Sure enough, in the world of the book, the plot of being looked down upon by the waiter is late but it comes!

Isn't it here! But he is not the protagonist, and I don't know if anyone will appear to help him slap the face of this salesman who looks down on others.

"What a joke! Our Xu family can afford this mall, but why can't we afford this broken thing of yours?"

Xu Mochen didn't expect that his little brother was bullied by a small salesperson when he was just making a phone call outside?

Xu Mochen picked up Xu Ru'an and looked at Yao Li coldly.

Well, the classic face-slapping plot is here, not to mention, Xu Ru'an is still a little excited and looking forward to it.

"Little guy, do you like this thing?"

"Well, I like it very much, but my sister said it has been reserved and it is very expensive and we can’t afford it.

Xu Ru’an suddenly felt like experiencing the cool plot that only the protagonists would encounter.

""Okay, since the little guy likes it, let’s buy it." After thinking for a while, Xu Mochen said,"Forget it, let’s buy the whole store as a gift from your fourth brother.""

Huh? Buy the whole store for him?

So generous! So this is how the protagonists feel when they encounter such a plot. Xu Ru’an felt very happy. At his young age, he got a store!

【Fourth brother is good, he is really sensible. Just for this, I will not call him Flower Peacock anymore. Well, I will also think of a way to help him when the time comes, so that he can avoid a tragic death. Xu

Mochen was originally very happy to hear Xu Ru'an say that he would not call him Flower Peacock anymore, but the second half of Xu Ru'an's sentence almost made him want to ask, why is he going to die tragically?

But in the end, he held back. After all, he couldn't reveal that he could actually hear the little guy's inner voice, which was beyond common sense, right?

""Sir, are you the parent of this child?"

Yao Li was disgusted by Xu Mochen's boasting, but considering his handsome appearance, she still asked politely.

"Yes, I am his fourth brother. Okay, stop talking nonsense. Call the owner of this store over here. I want to buy this store and give it to the little guy."

"Excuse me, sir, please don't make such jokes."

"Are you kidding? Do you think I'm kidding you?"

Isn't this nonsense? Yao Li smiled disapprovingly, and looked down on Xu Mochen even more in her heart.

"Sir, the musical instruments in our store are all high-quality and expensive. In addition, this mall is located in a prime location, so the rent is not cheap.……"

Yao Li didn't say anything, but wanted to use this explanation to show that Xu Mochen couldn't afford this store.

Xu Mochen could of course hear what Yao Li meant, and he smiled disdainfully,"I said, I can afford it, and you are just a small salesperson and can't make the decision, let your boss talk to me."

Yao Li saw that Xu Mochen still looked down on her, and her face changed immediately.

"Hey! What's wrong with you? I gave you a way out but you won't take it. You have to brag and show off your abilities here. Please leave now. Our boss is not here. Don't disturb our business here!"

"Humph! You should have told me earlier that the boss wasn't here, you idiot! Forget it, I'll ask the person in charge of this mall to come over and talk."

"How dare you call me a waste! And you even said you would talk to the person in charge of the mall! Who do you think you are? Can you get the person in charge of the mall to move? I think you are just here to make trouble!"

Xu Ru'an rolled her eyes. This woman is really stupid. She is a cannon fodder. She will soon know how to write the word death.

Seeing Xu Mochen took out his mobile phone and really made a call, Yao Li couldn't help but snorted coldly:"Huh, let me see who you can find!"

"Sister, my brother is very powerful. You will be in trouble soon."

"Hey, kid, why are you just like your brother, talking nonsense?"

Well, Xu Ru'an announced that the woman's rescue was ineffective.

After Xu Mochen hung up the phone, he hugged Xu Ru'an and sat aside,"The person in charge of the mall will be here in ten minutes. He said he would contact your boss. We will wait here."

Yao Na still didn't believe it. She thought Xu Mochen was talking nonsense. He would definitely find other excuses to slip away in ten minutes.

So Yao Li sat calmly and continued to play with her mobile phone.

Fifteen minutes had passed, and no one came in.

Yao Li had the attitude of a winner, and said with a disdainful smile:"I said you were here to make trouble! I think you should leave quickly and don't embarrass yourself here."

But as soon as Yao Li finished speaking, a breathless man ran into the store.

""Sorry! I was delayed a bit because I had to contact the store."

The person who came was Chen Wenbin, the person in charge of the mall. In fact, this mall originally belonged to the Xu Group.

Today, the fourth young master of the Xu family called and said that he wanted to book the whole place, and Chen Wenbin agreed without saying a word.

Fifteen minutes ago, the fourth young master called again and said that he wanted to buy a musical instrument store in the mall, but the salesperson in the store had a very bad attitude and was unwilling to tell the store owner's contact information, so he hoped that he, the person in charge of the mall, would deal with it.

Of course, Chen Wenbin did not dare to shirk it. After all, if he made the young master of the Xu family unhappy and took the mall back, then his job as the person in charge of the mall would be over.

So as soon as he hung up the phone, he immediately found the contact information of the owner of the musical instrument store and asked him to come to the mall quickly.

As for the salesperson with a bad attitude mentioned by the fourth young master of the Xu family, Chen Wenbin was furious.

"What's wrong with you? How dare you mess with Master Xu?"

Yao Li knew Chen Wenbin, the person in charge of the mall.���, had come to talk to their boss before.

But she never thought that this guest could really find Chen Wenbin

"Mr. Xu?"

"Yes, he is the fourth son of the Xu family. He has booked the entire shopping mall today, and the one he is holding is his younger brother, the young master of the Xu family."

After hearing what Chen Wenbin said, Yao Li's head was buzzing. She was so frightened that she forgot to breathe.

Even her voice was trembling:"That child... is the young master of the Xu family?"

Xu Ru'an found Yao Li's reaction interesting,"Sister, see, I didn't lie."

Yao Li collapsed to the ground, her face was completely pale, and she could no longer speak.

After more than ten minutes, the store owner finally arrived.

He felt a little complicated when he learned that the salesperson in his store had offended the two young masters of the Xu family, and that the fourth young master of the Xu family was interested in buying his store.

This store is the result of his hard work over the years, and many of the musical instruments in it are fine products that he has obtained with great difficulty, so if he just gives the store to others, he really can't bear to do so.

Xu Ru'an also saw the boss's embarrassment and reluctance, and he was not the kind of barbaric and unreasonable person, so he told Xu Mochen that he just wanted the ukulele, and it didn't matter if the store didn't have it.

So in the end, the boss reluctantly gave up and gave the ukulele to Xu Ru'an as an apology for his employee's offense, and Yao Li was also fired on the spot.

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