Xia Yifan, who made housekeeper Ouyang worried, was sleeping on the bed in Su Lengyan's apartment.

Su Lengyan used the money to hire gangsters to cause trouble for Xia Yifan, just to stage a good drama of a beauty saving a hero.

She had finally caught up with Xia Yifan, the big fish, and became his girlfriend. Unexpectedly, Xia Yifan proposed a breakup before she had been in the position of girlfriend for three months.

She was very unwilling. You know, she should have had two backups to choose from, but Xu Zerui and Meng Fan suddenly ignored her for some reason.

Only Xia Yifan still paid attention to her, so no matter what, she had to take this opportunity to take Xia Yifan down again.

If Xu Ru'an was here, she would be scared if she knew that the heroine Su Lengyan was such a person.

But at this moment, Xu Ru'an was comforting Xia Chuling at home

"Brother Chu Ling, don't worry. My third brother and Uncle Ouyang have already checked the surveillance cameras near the kindergarten. They will definitely be able to find Uncle Xia."

Just after hearing Xia Chu Ling say Xia Yifan is missing���Xu Ru'an was also surprised, but he soon stopped worrying.

【Xia Yifan is the main male character with an invincible aura of the protagonist, how could anything happen to him?

Xia Chuling was comforted by Xu Ru'an, so his mood had calmed down at this time.

Soon, Xu Hanwen and Butler Ouyang found Xia Yifan through the surveillance camera on the side of a small road near the kindergarten.

The surveillance video showed that Xia Yifan was suddenly surrounded by a group of gangsters, and then Xia Yifan was beaten.

A woman rushed out from behind, scared the gangsters away, and took Xia Yifan away.

In the end, only the woman could be seen helping Xia Yifan into a taxi.

Xu Hanwen found something wrong in the video, so he watched it over and over again.

"This group of hooligans should be in the same group as the woman who appeared later. Are they acting? Why?"

"Mr. Xu, do you mean that this woman didn't save my young master, but was in cahoots with these gangsters?"

"Well, look here, it's obvious that this woman was hiding here from the beginning, and here, the gang leader was obviously making a gesture to this woman, and then this woman jumped out."There must be something wrong with this woman. Although the sound of the video is not clear, just looking at these few things that are wrong, you can guess that this woman must have some idea.

""Butler Ouyang, think about it, each of these hooligans has a weapon in his hand. How could they be scared away by an unarmed woman like her? And if it was really this woman who saved Xia Yifan, a normal person would have sent the injured Xia Yifan to the hospital, right? Then why haven't you received any news yet?"

Xu Hanwen's analysis made sense, and Butler Ouyang also felt that the woman in the video was very problematic.

"Hmm? Wait a minute, I think I've seen this woman before somewhere before?"

Butler Ouyang stared at the woman who took his young master away in the video and looked at her carefully. The more he looked, the more familiar she felt.

"Isn’t that Teacher Su?"

"Yes, isn't that Su Lengyan?"

Xia Chuling and Xu Ru'an were originally waiting in the living room downstairs for news from Xu Hanwen and Butler Ouyang, but the two of them got a little impatient as they waited.

So the two of them went upstairs and entered the study.

Then they saw the woman in the video and recognized that she was Su Lengyan.

【This is strange. What is the heroine Su Lengyan doing? Aren't she and the hero Xia Yifan already together? Why did she secretly take Xia Yifan away?】

"Su Lengyan? Yes, that's her. Some time ago, she did date the young master, but they broke up later. The young master never contacted her afterwards, but why did she take the young master away?"

Hearing An An mention the heroine, Xu Hanwen also remembered that this woman was the woman that the sixth brother liked before. If it weren't for An An's appearance, the sixth brother would probably have become this woman's licker.

"It will be easy if we know who this woman is. I will contact the police immediately and they will find Xia Yifan soon."

""That's great, thank you Mr. Xu."

Just as Xu Hanwen said, the police quickly found Xia Yifan's current location.

Butler Ouyang took Xia Chuling, Xu Hanwen took An An, and the four of them followed the police to Su Lengyan's apartment.

Originally, they didn't want the two children to come with them, but Xia Chuling was worried about Xia Yifan and insisted on going together.

And An An wanted to follow Xia Chuling to watch the fun, of course, this was what he really thought, and his thoughts were heard by Xu Hanwen, so Xu Hanwen took him with him.

The police knocked on the door of Su Lengyan's apartment,"Open the door, the police are checking the room!"

This shout startled Su Lengyan inside.

At this time, Su Lengyan had just taken off her and Xia Yifan's clothes. When she heard that the police were looking for her, she gritted her teeth and chose to continue her plan.

She quickly turned on the camera function of her mobile phone, and with a few clicks, she took a few indecent photos of herself and Xia Yifan.

As soon as she saved the photos, the police broke in.

Then, the door of the room was kicked open.

Xu Hanwen and An An walked in front, and Butler Ouyang and Xia Chuling followed closely behind.

There was a group of police at the back.

As soon as they walked into the room, they saw Su Lengyan wrapped herself in a quilt, looking frightened.

"What are you doing? How can you just barge into someone else's house?"

Xu Hanwen and Butler Ouyang each covered their children's eyes, not wanting them to see such an unbearable scene.

""Miss Su, please put on your clothes and accept our police investigation!"

The leading police officer stood up and spoke.

Su Lengyan put on her clothes tremblingly, and then got out of bed with an aggrieved look.

I don't know if it was because the room was noisy at the moment, Xia Yifan's eyes moved, as if he was about to wake up.

But the people present were all paying attention to Su Lengyan, and did not notice the situation on Xia Yifan's side.

"Why are there police here? I didn't do anything bad. I was just sleeping in the room with my boyfriend."

"Miss Su, my young master broke up with you a long time ago. You are no longer in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. You asked the thugs to beat up my young master and then secretly took him away. This is considered kidnapping. I certainly have the right to call the police."

"What! How is it possible! I didn't do that at all, how could you slander me like this, Butler Ouyang!"

Su Lengyan burst into tears,"Wu... Yifan and I just had a quarrel as lovers, I didn't want to break up with him, and I love him very much, how could I hurt him, I just happened to pass by there today and saved him.……"

"How can you slander me like this! I brought him home to take care of him, and I didn't want to do anything to him! You are too much!"

Su Lengyan cried so pitifully that the police beside her couldn't help but be moved.

""Master Xu, is there any misunderstanding here?"

Xu Hanwen sneered. Misunderstanding? This woman is clearly acting, and she's doing a good job!

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