Chapter 283 Twelve Guards

   In the past, when Shen Ruoxuan was in college, how crazy she liked Wei Chenluo and how crazy she was chasing him.

   I am so afraid of him now.

   When she thinks about it now, she thinks how stupid she used to be.

   At that time, the Shen family was fine, and his father's political career was fine.

   That's why she is so self-confident.

   It was only later that she found out that the Shen family was gone, her father had fallen, and she was nothing.

   And at the beginning, she was equivalent to actively sending the handle to Wei Chenluo.

   It is convenient for Wei Chenluo to take revenge.

   Wei Chen looked at Shen Ruoxuan gloomily, "No, you begged me before!"

   "How much did you like before you forgot?"

   Hearing Wei Chenluo's words, Shen Ruoxuan's whole body trembled.

  Wei Chenluo kept reminding her how humble and stupid she was in the past.

   She was so stupid before, she always thought she could impress Wei Chenluo.

   As everyone knows, Wei Chenluo is watching her jokes for revenge.

   At that time, in order to be with Wei Chen, she even signed such a contract.

   Step on your dignity and let Wei Chenluo trample on it.

  I was stupid in the beginning, just because I liked it.

   But later, for this love, she paid that price.

   She even almost died, not to mention protecting Duoduo and giving birth to Duoduo.

   She used to be able to sing and enter the music scene.

   But later, she even damaged her throat.

   also tossed the body.

   If Ye Suxi hadn't taken her in and helped her, she still doesn't know what it would have been like.

   Shen Ruoxuan originally told her not to cry.

   But being so humiliated and ironic by Wei Chenluo.

   When she remembered those things from the past, she couldn't breathe because of the pain.

   Shen Ruoxuan's tears fell drop by drop.

   "Wei Chenluo, do you want me to die so that you can let me go!"

   "Death? Shen Ruoxuan, do you think you are qualified to die?"

   When Wei Chenluo said this, his voice was cold.

  How could he let Shen Ruoxuan die.

   Hearing this sentence, Shen Ruoxuan felt ironic in her heart.

  If she were to go back in time and let her go back to the time when she first met Wei Chenluo, she would never provoke him like that.

   She couldn't provoke Wei Chenluo at all.

   When Wei Chenluo's hand touched Shen Ruoxuan's cheek, she suddenly realized that she had lost so much weight.

   is completely skeletal.

  Shen Ruoxuan closed her eyes, "I beg you!"

   "Huh, this is your begging attitude, you forgot how you begged me before!"

   Shen Ruoxuan's face became paler and paler.

   She wanted to escape, but Wei Chenluo fixed her whole body.

   When Shen Ruoxuan was silent, Wei Chenluo pressed her arm and said, "Go back with me!"

"no no……"

   Shen Ruoxuan struggled frantically.

   There was a gleam of fear in her eyes, and her whole body was shaking.

   At this moment, Xiao Jiu came here.

   Seeing this scene, she immediately shot to save Shen Ruoxuan.

   Wei Chenluo saw that someone was meddling, so naturally he took action.

   The two of them fought directly like this.

   Don't look at Xiao Jiu as a woman, but her skills are the most severely trained.

   Otherwise, she would not have become one of the Twelve Dark Guards as a woman.

   After a fight, it was immediately clear to see the difference.

  Wei Chenluo took a step back and looked at Xiao Jiu with deep eyes, "The most mysterious secret guard of the Xiao family!"

   Wei Chenluo was also surprised at this time.

  Xiao Jiu's clothes are marked with special marks.

  Wei Chenluo heard from his father, and there are also mysterious records in the family tree.

   The young master of the Xiao family, the real prince, the heir, has the most mysterious twelve secret guards.

   (end of this chapter)

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