The Way of the Peasant Mother-in-law

Chapter 1737: anniversary

The latest website: Time flies. In a blink of an eye, Ming Teng hid the first anniversary of filial piety for Rong Yuyu. The gate of Rong An Hou's mansion was opened again after the funeral. This year, Ming Teng returned to Zhou Hou's mansion and never left the mansion. door.

Liu Jia's children are also very low-key. Because of their filial piety, Liu Jia rejected all the posts they sent to Liu Jia.

On the first anniversary, Zhou Shuren deliberately asked for leave. He took several sons and Ming Teng to the Rong's ancestral tomb to offer incense.

The snow this winter was very diligent. Fortunately, there was no blizzard. The carriage went out of the city and went down the official road. The sound of the carriage pressing the snow made Zhou Lao Avenue: "No one is cleaning here."

Outside the capital, only the official roads are cleaned, and some roads leading to the countryside are in charge of the villages. For example, the roads leading to the cemetery are not cleaned except for the imperial mausoleum.

Zhou Shuren looked at the scenery outside through the glass, a few snows fell, and the snow was quite deep, "Yeah."

If you walk further, there will be no learning. There are special people guarding the ancestral tomb of the Rong family, and the road is clean.

Ming Teng had already got off the carriage, and came over to help his father get off the carriage first, and then his grandfather.

Zhou Shuren took a deep breath of the cold air. The current Rong family cemetery gave him a peaceful feeling, and there was no more strange feeling, "Let's go."

Today, I will worship Rong Yuent first. It has been one year. Zhou Shuren is not a descendant of the Rong family.

Ming Teng chose to go to another cemetery to worship, and Boss Zhou was worried that his son went with him.

Zhou Shuren knelt down on the mat, "I thought you could keep your dreams behind the anniversary, but there was nothing. The Emperor has left, and the Rong family is still very good, so you can rest assured."

The cemetery was quiet, Zhou Shuren lowered his voice, and Chang Yi and Chang Zhi could also hear clearly.

Changyi looked at the tomb of the old man with mixed feelings, because of the surname Rong, the Zhouhou Mansion was related to the royal family.

There is no wind today, but the temperature is still very low. Zhou Shuren still feels cold with his hat on, "The temperature has hit a new low this year, but fortunately there is no snow disaster."

What did he think of and say, as if Rong Yuyu was still alive, he was chatting with his elders.

Zhou Shuren continued: "The temperature is low, and it snows in places where it doesn't snow in the south. Cotton is in short supply every year. Fortunately, wool has been used. Wu Ming has the ability. The sweater is selling very well. I'm relieved."

After a pause, he continued: "I'm old, Wu Ming can teach Mingyun more things."

Changyi didn't feel good when he heard it. Dad was wearing thick clothes to appear more sturdy, and he was very thin after taking off the thick clothes.

When Ming Teng came back, his forehead was blue, and the child kowtowed a lot.

It was getting late, Ming Teng helped his grandfather up, "Master, let's go back to Beijing."

Zhou Shuren looked at Rong Yuyu's tombstone again, "Okay."

In the Hanlin Academy, Zhuo Guyu didn't see Lord Zhou coming, "Master Zhou asked for leave today?"

The others shook their heads one after another, they didn't understand the situation of Lord Zhou.

Gu Sheng didn't lift his head, and sneered in his heart. Ever since he scolded Zhuo Guyu, this man has been eyeing him and Lord Zhou, "Today, Lord Zhou's elders are celebrating their birthday."

Who is the elder? Everyone reacted. The one from the Rong family felt that something was wrong, and they all looked at Gu Sheng. Did this one know too much?

There was only one thought in Zhuo Guyu's mind, Gu Sheng showed him that since he knew that Zhou Hou's mansion was interested in Gu Sheng, the more he observed, the more he wanted to slap himself. Lord Zhou's care for Gu Sheng was so obvious.

