Chapter 594

   Ye Suxi nodded, "I don't know, Auntie I'm sorry."

   Ye Suxi apologized for her rashly entering someone else's room.

   Mrs. Qiao smiled charitably, "I thought you were Shaobai's friend who came to visit Shaobai."

   Ye Suxi shuddered when she heard this.

   I just felt the thunder rolling in.

  What, Qiao Shaobai's room?

   Ye Suxi didn't know whether it was good or not.

   So, is the person in front of you Qiao Shaobai's mother?

   Ye Suxi was shocked, feeling a little embarrassed.

   "Auntie, I'm sorry."

   Ye Suxi is a little apologetic.

   Although she has an opinion about Qiao Shaobai in her heart, she doesn't want to see Qiao Shaobai.

  To be honest, Qiao Shaobai didn't care about anything happened to her.

   But Mrs. Qiao in front of her was an elder, and she treated her very well and smiled at her.

   They all said that they would not reach out and hit the smiling person, so Ye Suxi couldn't say anything.

   She could only smile politely, "Sorry, Auntie, I'm not familiar with Qiao Shao."

   "He's Qiao Shao from the Qiao family. I'm just a girl with no identity. How dare I cling to you."

   Mrs. Qiao talked about this conversation with Ye Suxi, and she felt more and more that Ye Suxi was a really good girl.

   Mrs. Qiao couldn't help but smile.

   Looking at this girl, she felt that her mood had improved.

   Mrs. Qiao hurriedly said, "Any status or status is false, as long as you are good."

   "Our Qiao family doesn't pay attention to this kind of situation. As long as the children like it, the parents do not interfere."

   Mrs. Qiao was afraid that Ye Suxi would misunderstand their Qiao family.

   Take the initiative to explain.

   "And Shao Bai, he is not very good at expressing his inner feelings, and sometimes he is rather silent."

   Mrs. Qiao did not say much, for fear of scaring the little girl.

   Ye Suxi smiled awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

   She thought that maybe Mrs. Qiao didn't even know who she was.

  If I knew about the conflict between her and Qu Xianghui, I wouldn't say so.

   "Auntie, I'm sorry, I still have something to do, I'll go back first."

"Ah good!"

   Ye Suxi carefully closed the door and walked out.

   After going downstairs, Ye Suxi breathed a long sigh of relief.

  If the other person is cold-hearted and ridiculed her, she can go back with a normal sarcasm, and then make the other person speechless.

   That way, she still felt refreshed.

   But facing a person who was kind to her, Ye Suxi couldn't say anything cold.

   This is really difficult for her.

   Fortunately, it came out at this time.

   Ye Suxi breathed a sigh of relief.

   Thinking of Jian Luping, her expression became cold.

   She asked the front desk of the hospital and knew that Jian Luping had been discharged two days ago.


   Jian Luping's body can be discharged now?

   Then Ye Suxi found Jian Luping's home and saw Jian Luping at the gate of Jian Luping's residential community.

   At this time, Jian Luping was pushing a wheelchair, and a gray-haired woman was sitting on the wheelchair.

   She was looking down at the woman and smiling, saying something.

  Looking at her appearance, Jian Luping looks very similar to that woman.

   Is it mother and daughter?

   Jian Luping like this, Ye Suxi had never seen before.

   looks really filial.

  Ye Suxi thought of what Jian Luping said when she was hypnotized.

   Qu Xianghui used Jian Luping's mother to threaten her.

If    can be threatened, it means that you are very concerned about people and things.

   shows that Jian Luping cares about her mother very much.

   Ye Suxi looked a little complicated.

   She is actually soft-hearted towards those who are filial to her mother.

   I think such a person’s nature should not be hopelessly bad.

   And seeing their mother and daughter happy together, Ye Suxi felt a little bit about her own mother.

   Ye Suxi's expression moved, and she went to the side to buy something.

   Then he carried it and walked to Jian Luping.


   Jian Luping's mother smiled when she saw Ye Suxi, "Ah, are you Luping's friend?"

   Ye Suxi nodded.

   Jian Luping's mother said to Jian Luping behind her: "Luping, please entertain your friends, I'll just go back to the community by myself."

   Jian Luping looked at Ye Suxi and was a little angry.

   But seeing Ye Suxi respecting her mother and talking and laughing, she couldn't get angry.

   Even thanked Ye Suxi for respecting her mother.

   Actually, if Ye Suxi treated her very well, she would not appreciate it.

   But she had so much respect for her mother and such a good attitude that she couldn't say anything sarcastic.

   Jian Luping said: "Mom, I'll let someone push you back, and my classmates and I will come as soon as we go."

   "Okay, let's go. If it's too late, ask your classmates to come over for dinner."

   Ye Suxi gave what she bought to Jian Luping's mother.

   Jian Luping's mother did not want to accept it.

   Ye Suxi said: "Auntie, this is a little thought, and it's not expensive. You can take it. You can't let me take it back, it's very heavy."

   "You kid, really, come as soon as you come, and bring something with you. You can come often in the future."

"it is good."

   After Ye Suxi and Jian Luping walked out of the community, Jian Luping looked at Ye Suxi suspiciously, "Ye Suxi, what is your purpose?"

  Ye Suxi flipped her hair, and said dashingly, "You're right, I do have a purpose."

   "Just say what you have, don't try to take advantage of my mother."

   Ye Suxi said: "Jian Luping, I don't think I'm a good person, but I do things with principles, and I won't take action against a kind elder."

   "You can rest assured that although I have a purpose, I will not threaten you with your mother."

   Ye Suxi said this very seriously.

   This is also her principle and bottom line.

   Although he wanted Jian Lvping to betray Qu Xianghui and serve her.

   But she wouldn't use the kind of method Qu Xianghui used to threaten a person with one's parents.

   What Ye Suxi just said was the biggest irony against Qu Xianghui.

   Jian Luping was shocked when she heard this.

   Her eyes widened and she looked at Ye Suxi.

   But thinking about Ye Suxi, whom she met in college, she does act very principled.

   And when she speaks, she never bothers to lie.

   "Ye Suxi, don't think you want to get news from me by saying this."

   Ye Suxi smiled confidently, "Don't rush to talk, go to a place with me and you'll know."

   Jian Luping said, "What if I don't go?"

   "Then I'll tell you something here, and put some recordings for you to listen to, if you want to listen here."

   There are still people around here, Jian Luping lives in the community with her mother on weekdays.

   is also good at dealing with the surrounding neighbors.

   She was very worried about what Ye Suxi released to affect her image.

   Then what will others say in her mother's ear.

   Jian Luping gritted her teeth and said, "Don't try to threaten me."

   "It's not a threat, but I think you need to listen to it. If I give Qu Xianghui the recording, you will definitely not be happy."

   Jian Luping listened to Ye Suxi's words, and gritted her teeth in hatred, but there was nothing she could do.

   can only follow Ye Suxi to a hidden alley.

   "There is no one here, let me listen to a recording."

   (end of this chapter)

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