[Wow, there are surprises everywhere today! Great job, Officer Jiang!]

Xu Ru'an covered her mouth and laughed. What kind of classic plot is this? It's too exciting. I don't know if Brother Meng Fan and Officer Jiang will have a spark of love.

Unlike Xu Ru'an and Xu Mochen who were watching the show, Xu Zerui had a dark face at the moment.

What the hell is going on! How can two grown men behave like this!

"Hey! Have you seen enough? How long are you going to keep doing this?"

Xu Zerui said unhappily. If he hadn't been holding baby An An, he would have stepped forward to pull the two people apart. Jiang Donghai also reacted at this time. He hurriedly wanted to get up and get out of the way, but his hand slipped and he fell down again.

Meng Fan also wanted to get up, and just like that, the two of them bumped into each other and kissed each other mouth to mouth.

Xu Ru'an and the others widened their eyes and opened their mouths wide!

【Oh my god! Is it so exciting? Can I watch this without paying? Sure enough, it was right to make a fuss about spending time together today, otherwise how could I see such an unforgettable scene!】

【Hehehe... Oh, I should have taken a picture just now and sent it to mom and sister Yaoyao. They will definitely scream again!】

【Oh, why did we separate? I haven't even taken a photo yet. How about letting Brother Meng Fan and Officer Jiang do it again?

Seeing that Xu Ru'an was really about to open her mouth, Xu Zerui quickly covered Xu Ru'an's mouth.

【[Wu... huh?]

Xu Ru'an looked at his sixth brother in confusion. Why didn't he let him speak?

"An An, stop making trouble. Your brother Meng Fan and brother Jiang are two men. It is wrong for them to do this!"

Xu Ru'an is not blind, nor is he a fool. Of course he knows that they are two men, but there is nothing wrong with them doing this.

And why does Sixth Brother look so unhappy?

"I'm sorry...I'm not...I……"

Jiang Donghai left Meng Fan, his face flushed, even his ears were red, and he spoke hesitantly.

"Ahem... It's okay, it's an accident, don't mind it."

Meng Fan's face also turned red, but not as exaggerated as Jiang Donghai. Relatively speaking, Meng Fan was still relatively calm.

Xu Zerui looked at the two of them and became more and more unhappy. He held An An, opened the door, and strode out.

"Sixth brother, why are you walking so fast? Aren't we waiting for fourth brother and brother Meng Fan?"

"What are you waiting for! Didn't you see that Meng Fan still looked unsatisfied? Maybe he doesn't want to leave yet!"

Xu Zerui kicked the small stone at his feet. He looked like he was angry.

"Do you think I am you! You fall in love with every girl you meet, what a scumbag!"

Meng Fan, who came out from behind, fought back directly after hearing what Xu Zerui said.

Then he got into his car without even looking at Xu Zerui.

Xu Mochen looked embarrassed,"Sixth brother, can't you just speak properly!"

"I was not wrong...……"

"Forget it, you take An An home. I've asked Hao Yang to pick me up. I still have work to do, so I won't go back with you."

"Oh, I see."

Xu Zerui carried An An into the car, turned on the navigation, and entered an address.

"Sixth brother, aren’t we going home?"

"An An, Sixth Brother and your sister Wan Qing have made an appointment to go to the mall to buy some things, so Sixth Brother will take you to meet her, okay?"

"Well, as long as Sixth Brother doesn't mind An An, the shining big light bulb, it's fine."

When Xu Zerui arrived at the entrance of the mall, he saw Jiang Wanqing at a glance.

"Sorry, there was a traffic jam on the road. Have you been waiting for a long time?"

"No, it doesn't matter, I just arrived not long ago."

Jiang Wanqing would not care about such a small matter, and this is also the reason why Xu Zerui likes Jiang Wanqing.

"Did you bring An An here too?"

"Well, you don't mind, do you?"

"Of course I don't mind, An An is so cute, let me hold him."

After taking An An from Xu Zerui, Jiang Wanqing couldn't help pinching Xu Ru'an's little face,"An An, do you still remember me, your sister?"

"Well, you are Jiang Wanqing's sister, my sixth brother's girlfriend. Wanqing sister, should I call you sister-in-law from now on?"

Jiang Wanqing laughed,"Oh, An An knows a lot. Although I have agreed to let your brother try to date him, we are not officially boyfriend and girlfriend yet."

"Late Qing, I believe we will have no problem. I have good news for you. I went to meet Brother Jiang today and gave him a commemorative edition Gundam model. He accepted it with a smile."

"I think Brother Jiang will definitely accept me, I am very confident."

For some reason, when Xu Zerui mentioned Jiang Donghai, he inexplicably thought of the scene where Meng Fan and Jiang Donghai kissed.

Xu Zerui calmed down and changed the subject.

"Wanqing, you asked me out, what do you want to buy?"

"Oh, I should have told you this earlier! I'm a step late. Sorry for the trouble."

"Hmm? What does that mean?"

"I asked you out this time because I wanted to buy a birthday present for my brother. The first suggestion I gave was to buy a Gundam model, but I didn't expect you had already given one today."

Jiang Wanqing had a headache. It would be difficult to give the same gift twice, right?

"Huh? No way, is it such a coincidence?"What a mistake. He had planned to give a gift to please Jiang Donghai before, and today he happened to go there with An An and the others, so he gave it to Jiang Donghai as well.

"Otherwise, I'll ask my friend to help me look for other styles of Gundam models?"

"I'd better not do that. My brother has been collecting Gundam models for a long time. In addition to the commemorative version I mentioned to you before, he has almost collected all the other models."

Hearing this, Xu Zerui was speechless.

"Forget it, we are here now, let's go shopping first."

Jiang Wanqing patted Xu Zerui's shoulder and comforted him.

"An An, do you want to come with your brother to attend my eldest brother's birthday party?"

"Ok, when is it?"

"Tomorrow night, let's have dinner together"

"Okay, okay, then An An, can you also invite my fourth brother and brother Meng Fan? My fourth brother and brother Meng Fan also know Officer Jiang."

"Really? I haven't heard my eldest brother mention it. It's okay. Since we know each other, just invite them. It will be more lively with more people."

Jiang Wanqing didn't care. Anyway, the two siblings have always celebrated their birthdays together.

This year, because I met Xu Zerui and An An, I thought it would be nice to celebrate together.

"Hmm! Sister Wanqing, then An An will also buy a gift for Officer Jiang later."

"Okay, then does An An have any small change?"

"Yes?! An An is very rich, and even if not, I still have Sixth Brother!"

Jiang Wanqing walked up the escalator while holding An An and talking and laughing.

But Xu Zerui, who was following behind them, suddenly lost his mood for some reason.

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