He also thought of saying it, but he can't, it's not bad for Gu Sheng to speak out, there are only endless benefits, a Gu Sheng who has no background, and a Gu Sheng who will become the grandson-in-law of the Zhouhou Mansion, the meaning is different.

Along the way in the imperial examination, the people who can get along well are all smart people, and then Zhuo Guyu found that the people in the room were more enthusiastic towards Gu Sheng.

The capital also knew about the anniversary of Rong'an Hou's birthday. Liu Jia was about to move things back to Zhou Hou's mansion, and the post had already been delivered.

The eldest sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law of the mother's family didn't come in person, so they sent someone to ask if they needed help. Liu Jia returned, and the mother was not at home, so she received the wishes of the two sister-in-laws.

Mrs. Ronghou sent her personal wife over, "My wife is not easy to come to the door, so I asked if there was anything I could do to help."

Liu Jia smiled and said, "Thank you to your wife for me. I'm not busy here."

The mother-in-law knew the situation of her own wife well. At the beginning of the funeral, the wife knelt down outside the mansion gate, and her background could not be erased.

Liu Jia sent someone to **** her mother-in-law out, and said to her mother-in-law, "Yao's has a heart."

Li Shi, "Indeed."

Yao Yao, Mrs. Hou, is also a low-key presence in the capital. Fortunately, Rong Enqing doesn't bother, and has been guarding Yao Yao alone for all these years, and now it is not bad to have both children.

Liu Jia said: "I still need mother's help for the banquet here."

The Marquis of Rong'an Mansion has never officially entertained, and since the anniversary of filial piety has passed, the banquet is unavoidable.

Knowing that her daughter-in-law had never hosted a large banquet, Mrs. Li smiled and said, "Don't be nervous, my mother will help you."

Liu Jia is at ease, her mother-in-law was brought up by her grandmother, and now the favors of Zhouhou Mansion are handled by her mother-in-law, and the mother-in-law knows the taboos of every family, "Then send the packed things first, and we will live when the banquet is over here. go back."

Li Shi smiled, "Okay."

Mrs. Li had already sent her mother-in-law back to fetch the booklet. She opened the booklet and delivered it to her daughter-in-law. "This is a taboo written down by my mother. Please take a closer look."

Liu Jia looked at the signs of wear and tear on the side of the booklet, which only happened when she flipped through it frequently. When she opened it, she admired her mother-in-law. It recorded all the taboos of each family, probably the food she liked, and even the color she liked. , "Mother, you have worked hard."

Mrs. Li didn't think it was hard work, "Your grandma said that a stupid bird can make up for it by flying diligently. I can only use this method if I'm not smart. If I forget it, I'll look at it more. You don't think it's stupid, but the record will not be wrong, but it will become blurred after a long time. , I can give you not much, it's all my own stupid way."

Liu Jia brows and smiles, "Mother's method is very clever, thank you mother."

Li's smile is even The daughter-in-law is sincere or fake, she can tell, "Okay, okay."

In the Zhouhou Mansion, Zhulan sneezed when she saw Shuren entering the house, and became nervous, "Have you caught a cold?"

Zhou Shuren touched his nose, "It's too cold outside and when you enter the house, the heat will make your nose uncomfortable."

Zhu Lan breathed a sigh of relief, and went to pick up the cape herself, but unfortunately Zhou Shuren avoided it, "What are you hiding?"

Zhou Shuren took a step back, "I'm so cold, don't come here."

"Okay, okay, I'm standing still."

Zhou Shuren warmed up for a while before unbuttoning the cape and handing it to the girl, then sat down and took the **** tea from his daughter-in-law. The two cups of **** tea gradually warmed up. The temperature in the room was high, and after a while, there was fine sweat on his forehead.

Zhulan smiled, "The cold is coming out."

Zhou Shuren wiped his sweat, "It's really cold outside, it's cold and dry, I've put on two layers of wool gloves and a layer of leather, and it's clear."

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