Xu Mochen picked up Xu Ru'an and pinched his cheek,"Little guy, are you hurt?"

Xu Ru'an shook his head,"No, but if Fourth Brother doesn't come, I might get hurt."

He was right. After all, some people might not do something extreme when they are angry.

""Principal, what's wrong with your kindergarten? How can you tolerate such vulgar people making a scene here?"

The principal was so guilty that he couldn't say a word. What he feared came true.

"Are you the parent of this child?"

Xu Mochen glanced at Xue Dongyue and Xu Fuhai with a cold look in his eyes,"Do you have any advice?"

Xu Mochen made the couple feel that he must not be offended, especially Xue Dongyue, who froze after seeing Xu Mochen's face clearly.

"You...you are Xu Yingdi?"

As an internet celebrity, Xue Dongyue knew a lot about the entertainment industry, not to mention a legendary figure like Xu Mochen.

Xue Dongyue also knew that Xu Mochen was the fourth young master of the Xu family. She looked at the child held by Xu Mochen and was immediately panicked.

This time, their family had hit a wall. This child was actually Xu Yingdi's younger brother?

""I'm sorry, Mr. Xu, we are the ones who offended your brother. We didn't recognize the great man and offended him."

Xue Dongyue put on a flattering face and pulled her son to the front,"Son, hurry up and apologize to this kid!"

Xiaoxuan must be unhappy. He didn't understand why his mother, who always loved him, suddenly changed her face.

He shook off his mother's hand,"I won't apologize! I didn't do anything wrong!"

Xue Dongyue didn't dare to indulge him now. If he didn't apologize today and didn't make Mr. Xu and the others calm down, then their family would never see the sun tomorrow.

Xu Fuhai also saw that something was wrong with his wife. Mr. Xu, the last name of Xu, was the one who scared his wife. Suddenly, a bad idea flashed through his mind, and Xu Fuhai's legs went weak.

Xu Fuhai also pressed his son down and apologized,"I'm really sorry. It's my husband and I who didn't discipline Xiaoxuan well. Please forgive us this time, Mr. Xu."

Seeing Xu Mochen didn't say anything, Xu Fuhai hardened his heart. He put Xiaoxuan upside down on his knees and slapped Xiaoxuan on the butt.

Xiaoxuan screamed and cried,"Wow! I'm going to go back and tell grandpa and grandma that dad beat their precious grandson!"

Xu Fuhai was angry and slapped him several times in a row.

Xiaoxuan was hurt and burst into tears out of grievance.

Xue Dongyue felt sorry for her son watching from the side, but she knew very well that if she didn't do this, their family would suffer greatly.

"Humph! Who are you acting for here? Do you think you can just get over it by hitting me a few times?"

"Sixth brother, you are here too?"

As soon as Xu Zerui received the message, he immediately rushed to the kindergarten. His little girl was actually bullied in the kindergarten. How could that be?

Xu Zerui hugged Xu Ru'an and said,"Little girl, you are not hurt, are you?"

Xu Ru'an was a little touched. The two brothers who came over immediately asked if he was hurt. This made him feel sweetly loved.

【That's great. Thank you for pampering me.】

"My eldest brother and his friends have important matters to deal with, so they can't come here right away. But they all said that whoever bullies our young master will pay a heavy price."

"So, don’t be afraid, little girl. With your brothers here, no one can bully you!"


Xu Ru'an was warm and loving, while Xue Dongyue looked ridiculous.

Xiaoxuan didn't know when he broke free from Xu Fuhai's control. He covered his aching butt and ran towards Xia Chuling fiercely.

Xiaoxuan originally wanted to seek revenge on Xu Ru'an, but he was being held by his brother and couldn't reach him, so he set his target on Xia Chuling, whom he already hated.

His action was just seen by Xu Ru'an, who quickly shouted at Xia Chuling:"Brother Xia Chuling, be careful!"

Xia Chuling also noticed Xiaoxuan rushing towards him. He reacted quickly and dodged to the side quickly, but Xiaoxuan missed and fell to the ground due to excessive impact. It was probably because he was hurt by the fall, and he immediately burst into tears.

Xue Dongyue helped him up with heartache and coaxed him in a gentle voice, but Xiaoxuan still hated being beaten and scolded by the two of them. He didn't appreciate it at all and cried and made a fuss.

Xu Ru'an was having a headache because of the noise, so he whispered in Xu Zerui's ear:"Sixth brother, he is so noisy, I don't want to stay here, it's so noisy!"

Xu Zerui had the same idea,"Director, we in the Xu family will get to the bottom of what happened today. It's too noisy here, and our little girl doesn't want to stay here, so we'll go back first."

After that, Xu Zerui hugged Xu Ru'an, and Xu Mochen walked behind them and left the office together.

Xia Chuling just frowned and glanced at the director, and then said nothing, and followed Xu Ru'an out.

Xia Chuling followed Xu Ru'an to the door of the kindergarten, only to realize that he didn't seem to have notified his family to pick him up, so he couldn't leave the kindergarten without permission.

Xu Ru'an also saw Xia Chuling following them, so he motioned Xu Zerui to put him on the ground

"Brother Xia Chuling, are you leaving the kindergarten too?"

"without me……"

Xia Chuling blushed and said in an unnatural whisper,"Thank you."

Xia Chuling actually said thank you to him? Xu Ru'an was stunned, then came to his senses and smiled happily,"You're welcome."

Very good, finally there is a good development with Xia Chuling

��"Brother Xia Chuling, can you be my friend?"

To show his friendliness, Xu Ru'an took Xia Chuling's hand and asked Xia Chuling with a smile.

Xia Chuling stared at Xu Ru'an's smile blankly. His heartbeat accelerated at this moment. He couldn't describe what he felt in his heart at this moment.

""No way?"

Xu Ru'an lowered his head in disappointment. Sure enough, Xia Chuling was not so easy to conquer.

Seeing Xu Ru'an so disappointed, Xu Zerui and Xu Mochen who were watching on the side were a little unhappy. Just as they were about to blame Xia Chuling for not knowing what was good for them, they heard Xia Chuling say,"I am willing to be friends with you."

Hearing this, Xu Ru'an became happy again.

"Great, Brother Chu Ling is the first friend I have ever made."

【So, Xia Chuling, I will treat you well in the future. Can you please not turn evil?】

【As long as Xia Chuling doesn't turn evil and still cares about me as his good friend, he shouldn't help the male lead to cause trouble for the Xu family, so my brother and I will have more protection.

After hearing Xu Ru'an's thoughts at this moment, Xu Zerui became more considerate of Xia Chuling.

Xu Mochen picked up Xu Ru'an and looked down at Xia Chuling,"Thank you for becoming good friends with my little one."

Xia Chuling nodded, and he returned to his usual indifference to Xu Mochen.

"Gone, the little guy said goodbye to others"

"Goodbye, Brother Chu Ling. I am going home with my brothers. See you at school tomorrow."

"Well, see you tomorrow, An An."

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