He Jinnian, He Xiaoxuan and Lin Zhang were sent to the police station.

""Officer, I am the mastermind of this matter. My son-in-law and my daughter have nothing to do with it. They were all coerced by me, and my grandson is still in the hospital. He has a congenital heart disease and cannot be left alone. I hope you can at least let my daughter go back to take care of him."

Seeing that his father-in-law wanted to take all the blame, Lin Zhang immediately said,"Officer, my father-in-law and I did this together. My wife strongly opposed it. My son really cannot be left alone in the hospital. Please let my wife go back to take care of him."

He Xiaoxuan was already in tears. This was something the three of them had discussed. If the matter was really exposed in the end, the three of them had to save at least one person. After all, Lin Muyun still needed someone to take care of him.

"Do you think the law is a decoration? You did such a thing and still want to escape? Impossible, I will file a lawsuit against you, and none of you can escape."

Xu Hanwen snorted coldly,"As an attorney-in-fact, how likely do you think you will win the case?"

In an instant, He Jinnian and the others were in despair. It was indeed difficult for them to bear the wrath of the Xu family.

Everyone knew Xu Hanwen's status and reputation in the legal profession. If he didn't give them any chance, it meant that none of them would be able to save any of them.

He Xiaoxuan was completely panicked,"Young Master Xu, we were wrong. We are really sorry. Please forgive me for the sake of Mr. Chen and for the sake of me being a mother! I still have my son to take care of. He is still so young and in poor health. At least let me stay with him and take care of him!"

But Xu Hanwen's icy face remained the same, and he was not moved at all by He Xiaoxuan's pitiful appearance

"You asked for this. From the moment you plotted against our An An, you should have known the consequences of provoking our Xu family."

After that, he asked the director to put them in jail for later interrogation.

He Xiaoxuan and Lin Zhang were hopeless and both fell silent.

He Jinnian, however, looked at the direction where Xu Hanwen left with a vicious look. The Xu family was indeed a demon that would eat people without blinking an eye. He had also guessed that this would be the result, so he still had a backup plan.

But now the time has not come, and the most important thing is the safety of his grandson.

"Don't worry, things haven't reached the worst yet, there will be a way"

"But I'm worried about him.……"

"It's okay, I've arranged it, Yunyun will be fine."

Hearing her father say this, He Xiaoxuan felt a little relieved.

He Jinnian was indeed very thoughtful, and he anticipated the possible situation, so when they were locked up, the housekeeper of the He family came to the hospital to take Lin Muyun back to the He family for recuperation.

But He Jinnian still underestimated the ability and means of the Xu family.

Xu Wanyu and Xu Yufeng had already transferred Lin Muyun away, so the housekeeper of the He family could not take back their young master.

"What can I do? I can't complete what the master asked me to do! I don't know where Young Master Sun was taken and how he is now!"

The housekeeper of the He family was at a loss, not knowing what to do next. He originally wanted to find He Jinnian, but He Jinnian was not allowed to see anyone else now.

And only the Xu family knew where Lin Muyun was, so whether Lin Muyun lived or died depended on the mood of the Xu family.

Of course, the Xu family would not let An An know about these things. After all, An An was still young and it was not suitable for him to be exposed to some dark things too early.

But at this time, An An did not continue to focus on Lin Muyun, because he found that he was popular.

The new movie directed by Ampere was released. It broke all the records in less than three days.

In addition, the film has received continuous praise, the actors' acting skills are good, the plot is rich and exciting, and the actors in it are all popular. Including

An An, who is only a small supporting role.

The number of fans of Xu Ru'an's official blog has increased rapidly, and there are many invitations to work. The phone of Xu Mochen's studio is about to be blown up.

"An An, did you see that? Now the brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts on the Internet are all giving you crazy likes, and they all say that you acted very well!"

"Well, An An saw it. Fourth brother, does that mean An An has become famous?"

"Yes, our baby An An is so great!"

Xu Ru'an didn't go to kindergarten these days, and He Youtong asked for a long vacation for him on the grounds that Xu Ru'an was frightened.

Mo Yaoyao and Xu Zerui were also resting at home because of the influence of the drug.

As soon as An An returned to the Xu family, she called her master and told him about the conspiracy against them by He Jinnian and others.

After listening to it, the old naughty boy also sighed, and then taught An An how to remove the influence of the drug. He also read the fortune for An An and others, reminding them that the great calamity has passed, but the small calamity is coming. Although An An's blessings can resolve it, there are still minor illnesses and pains, so be careful in everything.

An An kept it in mind and always reminded himself not to be careless.

"Sister Yaoyao, Brother Liu, it's time for us to set off"

"Well, I'm ready!"

Mo Yaoyao was holding the gift she had carefully prepared. They were going to Xia Chuling's house to thank Xia Yifan and Xia Chuling for their help.

But it was obvious that Xu Zerui was not happy about it.

""Sixth brother, come quickly, why are you dawdling? Brother Chu Ling and the others are already waiting for us at home, we must not be late."

This time, Xu Qingfeng and He Youtong led An An and the other three over. An An had already mentioned this matter to Xia Chu Ling in advance.

Xia Yifan also agreed. After all, he could make the Xu family owe him a favor, and let Xu Qingfeng and He Youtong come to thank him in person, which earned him enough face and did not suffer any loss at all.

"What do you mean by your sullen face?"How could Xu Zerui not have a sullen face? Not only was he plotted against, he also failed to protect An An and Yao Yao, and he was rescued by Xia Chuling, a stinky boy!

Although it was not Xia Chuling who came to rescue him personally, it was almost the same, so he was very unhappy!

"Mom and Dad, do I have to go? You two can just take An An and Yao Yao. I won't go."

"What are you talking about? You were saved because they showed up in time. They helped us so much. It's not too much to say thank you. Why are you still embarrassed?"

Xu Qingfeng kicked him in anger.

It's too embarrassing! Who knows if Xia Chuling, that brat, will laugh at him after he sees him later!

But Xu Zerui couldn't say these words. He could only accept his fate and take the gift and go out with everyone.

An An was very excited. After all, since he was rescued, he hadn't met Xia Chuling except through video. Now he will be able to meet Xia Chuling soon, and he is looking forward to it.

Seeing An An's happy look, Xu Zerui was even more unhappy. Xia Chuling was simply his nemesis!

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