"Everyone, the time is up. Our staff will now give pens and paper to the eight of you. You need to write down your opinions and judgments on these three things. You only have half an hour to complete it."

Mr. Chen stopped writing less than fifteen minutes after he started. He took the paper and looked through it. After confirming that there was nothing missing, he handed the paper to the staff next to him.

Boss Lin was the second person to finish writing.

Half an hour later, the staff handed all the collected papers to Lu Ying.

Lu Ying opened them one by one, and after reading them all, she sighed,"It seems that the questions in our treasure appraisal conference this time are a bit more difficult. I have read the answers submitted by the eight of you. Unfortunately, no one's answer is correct." As soon as

Lu Ying finished speaking, everyone present was shocked.

"What? No way! We are completely wiped out this year?"

"Is this a mistake? There is Old Chen among them. He is a treasure appraiser. Even if it is difficult, he shouldn't have said nothing, right?"

So���People have constantly raised doubts

"Ms. Lu, could you please tell me the so-called accurate answer?"

The first person to ask the question was Boss Lin. He was very confident. His family has been collecting jewelry and cultural relics for generations. He has been exposed to them since he was a child. He has never made a mistake in judging jewelry and cultural relics.

"Old man, I want to know too."

Old Chen was also a little puzzled. Although he didn't fully understand the origins of these three things, he still wrote down what he knew. In general, they shouldn't be all wrong.

"OK, everyone, please be patient, I will explain it to you clearly below."

"In fact, these three items are all fakes. Among the eight of you, only Mr. Chen and Mr. Lin answered two of them correctly, namely the jade seal and the jade pendant."

"But you all think this ring is genuine, and you didn't write down its information."

Everyone gasped when they heard Lu Ying say that the three items were all fake.

"No way? I just touched it and looked at it carefully, but I didn't find any problems. How can it be fake?"

"Yes, their texture, gloss and lines don’t look fake. Isn’t this incredible?"

"The point is that Mr. Chen and Mr. Lin's answers are exactly the same. They both think that the ring is genuine. This is a problem."

"You are right. We all know Mr. Chen. He is a recognized treasure appraiser in the industry. He said that the ring is authentic, so there must be some basis for it. Are you sure there is no mistake in the treasure appraisal meeting?"

Faced with everyone's doubts, Lv Ying was a little unhappy. As the person in charge of this treasure appraisal meeting, she arranged every link, and these three items as the competition questions were also tested by the above people, so there is absolutely no way they could be wrong.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we will never make a mistake. Although we are really sorry about this result, this is the fact."

Then Lv Ying began to explain the three items in detail. At this time, everyone knew that although these three items were all fakes, they were all made based on real historical background stories.

First of all, the jade seal engraved with a five-clawed golden dragon was made based on the jade seal used by the emperor of a certain dynasty.

It is said that the jade pendant is also a jade pendant that can only be worn by the princes of a certain dynasty, representing the status of the nobility.

The ring is a ring worn by a respected prince of a certain dynasty, and it is also a symbol of status.

【Strange, why are they all fake? But that ring is obviously very special, and the master said that it is very likely the destined treasure that our Xu family is looking for.

But now the person in charge of the conference said it was a fake, what is going on?

Xu Ru'an didn't know what to do. He originally wanted to ask his third brother and others after the competition to see if they could buy the ring.

Now that everyone says that the ring is fake, it must be worthless. No one should be willing to spend money to buy a fake thing. If he tells others, he will probably be laughed at.

""An'an, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Hanwen heard Xu Ru'an mention the treasure of destiny. Although he didn't understand what it meant, seeing Xu Ru'an's embarrassment, he guessed it was related to his master, the old naughty boy.

It was the old naughty boy who suggested that Mr. Chen take An'an to attend the meeting.

"Third brother, An An wants to buy that ring, is that okay?"

Xu Ru'an asked cautiously. After all, their Xu family is the richest, and they are also the richest with style, not some nouveau riche. If he makes the Xu family a laughing stock because of himself, then he will be guilty.

"Is there any special reason?"

Xu Hanwen wanted to ask clearly. He could actually agree to An An directly, but he was worried that An An might be helping the old naughty boy to find something dangerous without telling them.

He was worried before, so he specially asked someone to check the old naughty boy.

He found that he was very mysterious and was often involved in some strange and even dangerous things.

The old naughty boy did have some abilities. Because of An An's special abilities, he agreed to let An An worship him as his master, but it did not mean that he agreed to let An An be involved in some dangerous things like him.

"Ms. Lu, our Lin family wants to buy that ring. Please name your price."

"Boss Lin, you said you wanted to buy this ring? But it's a fake."

"I know, I like this ring very much, even if it is a fake, but I am still willing to buy it, so I hope Miss Lu can fulfill it."

【Oops! Someone got there first! Could it be that Boss Lin also figured it out? This shouldn't be the case. Didn't Master say that people like me with this kind of special ability are almost non-existent?】

【What should I do? Should I buy it? Just now, the master sent me a message, telling me to buy this ring. It is very important to me and the Xu family!

Xu Hanwen did not expect that someone would have the same idea as An An and also want to buy the ring.

Hearing An An's anxiety, and knowing that it was a very important matter to An An and the Xu family, he could not help but take it seriously.

"Excuse me, I also like this ring, I wonder if Miss Lu can sell it to me, I can offer twice the price of Boss Lin."

Xu Zerui just heard the conversation between the third brother and An An, and did not miss An An's thoughts, so he just watched quietly without saying anything.

But Old Chen was a little puzzled,"Hanwen, why do you want to buy that ring?"

"Mr. Chen, I believe in your judgment, and I really like that ring, so I want to buy it and study it carefully."

"Well, your family has plenty of money anyway, and I, an old man, can’t control what you want to buy."

Seeing that Boss Lin and Xu Hanwen both wanted to buy the ring, Lu Ying could only say,"How about this, I can help you two ask what it means.""

"Okay, I'm fine."

"That’s fine with me."

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