An An followed the fourth brother with a small bamboo basket on his back. Meng Ke'er and Xiao Chengzi were both carefree, so they held An An's hands from left to right.

"Brother An An, you are so cute. I like you very much."

"And I, I like you too, and as a prince, I will protect you, An An"

【Thank you, but I really don't need it. I'm not a princess, so I really don't need the prince's protection. You go protect Princess Xixi.

Xu Mochen and Meng Fan had filmed a play together before, so they were old acquaintances.

He bumped Meng Fan's shoulder with a smile,"Your little niece is more comedic than other comedians, why did you think of bringing her to the show?"

Meng Fan had just heard what his little niece said to An An, and he just felt so embarrassed.

"I regretted it, but the director wouldn't let me quit, so I had no choice!"

Xu Mochen looked at An An, who was being held by the hands of beautiful girls on both sides, and sighed,"Our An An is so lucky."

Following Xu Mochen's gaze, Meng Fan also looked at An An and the others,"An An, you're on your own. I can't handle Xiao Chengzi either."

Because it was the first episode, the program team didn't arrange any difficult tasks, so it was relatively easy.

Under the guidance of the workers, the guests began to master the skills of picking oranges. In order to sell the oranges before the market started, they sped up their work.

After a morning of hard work, everyone's bamboo baskets were full.

The person in charge of the orange grove warmly invited them to the village for dinner.

"Ladies and gentlemen, due to time constraints, lunch will be provided by the person in charge of the Orange Grove, but the following three meals will be provided by everyone."

"what does it mean?"

"We will explain the specific arrangements when the time comes. We are telling you now to give you a chance to prepare yourself mentally."

【Every parent-child variety show has the same routine. I guess we will have to solve the three meals a day by ourselves. I don’t know if Fourth Brother is a good cook.】

Xu Mochen’s heart skipped a beat when he heard this. No way, the production team won’t really let them cook by themselves, right? He can’t cook. Will he and An An starve to death?

Compared to the worries of Xu Mochen and An An, Xiao Chengzi seemed unusually excited.

"That’s great, we’ll let our uncle cook for us then, his cooking is delicious, as long as he’s at home, grandparents will let him cook!"

Xiao Chengzi accidentally revealed a big secret to everyone, the seemingly careless Meng Fan, actually can cook, and cook delicious food.

Meng Fan slapped his forehead helplessly,"Sure enough, Xiao Chengzi is a guy who has no control over his mouth, he says anything!"

You know, Meng Fan's image in public is that of a gentle and handsome young man, who only needs to be handsome. Now because of Xiao Chengzi's revelations, everyone is a little uncomfortable with the image of a handsome man wearing an apron and holding a kitchen knife to kill chickens and fish in the kitchen.

However, An An was relieved after hearing that Meng Fan's cooking skills were very good. After all, he was also a little foodie. He had already thought that the fourth brother, as the young master of the Xu family, would definitely not be able to cook. It

's not impossible to eat instant noodles, but you can't eat instant noodles every meal, right? He can't stand it.

But it's different that Meng Fan can cook. That can be said to be really great. At least they can ask Meng Fan and his friends for a free meal.

After lunch, after resting for half an hour, the staff pushed two carts for them.

"You can put the oranges you picked on a cart and take them to the market at the foot of the mountain to sell them."

"Wait a minute, you don't mean to ask us to push these two carts to the market manually, do you?"

"Yes, this is your task today. The money from selling oranges will be split 30% to 70%. The workers in the orange grove will get 70% and you will get 30%."

"The money you earn today will determine the quality of your stay tonight, so I hope everyone can do their best!"

The guests were dumbfounded. They didn't expect such a task.

They thought that so many oranges should be pulled down the mountain by carts, but they didn't expect that they would need to pull the carts down.

This task may not be as easy as imagined! At least it is quite strenuous, but after knowing that the money earned is directly related to the quality of their stay, everyone has no choice but to do it.

Finally, after discussion, everyone decided to divide the work and cooperate.

They now have four men, one woman, and five little kids. The work must be handed over to the four men. The queen of singing, Hao Mengling, let her take care of the five little kids.

And the four men will push one cart every two people. They had a cart, and if they got tired, they would just rest for a while before continuing on their way.

So they walked and stopped, and finally arrived at the market smoothly. The staff also prepared two loud speakers for them to shout about selling oranges.

They put the cardboard signs with prices on them aside so that people who came to buy oranges would know the price.

However, several people holding the loud speakers just didn’t know how to start shouting.

Although they had seen other people shouting to sell things on the street before, when it was their turn to do it, they really didn’t know how to start.

When they saw the vendors next to them started shouting, they pushed the goods to each other, but no one was willing to speak.

"Otherwise, we should stop shouting and just wait quietly for customers to come and buy."

"I agree, I think this is good."

"Yes, you see, even though we didn’t shout, people still came to pick oranges!"

Everyone looked over and saw that there were indeed customers coming.

But compared to the bustle of other stalls, their orange stall seemed a little deserted, with only two or three people picking oranges.

Xu Ru'an felt that selling oranges this way was too slow. It would take forever to sell them, so he had to attract people.

【They have been stars for too long and can't let go of their dignity. Who says they have to stand there with a megaphone and shout like an idiot?】

【Forget it, just watch mine!

Xu Ru'an picked up a big speaker and pressed the record button.

He took a deep breath and shouted into the speaker:"Don't miss it if you pass by. Here are the freshest and sweetest red oranges! Red oranges picked by popular stars themselves. Buy one kilogram and get a free photo. Buy two kilograms and get an autograph! You definitely deserve it!"

【Well, that's about it, let's see the effect next!

Xu Ru'an confidently pressed the repeat button and turned the volume up to the maximum.

When Xu Ru'an's babyish voice came out of the speaker, many people were attracted by the voice and the content.

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