"This is the base of the survivors of Utopia!" Yi Xu did not move forward directly, but stayed in the distance to look out and investigate.

With the base as the center, the surrounding ground is full of pitholes, and it must be full of traps for strange creatures, and if you break in rashly, you may be destroyed on the spot.

"If you go in directly, it's too dangerous, let's rely on the sound transmission!" Yi Xu paused for a moment before he said, "Is this a utopia refuge?"

The voice carried a wave of qi into the depths of the base, echoing endlessly.

In the base, two humans were waiting aside, looking at the situation outside the base, and worried: "Every day, strange creatures come here to pretend to be humans and want to come in. "

Why are we stupid!

" one of the women said, "Why don't we set a trap and let that weird creature step in?" "That's

a good idea!" another bespectacled, slightly Sven male shouted into the instrument in front of him, "You're human, how do you prove yourself." "

Prove yourself? How do I know that ghosts and humans look exactly the same, and there is no difference at all. Yi Xu was a little helpless.

Before the end of the world, how to prove that you are you! After the end of the world, how to prove that you are human!


Yi Xu can also understand the concerns of others, after all, putting any strange creature into it may cause a catastrophe.

He thought for a moment, then replied, "I'm standing here, just come and inspect the goods!" "

That man has taken the bait, it's time to pull the hook." The man in glasses pushed his glasses, his eyes flickering, "You get close to our hatch, and then we have a machine that can scan you and analyze whether your life characteristics are strange creatures." "

Okay!" Yi Xu replied, but did not take a step closer to the base.

Because it's too easy, it's a naked trap! The

sense of oppression of human beings by strange creatures is too strong, and everyone has some kind of post-traumatic stress disorder, and most people must have the mentality of preferring to kill the wrong person rather than let it go.

Still, some sincerity should be given.

Yi Xu pinched it casually, and a lifelike paper figure similar to his face was pinched.

"Let's go for

the paper man!" the paper man received the command, and took a stiff step towards the base hatch.

"Come, come, attack him. The short-haired woman urged.

The man with glasses pressed the row of buttons in front of him.

Suddenly, countless tiny rattans appeared on the ground, binding the feet of the paper man, and countless guns were erected on the ground, bombarding the paper man indiscriminately.

The paper figure was attacked, and slowly fell down, silent.

"Dead, it seems to be a really strange creature, it didn't bleed at all, but it's good to be dead. The short-haired woman rejoiced.

"No!" the man in glasses snapped, "it seems to be his skill."

"Two, I've released enough kindness, if you two still want to do this, I can only do it directly.

After seeing the methods of the two, Yi Xu was not so worried, and stepped directly into the scorched earth.

"Kill him! Don't let him in. The short-haired woman went straight to herself and wanted to press the red button in the middle.

It was only at this moment that a pair of calloused palms restrained her behavior.

A middle-aged man said: "Don't be impulsive, don't make a random definition until you are sure whether someone else is a strange creature or not, besides, the base needs fresh blood injection."

"Yes! The short-haired woman only realized at this moment that she had lost her temper, mainly because the strange creatures had left too many shadows on her, which made her a little nervous.

"You still need a lot of training to become a qualified duty officer, now go back first, it's time to change shifts. The

short-haired woman and the man with glasses followed the advice and left the console.

The middle-aged man known as Team Li glanced at Yi Xu on the screen, his eyes flashing with heat.

This person's level should be around level ten, which is a rare talent, and the base does not lack survival resources, but people.

If this person can enter, then it will be a good thing for the base.

The middle-aged man's mind turned, and he said, "I'm sorry, the two officers on duty just now were too aggressive, but this is also to ensure the safety of the base, please forgive me." "

Radical? It's almost a gun on my head, it's just radical.

However, Yi Xu didn't bother to care about anything, anyway, he didn't have anything to lose, and the other party also gave a step down.

He said: "I want to enter the utopia base, in the last days, I want to find a good place to live, I don't know if it is possible?" "

Of course, we welcome all human beings to come and tide over the difficulties together." The middle-aged man continued, "But the necessary process is necessary. He

pressed another button, and the neural network was detected, unfolded, and scanned.

He was pleased with the results.

is a healthy human being, not parasitized and with no signs of impending death.

"What is the necessary process?Check?" Yi Xu stood for a long time, the ground in front of him shook a few times, and a cylindrical glass slowly rose.

A figure walked out of it: "Hello, my name is Li Yan, I belong to the logistics department, and I usually serve as the duty manager, you can call me Team Li."

Yi Xu said succinctly: "Yi Xu!" "

Okay, if you want to join the Utopia Survivor Base, please come with me." Li Yan issued a sincere invitation.

"I have a few friends who want to join as well. Yi Xu said.

It's just that the strength of all of them is not very strong, and they are also used as cannon fodder when they are close to here, so Yi Xu let them wait outside first.

"Don't worry, I'll notify the relevant departments, and if you receive your friend, just tell me where your friend is. After Li Yan finished speaking, he waited for Yi Xu's response.

"On the north side, where the stones are hidden.

"Okay, I see, I'll let you know later. Li Yan paused and looked at Yi Xu, "Now you can follow me into the base, I hope you will like this place." The

two of them entered the columnar glass and slowly descended into the depths of the earth with the elevator.

The elevator door opened, and

the two men stepped out of the elevator one after the other.

In front of him is a circular corridor with a huge glass dome in front of it, which is inhabited by various animals without distortion.

"Let me give you a grand introduction to Utopia Base. Li Yan cleared his throat, this was a good time to win over people.

"The Utopia base has nine floors, and this is the lowest floor, and it is also the gathering place of the logistics department," he said.

"This place has a nice name, the Ark Project, and it carries the embryos of the vast majority of animals and humans.

"And this place has a relatively complete production system and atmospheric circulation system, and the nuclear power and water sources are enough to support several generations, which is theoretically not bad." "

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