Compared with the first day's recording, the second day's recording went relatively smoothly.

""Have the police found anything?"

Meng Fan helped Xiao Chengzi put on her clothes, then asked Xu Mochen next to him.

Xu Mochen shook his head,"There's not much progress. There are no cameras here, and we're the only ones who have seen those two people. We only have verbal descriptions, so it will be difficult for the police to find them."

"However, I heard that another police officer will be sent over to investigate the situation. I heard that this police officer is quite capable. We will see when the time comes."

"Fourth brother, Xiao Chengzi and I are going to do the task."

Xu Ru'an picked up the small basket given by the program team. The last task for him and Xiao Chengzi was to pick mushrooms in the small woods on the back mountain.

Last night, the program team showed them pictures of mushrooms and explained the content of the task. As long as they picked three different varieties of mushrooms, they would complete the task.

"Okay, An An, remember to be careful. If you encounter bad people, you must protect yourself and don't trust strangers easily.……"

Xu Mochen has been unhappy since he was attacked yesterday. He is afraid that An An will also be in danger.

"I understand, Fourth Brother, don't worry, An An is very capable, and there are two photographers accompanying us, nothing will happen."

Xu Ru'an certainly knew what Fourth Brother was worried about, but he really felt that nothing would happen. During this period, the master had been educating him through video chats, and he really learned a lot of skills. In a critical moment, he can also protect himself.

Meng Fan also patiently reminded Xiao Chengzi to pay attention to safety. Xiao Chengzi was quite carefree. Although she knew that her uncle was in danger yesterday, she forgot about what happened yesterday after a day.

"No, I'm still worried, An An, why don't we just give up on this mission?"

Meng Fan also had this idea. He felt depressed and uneasy.

"Ah! Xiao Chengzi wants to pick mushrooms. Xiao Chengzi has never picked mushrooms before!"

For Xiao Chengzi, picking mushrooms is a very fun thing, so she doesn't want to give up the task at all.

Xu Ru'an thought about it and decided to continue to complete the task.

"Fourth brother, the task is very simple and can be completed quickly. I will be careful."

However, Xu Ru'an soon found that he had said it too early.

He found that he was lost, and what was worse was that he seemed to have lost Xiao Chengzi and the others. There was no trace of them anywhere.

Now, he, Xu Ru'an, was the only one here.

""Xiao Chengzi! Cameraman! Where are you?"

Xu Ru'an shouted the names of others, hoping that they would hear his calls and respond.

But apart from the echo, there was no sound at all.

It was so strange. Xu Ru'an remembered that he was holding Xiao Chengzi's hand in the last second, but the next second Xiao Chengzi and the others disappeared.

A light mist seemed to appear suddenly around, and there was a faint fragrance in the air.

Xu Ru'an always felt that the surroundings were unusually quiet, so quiet that it was a little unreasonable.

He didn't dare to go on, but stopped and carefully observed the situation around him.

At this time, footsteps were heard behind him.

A white-haired old man walked out silently, which scared Xu Ru'an.

""Whose child are you from? Why are you here alone? Are you lost?"

Although the old man looked kind and friendly, he was still a stranger who suddenly appeared, so it was better not to pay too much attention to him.

Xu Ru'an retreated to a safe distance from the old man, and then looked at him cautiously.

"Don't be afraid, little friend. I mean no harm to you. I'm a good person. It's not safe here. I'll take you back to your family."

Xu Ru'an shook his head and refused,"No need to trouble you, Grandpa."

Seeing Xu Ru'an's refusal, the old man didn't get angry. Instead, he squatted down and patiently advised:"Little friend, you see it's starting to fog up now. It's really worrying for you to stay here alone. I'll take you back."

Xu Ru'an looked around, and the fog seemed to be getting heavier.

He hesitated. It was indeed a little dangerous for him to stay here alone, and he promised his fourth brother that he would be fine.

""Okay, I'll trouble you, Grandpa."

Xu Ru'an finally compromised, but he didn't get too close to the old man, but chose to follow him.

After walking a short distance, the old man stopped and stretched out his hand to Xu Ru'an.

"Come on, kid, let me carry you. This road is not easy to walk on, don’t fall down."

Xu Ru’an still refused,"Grandpa, I’m very heavy, it will be very hard for you to carry me and walk, I’ll just walk behind you.""

"Then hold my hand and walk with me. I'm afraid you won't be able to keep up and get lost."

Xu Ru'an still didn't let down his guard. Facing the old man's request, he didn't dare to agree easily.

"Grandpa, I'm grown up now, I don't need an adult to hold my hand"

"Oh well……"

For some reason, Xu Ru'an always felt that there was a very special fragrance flowing in the air, a feeling that was hard to describe.

He began to feel drowsy, and in order to stay awake, he pinched his thigh hard.

The tingling sensation stimulated his nerves and prevented him from getting dizzy.

Xu Ru'an began to feel a little tired, and it seemed as if he had been walking on this road for a long time.

As if seeing that Xu Ru'an was tired, the old man stopped and said,"Little friend, let's sit down and rest for a while before continuing."

Xu Ru'an nodded in agreement and walked to a rock and sat down.

""Little boy, you must be thirsty after walking for so long. I have some water here. Would you like a drink?"

As he spoke, the old man handed over a bottle of water.

Xu Ru'an licked his dry lips. Although he was thirsty, it was better not to drink the water casually.

"Thank you, Grandpa. I'm not thirsty."

After sitting for a while, the two of them got up and continued to move forward.

Xu Ru'an and the old man did not notice that there was a figure following them.

This person was Song Cangyan.

In fact, the program team gave the same task to the children, which was to pick mushrooms.

So the five children were all doing the task in the same location.

Song Cangyan had already spotted Xu Ru'an, but he found it strange that Xu Ru'an followed a stranger.

What was even stranger was that Xu Ru'an followed the stranger deep into the woods, and the task of picking mushrooms did not require going deep into the woods.

Song Cangyan realized that there must be something wrong here, and after his face sank, he followed.

He originally wanted to go over and pull Xu Ru'an away, but he was afraid that he would rashly alarm the stranger, and then he would do something bad to hurt Xu Ru'an.

Seeing that Xu Ru'an followed the stranger deeper and deeper, Song Cangyan could not care less and quickly stood in front of Xu Ru'an.

""An'an, don't go any further!"

Xu Ru'an looked at Song Cangyan who suddenly appeared in surprise,"Song Cangyan, why are you here?"

The old man walking in front turned his head after hearing Song Cangyan's voice.

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