"Yunyun, even if you want to find someone to transplant your heart, why did you choose Xu Ru'an? Aren't you good friends with him?"

"Yes, Yunyun, Xu Ru'an is the young master of the Xu family. We can find an orphan or a child from an ordinary family to do this."

In fact, he and his father-in-law He Jinnian have also thought about this method. They have money. If the hospital can't provide a suitable heart for Lin Muyun, they will eventually find one through other channels.

"No! I want Xu Ru'an's heart, his heart is very good and very suitable for me!"

Seeing his precious grandson's firm attitude, although He Jinnian felt very sorry for Old Chen and the Xu family, he could only say sorry.

His precious grandson doesn't have much time to wait. He has suffered for so many years, and his grandfather has seen it all.

So as long as it is his grandson's request, he will agree and satisfy him without hesitation.

Lin Zhang and He Xiaoxuan are the same. They only have Lin Muyun as a child. If he really can't survive, they will never forgive themselves.

"Since Yunyun has made his own choice, let's just follow his lead."

"Father-in-law, but the Xu family……"

Lin Zhang was still a little hesitant. This was no joke. If Xu Ru'an was a child from an ordinary family or a family weaker than their Lin and He families, he might not have any scruples or hesitations.

But that was the child of the richest man. Once the truth was revealed, according to the Xu family's style of doing things, even if Lin Muyun really got Xu Ru'an's heart and recovered, the Xu family's revenge would only make his son even more miserable. What was the point then?

"Yes, Dad, we still have to seriously consider Lin Zhang's concerns."

Although He Xiaoxuan really wanted Lin Muyun to recover, this matter was too big and it was not something that their two families could afford.

""Dad, Yunyun, let's consider someone else."

He Xiaoxuan persuaded them.

He Jinnian listened and reconsidered in his heart.

Only Lin Muyun was like a possessed person, and he was determined to choose Xu Ruan.

"No! I said! I want Xu Ru'an's heart! It has to be him!"

"Mom, Dad, Grandpa, don’t you love me anymore? This is my only request, can’t you satisfy me?"

Lin Muyun became more and more excited,"I just want Xu Ru'an's heart! If... you give me someone else's heart... I won't be happy... I won't cherish a heart I don't like...……"

Lin Muyun was out of breath before he could finish his words. He covered his heart with his hands. The pain in his heart made him unable to stand. He fell to the ground and convulsed.

He Xiaoxuan and the others were shocked and hurried to check on Lin Muyun.

"No, he has lost consciousness. The medicine is definitely useless. Let's get the family doctor here!"

Because of Lin Muyun's health, they would arrange for the doctor to live at home, just in case this situation happens.

That night, Lin Muyun was rushed to the hospital.

This is what Xu Ru'an found out after he woke up the next day and heard his parents talking about it.

【Oh my god! Wasn't he fine yesterday? How could he suddenly... No, when I left yesterday, I saw black energy on him. Although the color was very light, it was definitely there, so he would...……】

Xu Ru'an sighed. Although he didn't like Lin Muyun very much, he still hoped that Lin Muyun would be fine.

Lin Muyun in the hospital was temporarily stable after emergency treatment, but because of this attack, his physical condition is even more grim.

"Mr. He, I still say the same thing, this child can't wait any longer, otherwise his body won't be able to hold up until the surgery."

"I understand, Xiaowen. I have already looked for a suitable heart through other channels. I'll have to trouble you to arrange it for me when the time comes."

"Of course, I understand. Based on our friendship, I will definitely try my best, provided that you can find a suitable heart as soon as possible."

After giving them a few more instructions, the experts and doctors left the ward.

Lin Zhang and his team stayed in the ward without leaving. During the journey, Lin Muyun woke up twice, and each time he spoke, he mentioned Xu Ru'an's name.

They all knew what Lin Muyun meant, so they had to re-examine the possibility of this matter.

"Dad, Yunyun really can’t wait any longer?"

"Yes, didn't you hear it just now?"

The three of them fell into silence. After a long time, He Jinnian was the first to break the silence.

"Lin Zhang, Xiaoxuan, just listen to Yunyun, we can't just watch Yunyun die!"

He Xiaoxuan finally couldn't help crying,"Wu... How could it turn out like this!"

Lin Zhang also sighed,"Yes, father-in-law, let's satisfy Yunyun, but we still need to make a perfect plan for this matter."

"Well, you are right, let's go back and think about what to do. Xiaoxuan, you stay here to take care of Yunyun, and Lin Zhang and I will take care of this matter."

He Xiaoxuan could only nod silently, looking at Lin Muyun on the bed with red eyes.

Xu Ru'an, who was in the kindergarten, had no idea that he had been targeted. He was taking a handicraft class with Xia Chuling and Mo Yaoyao.

But he didn't know if it was because Xu Ru'an was more sensitive, he still felt a little chill and shivered inexplicably.

"What's wrong, An An, are you feeling cold?"

Xia Chuling noticed Xu Ru'an's little action, but it's obviously not very cold now, right?

"It shouldn't be. I don't know. Forget it. Don't worry about it. Brother Chu Ling, let's finish our homework quickly. An An doesn't want to go home and do homework."

So Xu Ru'an and the others were immersed in their happy study again, completely unaware of the danger that was about to come.

Just like this, another week passed. On the night before Sunday, He Xiaoxuan came and knocked on the door of Xu's house.

"Hello, is An An here? Is it convenient for me to talk to him for a few words?"

Hearing that He Xiaoxuan was looking for An An, He Youtong, who opened the door for her, was a little stunned.

""I'm sorry, I know it's a bit abrupt for me to come to An An so suddenly, but I really have something important to ask of An An."

He Youtong came to his senses and quickly invited people into the house to talk.

Xu Ru'an and Xu Qingfeng were sitting on the sofa in the living room watching a funny variety show.

As soon as He Xiaoxuan entered, she saw Xu Ru'an hugging a dinosaur pillow and laughing. She couldn't help but think of her son who was still lying drowsy on the hospital bed.

At this moment, her original reluctance instantly disappeared.

Yes, if her son Yunyun could be as healthy as Xu Ru'an, laughing every day, how great it would be.

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