At this moment, Xia Chuling had already washed his face in the bathroom. After wiping his face with a tissue, he wanted to leave, but he bumped into Shen Tianyi who followed him in.

Shen Tianyi was the school bully in Xu Ru'an's dream. He was very strong and looked very sturdy.

""I'm sorry, are you okay?"

Xia Chuling felt that she was not paying attention to the situation around her and bumped into someone, so she apologized quickly.

But Shen Tianyi was usually arrogant. Even though the other person had apologized and there was nothing wrong with him, he was still very angry and swung a fist at Xia Chuling. During this period of time, Xia Chuling has been practicing martial arts, coupled with some physical training, and now his reaction and physical fitness are also very strong.

He dodged Shen Tianyi's fist with a flash, so that Shen Tianyi's fist hit the door on the side directly, making a clang.

This hurt Shen Tianyi directly, he groaned and rubbed his hand.

"Who are you? How dare you hurt me?"

"You were the first to attack me. I didn't do it on purpose. If I hadn't dodged in time, I would have been hit by your fist."

"You deserve it! Who told you to bump into me without seeing?"

Shen Tianyi is indeed a school bully. He is so young and yet he calls himself a master. It's really funny. Xu

Ru'an, who had just arrived, couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

【Has this guy watched too much TV? How old does he think he is? This young master calls himself ridiculous!

Seeing An An coming over, Xia Chuling was worried that Shen Tianyi would hurt An An, so she quickly walked to An An and pulled him behind her to protect him.

"Who are you? Are you making fun of me?"

Shen Tianyi was very upset. In this kindergarten, no one dared to laugh at him, even the headmaster had to coax him.

Xu Ru'an couldn't laugh anymore. He didn't want to pay attention to a fool like Shen Tianyi. He took Xia Chuling's hand and was about to go back to their class.

But how could Shen Tianyi let them go like this?

He ran in front of Xu Ru'an and the others, and stopped them with his hand.

"You have offended me, the young master, and you dare to run away. I will make you pay!"

After saying that, he swung his fist at An An.

Xia Chuling quickly pulled An An away, and then punched Shen Tianyi with his backhand, which hit him directly in the nose.

Because Xia Chuling was angry that Shen Tianyi attacked An An, he did not hold back when he attacked, but used all his strength, so the force of this punch can be said to be very heavy.

Shen Tianyi's nose bled directly, which made Shen Tianyi stupid.

When he felt the pain, he touched his nose and found that he was bleeding, then he burst into tears.

Xu Ru'an just felt relieved. After all, this was Shen Tianyi's own fault. If he hadn't wanted to attack him, Brother Chuling would not have attacked him..

Shen Tianyi's crying attracted the teachers nearby.

One of the teachers who came to check on the situation was the life teacher of Shen Tianyi's class. When she saw the little bully Shen Tianyi in her class sitting on the ground with blood all over his face, she immediately panicked.

This was a child that even the head teacher had to coax. She usually took good care of him, but now he was injured and bleeding. If the head teacher knew about this, she would definitely be fired.

At this time, she also found Xu Ru'an and Xia Chuling.

She yelled at them without knowing the truth:"Which class are you from? How can you be so bad that you dare to hit other children? Look at what you have done! You beat Shen Tianyi until he bleeds!"

Teacher Xiao, who was standing next to them, was also frightened when she heard Teacher Gu suddenly yelling at Xu Ru'an and the others, and her face turned pale, and she quickly grabbed her.

"Teacher Gu, please stop talking."

"Teacher Xiao, Shen Tianyi was beaten! I can tell at a glance that it was the two of them who beat him up. Shen Tianyi is bleeding. If the head teacher knows about this, I will be in trouble."

Teacher Gu, who was getting more and more angry, shook off Teacher Xiao's hand and went up to check on Shen Tianyi's injuries.

""Shen Tianyi, are you okay? Don't cry first, the teacher will take you to the infirmary."

But Shen Tianyi didn't want to go to the infirmary. He was very angry and wanted to fight back.

So he stood up, pointed at Xu Ru'an and Xia Chuling, and ordered Teacher Gu:"You old woman, beat them up for me quickly, and it would be better if you make their noses bleed!"

As a teacher, Teacher Gu was of course unwilling, so he shook his head to refuse.

"How dare you disobey my orders! Believe it or not, I will ask the principal to kick you out of the kindergarten!"

Hearing this, Teacher Gu was in a more difficult situation. On the one hand, there was her moral bottom line as a people's teacher, and on the other hand, she was facing dismissal from her job. She didn't know how to choose.

Teacher Xiao on the side quickly proposed to call the parents of both parties to the kindergarten to deal with the matter.

When Shen Tianyi heard that the parents were to be called over, he got scared. The sharp-eyed Xu Ru'an noticed Shen Tianyi's evasive gaze, and wondered if he was afraid of being called to the school.

So,"Teacher, An An agrees. I can call my brother to the school."

Teacher Xiao nodded, and when she was about to go back to the office to make a phone call, Shen Tianyi shouted loudly:"No! I don't agree, you are not allowed to call my parents to come to the kindergarten!" The clever Xia Chuling also discovered Shen Tianyi's problem, so he sneered:"Teacher, I also agree to call the parents over. After all, I did make his nose bleed, so I can ask Uncle Xia to come and compensate for his medical expenses."

"Well, Xia Chuling is a very sensible kid. I will go to the office and call your parents to come to the kindergarten.

But Shen Tianyi panicked and stopped Teacher Xiao.

"Enough! I'm fine! I won't pursue them anymore, I forgive them, no need to call their parents!"

Shen Tianyi said as he walked up to Xia Chuling and Xu Ru'an,"I'm sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't have bothered with you, I'll go back to the classroom first."

This sentence was specifically said to Teacher Xiao and Teacher Gu, and then Shen Tianyi whispered to them:"Just wait and see! I'm not done with you!"

After that, he left without looking back, and Xia Chuling just frowned and said nothing.

But Xu Ru'an was so angry

【Why is this guy so annoying! He keeps calling me"young master" and"young master" all the time. It makes me want to vomit. And he's still not done with us! I think he's just afraid of being called to school by his parents!】

【As expected, naughty kids are afraid of having their parents called. If he dares to bully Brother Chu Ling again next time, I will ask the teacher to notify his parents to come over and let him experience the feeling of a mixed fight between a man and a woman! 】

After hearing this, Xia Chu Ling couldn't help laughing.

"Silly An'an, next time if that person wants to attack you again, remember not to confront him head-on. You won't be afraid if I'm here, but if I'm not here, remember to run as far as you can. Don't let him have any chance to hurt you, understand?"

Xu Ru'an nodded gratefully,"I understand, Brother Chu Ling."

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