"Brother Meng Fan, you are here, Brother Dong Hai is here too?"

"Yes, I'll take your brother Meng Fan and my boyfriend will come over."

Jiang Donghai, smiling, pinched Xu Ru'an's little face,"After your brother Meng Fan finishes recording the show, I'll come and pick him up to play, An'an, do you want to go with us?"

Although this was his first date with Meng Fan, An'an was so cute, and if An'an was there, he might not be so nervous, so Jiang Donghai invited Xu Ru'an.

Xu Ru'an didn't expect Jiang Donghai to be so active, but why did he have to drag him along on his date with brother Meng Fan?

"I don’t want to, I don’t want to be a light bulb!"

"Hahaha! You're so young and you still know about light bulbs!"

Jiang Donghai teased Xu Ru'an for a while before letting her go.

"Meng Fan, I'm going back first. When you finish recording the show, remember to call me and I'll pick you up."

"OK, I understand.

Jiang Donghai rubbed Meng Fan's head and said with a smile:"Then you should record the program well. We can chat when we are free. After all, I will miss you, and you should remember to miss me too."

Hearing this, Meng Fan's face suddenly turned red.

【Brother Donghai is so good! It seems that it is actually a good choice for Brother Mengfan and Brother Donghai to be together. Well, anyway, Brother Six is just a wooden man who doesn't understand romance. 】

Xu Mochen sighed on the side, An'an, is it really okay for you to make up stories about Old Six behind his back?

He looked up at Meng Fan and Jiang Donghai. The atmosphere between the two was quite good. He took out his mobile phone and secretly took a picture of this scene, and then sent it to the family chat group. It was also accompanied by a text: Warm congratulations to Meng Fan for finding a good home.

Because Meng Fan was injured before, he stayed in the Xu family for a long time, so everyone in the Xu family is very familiar with Meng Fan.

Seeing the news sent by Xu Mochen, they all sent their heartfelt blessings.

Even Yaoyao and He Youtong, who usually madly support Meng Fan and Xu Zerui CP, also sent their blessings, but Xu Zerui did not say a word.

But others didn't think much about it, just thinking that Xu Zerui might be busy with love and so didn't have time to watch this.

But what no one expected was that Xu Zerui had seen the message in the group. He was staring at the photo of Meng Fan and Jiang Donghai on the bed, and his mood became even more irritable.

After Meng Fan sent Jiang Donghai away, the other guests of the program came up to tease him, making Meng Fan blush. When he was about to be unable to bear it, the director finally announced the start of the show.

"Everyone, this is our last episode. Thank you for your hard work. In order to let everyone have a good memory at the end, after discussion, our program team decided that you don’t have to complete the last episode."

After the director finished speaking, I thought I would see everyone excited, but surprisingly, everyone seemed very calm.

"No...is this your reaction?"

"Yes, what else?"

"That's right, director, you said the same thing in the second episode, but you still screwed us in the end, so I still can't trust what you said."

"Director, just tell me straight, what are you going to do this time?"

The director smiled awkwardly. It seems that this group of people still think they have a routine, but this time it is really different.

"Listen to me, there is really no routine in this episode, it is pure fun and enjoyment, really, I am not lying to you."

The director did not waste any words and directly announced the content of this program.

Everyone realized that the director really did not lie this time, because they really had a good meal and had fun for three days and two nights of filming.

Xu Ru'an had a lot of fun. After recording the last episode, the kindergarten was closed for a few days because the winter vacation was about to begin.

"Brother Chu Ling, winter vacation is about to begin. Where are you going to go?"

On the first day of vacation, Xu Ru'an came to Xia's house to find Xia Chu Ling.

"An An is very bored. Sister Yaoyao went to her hometown with her uncle to pay respect to her grandfather. They will not be back for several days. Mom and Dad went abroad again. The other brothers are busy with work. They don’t have time to accompany An An."

An An felt a little sad. Seeing this,

Xia Chuling scooped a big spoonful of cake to An An's mouth. After watching him eat it, he comforted him:"It's okay, An An, I'm here with you. An An, where do you want to go to play? I can accompany An An."

"Yeah! Brother Chu Ling is the best!"

Xu Ru'an really has several places he wants to go. Now that he has time on vacation, he wants to go to every place to experience it.

"Brother Chuling, An An wants to go here."

An An showed Xia Chuling a tablet computer, which showed a farmhouse restaurant called Happy Villa in the suburbs.

An An is a foodie. She had seen a video about farmhouse food from a food blogger before, and she became very interested in this restaurant called Happy Villa. However, this farmhouse restaurant needs to be booked in advance, and it is located on the mountain in the suburbs, so you need to drive in. The people in the Xu family are usually very busy, so An An never mentioned that she wanted to go here.

Xia Chuling knew that An An was a foodie, so she didn't find it strange that An An wanted to go to this place. Instead, she thought An An was really cute.

""Okay, I'll make the arrangements. I saw that the introduction above said that you need to make an appointment in advance. I can't go today. I'll ask Uncle Ouyang to make an appointment first to see what time it is. Then I'll take An An with me."

An An nodded happily.

Butler Ouyang, who had been standing by, immediately called to make an appointment as Xia Chuling said.

"So besides here, is there any other place An An wants to go?"

When it comes to this, An An gets excited again.

She immediately starts to operate on the tablet, pointing to several places on it for Xia Chuling to see.

Ice and Snow World, Panda Base, Astronomy Museum...

They are all in different places, and they are quite far apart. If you go to all of them, it may be troublesome to arrange the itinerary.

However, looking at An An's shining eyes full of expectation, Xia Chuling softened her heart and agreed to all of them.

"Don't worry, An An, we will go to every place, and I will arrange the itinerary well, and I will definitely make sure you have a great time!"

""Wow! That's great! Brother Chu Ling is awesome! An An likes Brother Chu Ling the most!"

Xu Ru'an cheered and threw herself into Xia Chu Ling's arms. Xia Chu Ling smelled the sweet scent of An An and was very happy.

"Young Master, Young Master An An, I have already made an appointment, and we can go there tomorrow afternoon."

When An An heard Butler Ouyang say that they could go there tomorrow, a series of delicious food images flashed through his mind, and his mouth was about to water.

Xia Chuling looked at An An's greedy look and smiled softly.

At this moment, a voice rang out,"An An, Chu Ling, I want to go play with you too!"

An An and Xia Chu Ling heard this voice and turned their heads to look over at the same time.

"Song Cangyan?"

"Brother Cang Yan?"

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