"An An, what's wrong with you? Wake up!"

Xu Mochen patted Xu Ru'an's little face anxiously.

No one knew what happened. When Xu Mochen returned home with An An, who had fallen asleep, he suddenly heard An An screaming.

Xu Zerui heard the sound and went downstairs to check. Then he heard An An screaming something like"Run, Brother Meng Fan, there is danger" or something like that.

"What happened to An An?"

"I don't know, it just happened all of a sudden."

Xu Ru'an suddenly opened his eyes, and what came into his sight were the worried faces of his sixth and fourth brothers.

"Sixth brother, hurry up, go find Brother Meng Fan, he is in danger!"

Xu Ru'an knew that he had a nightmare again, and nightmares meant that something bad was about to happen.

So he was very worried about Brother Meng Fan's safety, and he didn't know if it was too late to stop it now.

Seeing that Sixth Brother was staring at him motionlessly, Xu Ru'an was very anxious,"Sixth brother, why are you still looking at me like an idiot! I asked you to go... Forget it, I'll go and ask myself!"

Xu Ru'an called Brother Meng Fan.

"Brother Meng Fan, are you okay? Where are you now?"

"Huh? I'm fine, what happened? I just asked my agent to send Xiao Chengzi home, and I'm getting a haircut now."

Fortunately, nothing happened, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

"Brother Meng Fan, do you believe me?"

"An An, are you okay? What's wrong? Why do you sound weird now?"

"Brother Meng Fan, listen to me, you will be in danger soon. You have to trust me. Don’t leave alone after you get your hair cut. Send me your address, and I will go to find you with Sixth Brother and the others right now. Do you understand?"

"This... An An, are you guys coming to see me?"

"Yes, Brother Meng Fan, you are not safe now!"

Someone is looking for you with a knife, An An couldn't say this.

"An An, what can happen to an adult like me? I can go back by myself. There’s no need for you to come here specially, right?"

"No, Brother Meng Fan, you have to be obedient, otherwise An An will not be friends with you!"


In the end, Meng Fan compromised. He promised An An that he would be obedient and wait for them at the barber shop until An An and the others arrived.

But this was Xu Zerui's turn to not understand.

"An An, how do you know Meng Fan will be in danger?"

【Should I tell my fourth and sixth brothers? I had a nightmare, and then the nightmare came true. This kind of thing is a bit outrageous. Normal people shouldn't believe it. 】

Looking at An An's tangled look, Xu Mochen patted Xu Zerui on the back of his head with his big hand.

"An An, just do whatever we ask you to do. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

"Oh, fourth brother, I get it, but please don’t hit me on the head again, okay? Don’t you know it hurts?"

Xu Zerui touched the aching back of his head, looking aggrieved.

Then after cleaning up, Xu Mochen and Xu Ru'an, who had just returned home, got back to the car.

The driver was Xu Zerui,"An'an, do we really need to go over there? In fact, Meng Fan is a Taekwondo master. I heard that he has been practicing since he was a child. Most people can't beat him."


Xu Ru'an was stunned. He really didn't know. He just saw that the man was carrying a knife, and then subconsciously felt scared and worried.

"But that person might have brought a knife. Can Brother Meng Fan’s fist compare to a knife?"

"This... well, maybe it won't work."

Then Xu Zerui stepped on the accelerator and accelerated.

After Meng Fan in the barber shop hung up An An's phone call, he was a little confused.

Why was An An so sure that she would be in danger?

And didn't Xu Zerui tell An An that he was a Taekwondo master and there was nothing to be afraid of?

"Meng Fan?"

Hearing someone calling his name, Meng Fan looked up.

"Su Lengyan? Why are you here?"

"What a coincidence! I was having dinner with a friend nearby. She said she wanted to come here to wash her hair, so I accompanied her. I didn't expect to meet you here."

"It's quite a coincidence indeed."

Meng Fan didn't want to see Su Lengyan at this moment, although he had pursued this woman for a while because of Xu Zerui.

"By the way, are you okay?"


Su Lengyan pointed at Meng Fan's head.

"Did you cut your hair because someone threw paint on you?"

"Oh, yes."

Su Lengyan felt a little sympathetic towards Meng Fan, thinking that he was a star, and his hairstyle was very important, but now he was like this.

But it was okay for Meng Fan, he didn't really shave his hair, he just cut it short, so it looked a little bald.

Anyway, his hair always grew very fast, so he didn't care at all.

After Su Lengyan comforted him for a few words, she saw her friend coming out.

"Leng Yan, why don’t you go back first? I suddenly want to do my hair. It may take a long time. Don’t you have to go to work tomorrow?"

"Is that so? Okay, I won't wait for you anymore. I'll go back first."

"Okay, are you okay with this alone? Or should I ask my boyfriend to come and take you back?"

"No, I can do it alone."

Su Lengyan picked up her backpack and waved to Meng Fan,"Meng Fan, I'm leaving first."

Meng Fan sighed and stood up,"Su Lengyan, it's too late, it's not safe for you to go alone, I'll take you there."

"Ah, it won't be too much trouble for you, right?"

"It's okay, I don't have anything to do here, where are you going?"

Meng Fan and Su Lengyan walked out of the barber shop together.

"Thank you, Meng Fan. The subway station is just in front. You can just take me there."


Anyway, it's not far. An An and the others should still be on the way and won't be here soon. He can just rush back to the barber shop and wait for them.

But Meng Fan didn't know that there was a stranger following them.

As the person behind got closer and closer, Meng Fan realized something was wrong.

He pulled Su Lengyan's wrist and brought the person behind him to protect her,"Who are you? What's your purpose in following us!"

"Humph! Meng Fan, you shameless pretty boy!"

At this time, with the dim light, Su Lengyan and Meng Fan saw that the man was holding a knife in his hand.

Su Lengyan was frightened and couldn't help but grab Meng Fan's arm.

Meng Fan's heart sank. It turned out that An An really didn't lie. He was really in danger. It was obvious that this man's target was him.

"Calm down and don't do anything stupid!"

Meng Fan wanted to persuade this man, but he became even more excited.

"Humph, let me tell you, I'm very calm. I'm looking for you, Meng Fan. How dare you scold my goddess and cause trouble for her? I want you to know what the consequences of offending my goddess are!"

Meng Fan understood as soon as he heard this,"Are you a fan of that woman Hao Mengling?"

Damn it, it's this damn woman again!

"Go to hell, Meng Fan!"

Meng Fan knew that he couldn't just stand there and had to fight back, so he raised his foot and wanted to kick, but Su Lengyan was so scared that she subconsciously pulled Meng Fan tight. Meng Fan didn't pay attention and was dragged back several steps by her, which affected his pace. Not only did he fail to kick the man, but he also didn't stand firmly, and the two of them almost fell together.

""Su Lengyan, don't hold me! Let me go first!"

But Su Lengyan, who was shaking with fear, didn't want to hear anything and hugged Meng Fan tighter.

The man with the knife got even angrier when he saw Meng Fan still had the mood to flirt with a woman in front of him.

""Meng Fan, you pretty boy, you still have the time to flirt with women! I want your life!"

After saying that, he rushed over with a knife.

Meng Fan felt that it was really unfair. Which eye of his saw that he was flirting with Su Lengyan?

Meng Fan was held tightly by Su Lengyan, and it was difficult for him to move. He could only dodge sideways, but the knife still cut his shoulder and blood flowed.

The man did not stop because of this. He still looked crazy and continued to stab with the knife.

At the critical moment, Xu Zerui rushed over and kicked the knife out of his hand.

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