At the airport, Xu Mochen was wearing sunglasses and walking in a special passage, with his agent following him.

""Mo Chen, this time your breach of contract has caused quite a stir. The director over there has threatened to sue you. Now many reporters have heard the news. I guess they will swarm over you when you leave the airport. How do you plan to respond?"

Sure enough, when Xu Mo Chen and his group walked out of the airport, the media reporters who were waiting surrounded them.

"Mr. Xu, I heard that you acted like a big shot on the set of your new movie and even assaulted an actress in public. Is this true?"

"Mr. Xu, someone took a photo of you having a secret meeting with a female actress from the crew in a hotel. Do you have anything to explain about this?"

""Actor Xu, relevant personnel have revealed that you unilaterally terminated the contract with the crew and had a falling out with Director Yin. Is this true?"

The reporters' questions came one after another, and each one was more pointed than the last.

Xu Mochen took off his sunglasses impatiently. His gray-purple hair looked particularly dazzling against his fair skin. His beautiful facial features gave him a kind of unreal beauty. It can be said that he is the best-looking person in the entire Xu family.

Facing the reporters' questions, Xu Mochen had lost his patience and said in a cold voice:"The relevant announcement will be posted on the official blog of my studio later. You can go to the announcement for details when the time comes. Now, please don't block us here!"

Seeing that Xu Mochen was about to lose his temper, the agent and several assistants quickly escorted Xu Mochen into the nanny car and drove away

"Mo Chen, I have asked someone to post the announcement. Do you want to go back to the studio or to the Xu family?"

"Let's go back to the Xu family. My younger brother said in the family group that he adopted a little kid. I want to go back and take a look."

This little brother of his has been naughty and restless since he was a child. He is always hot-tempered. When he was a child, he wanted to raise some small animals on a whim, but he would find it troublesome after a few days.

As a result, he never persisted in anything to the end. Now that he has grown up, he still wants to raise children. It seems unreliable no matter how you look at it.

Looking at the photos of the children he posted in the group, they are quite cute. Since they have been adopted by the Xu family, as an elder brother, he should also go to meet them.

On the Internet, topics such as #playing big cards#termination of contract#secret meeting#violent beating#are high on the hot search list.

But Xu Mochen didn't care about these at all.

After returning home, Xu Mochen only saw his third brother. The little kid was taking a nap.

"What's going on in the news? Do you need my help?"

"Don't bother, my team can handle it, but the other party wants to sue me for breach of contract, and I did breach the contract."

"It's a small matter. No lawyer would dare to sue me."

Hearing this, Xu Mochen smiled and understood.

"How's that little milk ball?"

"It's quite interesting. He should be waking up soon. Do you want to go to the room and pick him up? Aunt Lin said that after he wakes up, she should give him some milk to fill his stomach."

I didn't expect that the third brother would describe a child as interesting, and judging from his appearance, it seems that he stayed at home to take care of the child today.

"OK, I'll go take a look at this interesting little milk ball"

"Yes, in my room."

Huh? Third brother actually let the child sleep in his room?

When Xu Mochen opened the door, Xu Ru'an just woke up.

He opened his eyes dazedly and heard the sound of the door opening. He thought it was Xu Hanwen coming in.

"Third brother... I'm a little hungry."

Xu Ru'an rubbed her eyes. She was still a little confused because she had just woken up. Her voice was childish and sounded like she was acting like a spoiled child.

Xu Mochen picked Xu Ru'an up. Is this what it feels like to hold a baby in your hands? Soft and warm, and you can smell a sweet milky scent.


Xu Ruan saw a strange face and was unable to react for a moment.

"Little Milk Ball, are you awake? I am not your third brother, I am your fourth brother, my name is Xu Mochen."

Xu Ru'an's silly look successfully made Xu Mochen laugh, and he went downstairs with her, said something to Aunt Lin, and Aunt Lin went to prepare milk.

【The flower peacock is actually my fourth brother?】

Hmm? What's that sound?

Xu Mochen looked around and found that no one was talking.

Flower peacock? This description is really appropriate. Xu Hanwen looked at Xu Mochen's bright hair color and still felt a little disgusted.

【As expected, he is the top actor in the Peacock Film Festival. This hair color is really unflattering.

Xu Mochen looked at Xu Ruan strangely. Was it the little milk ball who was talking? But he didn't open his mouth or make a sound!

Xu Mochen is an atheist, but the weirdness now makes him nervous.

【Why is this Peacock Fourth Brother staring at me in a daze? He has a silly expression, and there is no plot that says he has a problem with his brain?】

"Fourth brother, what are you doing? Hurry up and bring the little one over here. Auntie Lin has already heated up the milk."


Although he was shocked, he quickly came to his senses.

"Third brother, don’t you think this little baby is a little weird?"

"Strange? What do you mean?"

Isn't it strange? He can actually hear the little girl's inner voice, this is very strange!

No, looking at the face of his third brother, there seems to be nothing unusual, does that mean that he is the only one who can hear the little girl's inner voice?

【What's wrong with this person? Why is he staring at me with murderous eyes?】

"Cough cough cough, little guy, are you hungry?"

【Nonsense! 】

Xu Ru'an nodded and turned to look at the milk in Aunt Lin's hand.

"Okay, I'll feed you."

Taking the bottle from Aunt Lin, Xu Mochen prepared to feed Xu Ru'an, but Xu Ru'an obviously didn't want to be fed.

The little guy grabbed the bottle with his two fat hands, and then stuffed the bottle into his mouth. His movements were neat and skillful.

【Bring it here, you are so slow, you are delaying me from doing national affairs.

Yes, filling one's stomach is the national affairs in Xu Ru'an's mouth.

Originally, Xu Ru'an was a little embarrassed about the fact that he still needed to drink milk at such a big age, but when he thought of his small body of only three years old, he compromised directly.

The sky and the earth are not as big as dry rice! In short, you can't let yourself down.

Oh, this little milk ball is small, but he has a big temper.

"Why are you so anxious, little guy? How long have you been hungry? People who don't know would think that our Xu family abused you."

"Fourth brother, don't talk nonsense. The little guy is malnourished. It would be good for him to drink more milk to replenish his body."

"Malnutrition? What's going on? Did our Xu family really abuse him?"

"What nonsense! The little guy was malnourished before he came to our Xu family. It was probably because his parents abused him."

Xu Mochen noticed that his third brother was vaguely angry when he said this.

Xu Ru'an drank all the milk in two or three gulps, and licked the corner of his mouth with a bit of satisfaction.

"Fourth Master, please let me hold the young master. It's time for him to apply medicine."

"Apply medicine? What happened? Is the little guy injured?"

Aunt Lin felt heartbroken when she spoke of this. While applying medicine to Xu Ru'an, she told Xu Mochen about how the eldest daughter of the Fan family bullied Xu Ru'an.

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