Xu Ruan took a deep breath, quickly picked up a note, and opened it.

【Please choose one of the groups of guests to form a team of four to be responsible for feeding and raising alpacas. 】

Oh, it's not a particularly difficult job, and you can also designate one of the groups of guests as a partner, so it won't be too tiring to have one more person to work.

Xu Mochen was also very happy. Sure enough, it was right to leave things like drawing lots to An An. He couldn't help but sigh again for Xu Ru'an's good luck.

Xu Mochen finally chose Meng Fan's group of guests. After all, he and Meng Fan are now the most familiar people here, and they get along well.

The remaining four groups of guests also completed the drawing of lots. The tasks drawn by Meng Zelin and Zhou Tiancheng were pretty good.

Meng Zelin drew the task of assisting two farm staff members to repair the house on the farm.

Zhou Tiancheng drew the task of assisting three farm staff members to record the daily health of the alpacas and help some alpacas with hair trimming.

And Hao Mengling drew the task of shoveling shit and cleaning, which was also the most uncomfortable job among so many tasks.

What's more, Hao Mengling and her daughter are both spoiled girls. Since they were assigned this task, they have been looking unhappy.

Xixi even vomited directly. She couldn't imagine herself wearing a princess dress and cleaning up the poop for alpacas on the farm. It was too disgusting!

"Okay, everyone has already drawn your own tasks for tomorrow. If there are no problems, please have a good rest tonight. Tomorrow we will officially start recording the program.

When the program director was about to say something, Hao Mengling finally couldn't help but protest.

"Director, we have a problem! I protest!"


The program director narrowed his eyes, wondering what tricks this woman was going to play.

"Director, this job of shoveling shit is not suitable for us women. Please assign us another one."

"Miss Hao, I'm sorry, we can't change it. We have already filmed the scene of you drawing lots. Please don't add to our work at will. Our program team still has a lot of other work to do."

After the last incident, the director was completely at odds with Hao Mengling, so he would not indulge her.

"This is very simple, you just need to reshoot a scene of me drawing lots, and then you can edit it."

Hao Mengling said what he thought as a matter of course,"Director, my daughter and I will not do this task anyway, we can't do it."

"That's right, how can you let a little princess of mine clean up the shit for those alpacas! How disgusting, this is not something a human being should do at all."

As soon as these words came out, the staff working on the farm not far away frowned and almost burst into curses.

The director also lost his temper instantly,"Ms. Hao, you drew the lot yourself. It's your own business if you have complaints. Please don't insult other people's work casually. And since you don't want to record our program properly, you and your daughter can leave immediately, we won't stop you."

After speaking, the director also made a gesture of invitation.

He couldn't afford to worship this big Buddha, it was best for him to leave, so that their program could go more smoothly.

Hao Mengling snorted coldly,"Huh, who knows if your program team has any secret operations. I know that you, the director, are still holding a grudge against what happened last time, so I have reason to suspect that you have tampered with the draw this time, specifically to embarrass me."

"Please don't talk nonsense. Everyone in our program team is working seriously and will never do anything to ruin the program!"

"How could you say that about us!"

"Tang Tang is a big star, can he speak so irresponsibly?"

"When we were recording the first episode of the show, she was already acting like a big shot. I have disliked her for a long time. What kind of person is she? She has no manners at all!"


The situation got a little out of control, and the staff of the program team stood up and argued with Hao Mengling and her daughter.

The staff asked Hao Mengling and her daughter to apologize to them. It can be said that Hao Mengling and her daughter really offended everyone this time.

Zhou Tiancheng and Meng Zelin originally wanted to say a few words to stop them from quarreling, but they were stopped by Meng Fan.

"You don't need to go over there, just let them be, we'll just watch the show here."

Xu Ru'an also handed them a few bags of melon seeds.

"Uncle Zhou, Brother Zelin, you two should eat some melon seeds together."

After that, Xu Ru'an pulled Zhou Tian and Meng Ke'er to sit on small stools, and invited them to eat some melon seeds and watch the show together.

Meng Zelin and Zhou Tiancheng were stunned and asked Meng Fan:"Where did An An get the melon seeds from?"

"Oh, it was given to An An by the farm staff, probably because An An said something like"watching the fun must be accompanied by melon seeds to be the perfect match."

Meng Zelin only then noticed that the farm staff had come over at some point, sitting side by side with An An and the other children to eat melon seeds.

"Fourth brother, this aunt and sister are so annoying. Just now, several brothers working on the farm told An An that they had originally prepared a welcome party for us tonight, and they had prepared a lot of delicious food and drinks for us, but now it has been cancelled because of that aunt!"

Xu Ru'an touched his shriveled stomach and was unhappy.

"Is An An hungry?"

"Yes, Brother Meng Fan, An An is so hungry!"

"It’s okay, let them quarrel as they please, we’ll go in and borrow the kitchen from the farm people, Brother Meng Fan will make you something delicious!"

""Wow! Great!"

Xu Ru'an was happy again. Meng Fan's cooking skills were really good. He had been savoring it since he had eaten it once before.

The other kids had the same idea as An'an and all of them applauded.

"I think it's okay, then I'll help you."

Xu Mochen also thought this was a good idea, and he was really hungry.

Zhou Tiancheng and Meng Zelin looked at the people who were still arguing over there, and without thinking, they followed Meng Fan and the others and left.

Hao Mengling was almost pissed off by the people in the program group.

"Director, let's each take a step back. If you give us a slightly simpler task, my daughter and I can apologize to you. Is that okay?"

""Hmph! No! You should apologize to us. As for the task, we will not change it for you. We don't want to waste any more words with you. You can do it or not!"

The director was tired of arguing and his good mood was exhausted. So he waved his hand and asked the production team to follow him and leave.

"Miss Hao, don't think you can do whatever you want just because you have your husband to back you up. I am the director of this program and I have the final say on the program. I will tell you one last time, if you want to film my program, then you should film it well. If you don't want to film it, you can leave now!"

After saying this, the director strode away without looking back.

Hao Mengling's face was extremely dark at this time. Xixi, who was standing next to her, saw that the director did not change their tasks and started crying.

"Mom, I don't want to clean up the poop! It's so disgusting!"

"Shut up, it's so annoying, what else can you do besides crying!"

Hao Mengling was very annoyed at this time. Now they have completely broken up with the program team, and they only have two choices.

One is to endure it and do it according to the requirements of the program team.

The second is to let the studio's agent find a way to test the program team and make them change their minds.

Of course, Hao Mengling prefers the second option because she has mysophobia and really can't accept the task of shoveling shit.

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