Meng Fan followed Xu Ru'an and the others back to Xu's house. Xu Mochen came back a little earlier than them. After all, he just came back after recording a statement, so he didn't stay for too long.

"Hmm? Meng Fan, why are you here?"

"Fourth brother, it was An An who invited Brother Meng Fan to stay at our house first. Brother Meng Fan was injured and there was no one to take care of him at home. An An wanted to wait until Brother Meng Fan recovered before going back."

"Ah? Oh, that's right, then you should listen to An An and stay at our house to recover."

Meng Fan knew that everyone in the Xu family doted on Xu Ru'an, but he didn't expect that they would dote on her to such an extent and cooperate with Xu Ru'an unconditionally.

"Hmm? Are there any guests?"

He Youtong heard the voices outside the room. She guessed that it was An An and the others who came back, so she went downstairs.

When He Youtong saw her sixth son holding a strange man, and their clothes were stained with blood, her face changed immediately.

"Lao Liu, what did you do?"

"Mom, I didn't do anything."

Xu Zerui didn't understand why his mother's face turned so ugly.

"Did you go out to fight? And you made him look like this!"

He Youtong thought Xu Zerui had gone out to cause trouble. Her sixth son has loved making trouble since he was a child, and his personality is not stable at all. She thought that now that he has grown up, he should be more restrained, but he still made him look like this. That would have been fine, but he even wanted to bring him home and hide him.

Although their Xu family is the richest family with a superior status and position, and her sons all love their younger brother, it does not mean that their Xu family can do such a cruel thing!

Xu Zerui and his friends did not know how many bloody plots their mother had imagined in her head.

Seeing that his mother did not speak, Xu Zerui planned to let Meng Fan change his clothes first. His clothes were still stained with blood, and he must be uncomfortable.

"Come on, I'll take you to the guest room first, and then I'll get you a set of my clothes for you to change into."

"Oh, okay, but don't I have to say hello to your mother first?"

"Wait a minute, change your clothes first, I'm afraid you'll scare my mom"

"Oh, okay."

Meng Fan thought about it and felt that he was a little rude, so he decided to listen to Xu Zerui and change into clean clothes before coming down.

After Xu Zerui and Meng Fan went upstairs, He Youtong came back to his senses.

"Eh? Where's Lao Liu?"

"Mom, Sixth Brother took Brother Meng Fan upstairs to change clothes."

"Brother Meng Fan? Who is he? No, now is not the time to ask this. It's terrible. Fourth brother, quickly ask your father and your eldest brother and second brother to come back home!"

Sixth brother is in big trouble. As a mother, she must save him!

Seeing He Youtong's solemn expression, Xu Mochen also became nervous.

"Mom, what happened?"

"Of course, didn't you see it just now? Something big is going to happen to your sixth brother!"

"Huh? Something big happened to Old Six? What big thing?"

Xu Mochen was a little confused. He and Xu Zerui had just separated not long ago. Now he and Meng Fan have returned home, right? What big thing could have happened?

Even Xu Ru'an was puzzled, but looking at He Youtong's face, she was indeed worried and nervous.

"Mom, what happened to Sixth Brother?"

""Alas, An'an, it's all mom's fault. Your sixth brother did such a thing because I spoiled him too much!"

He Youtong felt heartbroken. Before An'an came to the Xu family, Xu Zerui was the youngest son of the Xu family, so He Youtong was more or less partial to him.

Therefore, Xu Zerui's somewhat spoiled character was also spoiled. The more He Youtong thought about it, the sadder she became, and she couldn't help but reddening her eyes.

This scared Xu Mochen and Xu Ru'an. What was going on? Their mother actually cried?

Although Xu Mochen didn't know what Xu Zerui had done, seeing his mother like this, he didn't dare to delay at all. He immediately called Xu Qingfeng and others and asked them to go home immediately.

Xu Ru'an pulled He Youtong to sit on the sofa. Mo Yaoyao was reading in her room.

When she heard the noise downstairs, she wondered if An'an had returned home, so she also went downstairs.

""An'an, you're back."

She saw An'an handing He Youtong a tissue and comforting him, and she was also worried.

"Yaoyao, come here.

He Youtong pulled An An and Yaoyao over and hugged them.

"An'an, Yaoyao, you must not learn from your sixth brother. You must be good children, okay?"

Yaoyao and An'an looked at each other, and they saw the two words"bewildered" in each other's eyes.

【Sixth brother, what did you do? How did you make mom like this?

Xu Zerui upstairs had no idea about his mother's situation downstairs. He was helping Meng Fan adjust the temperature of the bath water.

"Be careful, the doctor told you not to get this wound wet!"

"Got it, long-winded"

"Do you think I'm nagging? Good intentions don't get good rewards. You have injuries on your body but you still insist on taking a shower. I don't know what you are thinking!"

Meng Fan was too lazy to pay attention to him,"Okay, you can go now!"

""Oh! You told me to get out? If it weren't for your injury, I would have given you two punches!"

Xu Zerui hung his clothes on the wall and walked out of the bathroom.

He was afraid that Meng Fan would have an accident in the bathroom, after all, he was still injured, so he sat outside playing with his phone and waiting for him to come out.

At this time, downstairs, the hall was full of people.

Seeing He Youtong's red eyes, Xu Qingfeng was furious.

"Wife, what's wrong with you? Which bastard bullied you?"

"Oh, it's Lao Liu."

"What! This brat actually dared to bully you! He rebelled! Where is he now? I must kill him!"

Compared to Xu Qingfeng's irritability, the eldest brother Xu Yufeng and the third brother Xu Hanwen were much calmer.

They knew exactly what kind of person Xu Zerui was. Even if he loved to play tricks, he would never bully his own mother.

"Dad, please calm down first. Is there any misunderstanding?"

"Yes, Mom, please tell me clearly, what did Laoliu do to offend you?"

"Well, let your fourth brother speak, he has seen it too, I am still angry and don't want to talk about it."

So Xu Qingfeng and the other brothers looked at Xu Mochen.

Xu Mochen was confused, why were they looking at him? He didn't know!

"Mom, I don't know? What do you want me to say?"

"Are you trying to protect your sixth brother?"

"No... I really don't know! Mom, could you really be mistaken?"

Xu Ru'an stared at He Youtong and Xu Mochen, something flashed through his mind, and he seemed to understand something vaguely.

【Mom must have misunderstood, is it because of Brother Meng Fan? I remember when Mom met Brother Meng Fan, she seemed to have asked Brother Six a question.……】

Hearing An An's voice, Xu Mochen also remembered

"Mom, did you misunderstand something because you saw Meng Fan?"

"Who is Meng Fan? Aren't you talking about how Lao Liu bullied your mom? How come another stranger popped up?"

Xu Qingfeng thought it was outrageous. He didn't want to care about these strangers at all. He wanted to know where the brat Lao Liu was.

He dared to bully his dear wife, he was simply courting death!

Even if Xu Zerui was his son, his own son, there was no room for negotiation!

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