

And how could this little milk ball know what would happen a month later? Could it be that the little milk ball has the ability to predict the future?

【Alas, even more difficult than Xu Zerui is the genius doctor Xu Xingyi. I hope to see him later and see that he can cut me down quickly and give me a quick death because I am still a child. I am most afraid of pain.

The car quickly arrived at the underground parking lot of the hospital. After parking the car, Xu Zerui carried Xu Ru'an into the elevator and went to the office on the 7th floor to find Xu Xingyi.

"Second brother, I have something to talk to you about. Are you free?"

Xu Xingyi recognized the voice as his sixth brother Xu Zerui. He said without raising his head,"I'm not free. I have a very important operation to perform in three days. I need to look up some information."

"What kind of surgery is this? Do you need to perform it yourself?"

Xu Xingyi has had extraordinary medical skills since he was a child. He became famous for performing several difficult surgeries. After that, he was no longer satisfied with ordinary surgeries. He would only perform surgeries himself when he encountered cases that he was interested in or were very challenging. The rest were handed over to his students or other doctors.

【Important surgery? Could it be that disastrous surgery? If so, Xu Xingyi would be in trouble. The male protagonist had bribed the assistant around him. During the operation, Xu Xingyi would make a major mistake because of this assistant.】

【The patient seemed to be a big shot in the national army. Because of a surgical error, the big shot died on the spot. Xu Xingyi was sentenced to prison and was killed in prison by the family behind the big shot. 】

Hearing Xu Ru'an's words, Xu Zerui's face changed drastically.

Similarly, Xu Xingyi, who heard the voice, raised his head in surprise and looked in the direction of Xu Zerui.

Who is talking? How could this person know that I was going to perform surgery on a big shot in the army? This matter is of great importance. Except for the hospital and the big shot's family, only I know about it.

Xu Xingyi saw the child in Xu Zerui's arms, and the voice just now seemed to be the voice of a child.

"Sixth brother, who is this child? Your illegitimate child?"

【Oh my god! Is Xu Xingyi blind? How could I be the son of this love-brained guy!]

Hmm? Xu Zerui was unhappy. This little kid actually despised him?

Love-brained? Are you talking about the sixth brother?

"Second brother, you misunderstood. This little kid was... I picked him up on the roadside. He looked so pitiful because he was injured, so I planned to bring him here for you to check him out."

Xu Zerui originally wanted to say that Xu Ru'an was picked up by Su Lengyan, but when he thought of the word"love-brain", he felt a little awkward, so he just said that he was the one who picked him up.

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