"Xu Ru'an! It's you again! Why did you steal my things?"

To Xixi, this MV shooting work belonged to her. Even if she didn't want it anymore, she would not allow others to take it, especially when that someone was Xu Ru'an.

Xixi pointed at Xu Ru'an and said angrily:"Xu Ru'an, why are you so annoying! Why do you always come to steal my things!"

Xu Ru'an was speechless. When did he steal her things?

"Xixi, what are you talking about? An'an, I never stole your things!"

Xu Mochen also felt that Xixi was a bit weird and talking nonsense. He suppressed his anger and said nothing. After all, the other party was a little girl, and he, a grown man, couldn't argue with her.

Xu Mochen held An'an and prepared to take a detour to leave without paying attention to Xixi.

Unexpectedly, Hao Mengling also walked in front of them and sneered at them.

"It's you again. You like to pick up things that others don't want. You are an actor, but you do such a shameless thing. You are really shameless."

Hao Mengling, like Xixi, has no good feelings towards Xu Mochen and Xu Ru'an for making her lose face again and again.

"Who are you calling shameless? Hao Mengling, I was giving you face by calling you a senior before. Don't be so arrogant. Others may have to look up to you to behave, but I don't need them to!"

Xu Mochen was angry. This woman repeatedly said some unpleasant words in front of An An. He didn't care before, but it didn't mean that he was afraid of her husband who was a member of parliament.

"What? Did I say something wrong? My Xixi had already signed a contract with Liu Luoxi and the others. If my Xixi hadn't been filming an advertisement for a well-known foreign brand and had no time, do you think this job opportunity would have come to you?"

Hao Mengling looked so proud that Xu Ru'an felt sick and wanted to vomit.

【Humph! What's so arrogant about that!】

"Humph! What's so arrogant about that! Isn't it just an advertisement for a brand spokesperson? Do you think we can't find one with our Xu family's ability? Are you kidding? Our baby An An has all kinds of filming jobs she wants. Do you need to give her charity?"

【Hmm? Although what Fourth Brother said was very domineering, I like it very much, but why is the first sentence exactly the same as what I just thought in my heart? 】

Xu Mochen smiled at An An with a guilty conscience. He just heard what An An was thinking and then said it out accidentally.

"Mo Chen is right. My An An doesn't need your charity. Hao Mengling, who do you think you are? How dare you say that about our baby An An!"

Chu Yaxin came over with her assistant. She had just packed up her things and wanted to meet up with An An and the others before leaving. Unexpectedly, she heard Hao Mengling's unpleasant words as soon as she came out.

Hao Mengling saw Chu Yaxin and felt that she looked familiar.

"Who are you?"

"What? Miss Hao has such a bad memory? We just met a few days ago, how can you forget it so quickly? Yes, Miss Hao probably only remembers my partner."

After hearing Chu Yaxin mention the word partner, I immediately remembered it.

"It's Miss Chu? Why are you here?"

"Don't you know? Didn't my partner tell you? I am the costume designer for Liu Luoxi's new song MV"


Hao Mengling really didn't know. Although she signed the contract on behalf of Xixi, she didn't read the contents carefully, nor did she deliberately understand the personnel arrangements.

"Sorry, this is my oversight, but Miss Chu, aren't you being too partial? From what you just said, it seems that you and Xu Ru'an are very familiar with them."

"Of course, little An An is my godson and the exclusive little model of my studio."

Chu Yaxin took An An from Xu Mochen and kissed his little face.

"An An, my godmother's studio will be renovated soon. Would you like to go with me to take a look when the time comes?"


Xu Ru'an nodded happily and agreed.

Studio? Hao Mengling was puzzled. Isn't Chu Yaxin's studio abroad?

Hao Mengling and Chu Yaxin have a special partnership, so she is very familiar with the affairs of their brand studio.

This time, she and Xixi were able to win the job of brand spokesperson because of this relationship.

Thinking of this, Hao Mengling felt more confident.

"Miss Chu, I can understand that you have a good relationship with Xu Ru'an, but you can't treat us like this just because of your relationship. Isn't this blurring the distinction between public and private?"

"No distinction between public and private? So Miss Hao also knows that no distinction between public and private?"

Chu Yaxin looked at Hao Mengling meaningfully.

Hao Mengling was a little puzzled, and always felt that her eyes were a little strange.

"I don't quite understand what Miss Chu means"

"I just wanted to praise you for being self-aware, but I didn't expect it was too early. Are you pretending to be confused now?"

Hao Mengling didn't understand what Chu Yaxin meant.

"Why am I pretending to be confused? Miss Chu's words are really confusing."

"Oh, really? I thought you were quite smart. You still don’t understand what I have said. It seems that you are not very smart."

Chu Yaxin glanced at her coldly, her face full of disgust.

Everyone else could see that Chu Yaxin disliked Hao Mengling very much, and every word she said was tit-for-tat.

Only Xixi didn’t see it, and she just felt that her mother didn’t know what to say to these lowly people.

Yes, you heard it right. In the heart of this child Xixi, she felt that these people in front of her were lowly people.

Because she grew up abroad with her grandparents since she was a child, and her grandparents educated her in this way. People in this country cannot compare to them, foreigners, and they are superior to others.

It can be said that this child Xixi has been corrupted by these arrogant education methods abroad.

""Mom, why are you still talking to them? Please help me get rid of Xu Ru'an. He is so annoying. He always comes to steal my things!"

Xixi still pointed at An'an. She must teach him a lesson today.

An'an just thought that Xixi was ridiculous.

Chu Yaxin disliked Xixi since she saw her when she was shooting the commercial that day. She had no manners at all.

""Xixi, didn't your family teach you that it's impolite to point your finger at someone and scold them?"

Chu Yaxin said calmly, but her tone was cold.

Hao Mengling knew that Chu Yaxin was angry, and because she was the founder of the brand studio, Hao Mengling apologized.

""I'm sorry, my Xixi is still young. Her father, grandparents and I all spoil her. So she will throw a tantrum whenever she is wronged. She doesn't mean anything else, she just feels uncomfortable. After all, something that originally belonged to her was taken away, and anyone would feel bad."

Hao Mengling's words were very effective. On the surface, he was apologizing, but in fact, he agreed with Xixi's words, thinking that it was Anan who took Xixi's things and Xixi was wronged.

So these words were particularly harsh to Chu Yaxin and the others.

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