After breakfast, Chang Yi and Chang Zhi came to the main courtyard, and Zhou Shuren asked, "Why don't you two come to the yamen?"

Changyi said, "Father, it's raining too much. You can go to the Ministry of Housing when the rain is light."

Changzhi answered, "Yes, Dad, you listen to the second brother."

Such a big rain umbrella is useless, the two of them are already soaking wet.

Zhou Shuren pointed to his casual clothes, "Do you see what I'm wearing?"

Changyi, "..."

Changzhi, "..."

They were worried in vain, the old man didn't want to go to the Ministry of Household today!

Zhou Shuren said: "The rain has been so heavy, you wait for the rain to lighten before you go out."

With the wind and rain, very few people went to the yamen on time today. Except for some necessary departments, there must be a lot of people asking for leave today.

In the end, Changyi and Changzhi didn't go out, and it rained heavily until the afternoon.

The streets were full of water, but Zhou Shuren went to the Ministry of Housing instead. He didn’t know how widespread the heavy rain was, and he had to wait for the news to come to Beijing. This is the same information in ancient times.

The lake in Zhouhou's mansion burst, and some fish were discharged and left on the shore. The lake in Zhouhou's mansion is not koi, but edible carp. Tonight, Hou's mansion will eat fish and meat hot pot.

Inside the palace, the emperor paced back and forth, looking at the bedroom from time to time, and the hall was silent.

The queen said: "Father, the emperor will be fine."

The emperor recovered, "Why didn't you go back? The prince sent your mother back to the palace."

The queen moved her mouth but did not refute. Seeing that the emperor continued to stare at the bedroom, she left silently.

The prince felt his mother's emotions, "mother, the father is worried about you."

The queen also knew, but when the emperor needed company most, "I don't need you to send it, you stay with your father and emperor."

"My son will send you back to the palace and come back again."

The mother's body and bones are not good. She came here today in the rain, and now her face is not good. He doesn't worry if he doesn't send it back.

The queen looked at her son, "Okay."

Her body and bones are not good, and there are bad advantages. The emperor will not be wary of her. She glanced back at the palace of the emperor. She is the person who hopes that the emperor will live a hundred years.

Early the next day, Zhou Shuren learned that it was only the capital that had been raining heavily, and there was not much rainfall near the capital.

Today, the emperor's face was particularly ugly, and he left early in the morning.

The discussion in twos and threes in the early days and the latter seems to have rained heavily on the capital. If it wasn't for the newspapers reporting what was a natural disaster, the people would have no idea what they would associate with it.

Wang Chi said in a low voice: "It's really strange, I was scared by the strong wind, and there were bursts of thunder, and I wanted to split it on the top of my head. I didn't fall asleep for a long time."

Zhou Shuren, "You didn't see the emperor's face?"

Wang Chi covered her mouth, indicating that she would not say another word.

Zhou Shuren turned his head and looked in the direction of the Emperor Taishang's bedroom. He had a bad premonition, and this feeling made him not in a good mood.

Wang Chi felt it, "what's the matter with you?"

"It's nothing, maybe I'm tired."

Wang Chi said: "Only when you are tired, do I notice that you are no longer young."

Zhou Shuren twitched the corners of his mouth, "I must outlive you."

Wang Chi has an unhealthy diet and is getting fatter and fatter, hehe, the master of the three highs!

Wang Chi, "!!"

Zhou Shuren snorted and walked away quickly, Wang Chi hurriedly followed, "Look at your little eyes, you say I'm not angry."

Zhou Shuren, "What I said is the truth."

Wang Chi, "..."

This time he's going to be angry!

In Zhouhou Mansion, Zhulan sent someone to the Women's College. Because the Heavy Rain College was on vacation for two days, she sent someone to look for Rong Chuan. As a result, Rong Chuan entered the palace.

In the middle of writing the article, Mingrui came to the main courtyard with the book, "Grandma, are you busy now?"

Zhulan rubbed her brows, "I just wanted to take a break, what book did you take?"

Mingrui put the book down, "A book about farming."

Zhu Lan took it over and looked at it, "You are looking for all these?"

Mingrui shook his head, "This is given to me by my uncle, so that I have time to help sort it out. This is what my grandson sorted out."

As he said, he took the book from the servant's hand, but the book was not thick.

After Zhulan read it, "Thank you for your hard work."

These books need to be read to organize, and she knows how difficult it is to organize.

Ming Rui's eyes lit up, "It's not hard work, grandson likes it very much, grandma, how do you think grandson is doing?"

Zhulan thought for a while and said, "I think each animal has a separate copy, what do you think?"

"Not much has been recorded through the ages."

These are all things that the little uncle took great pains to find.

Zhulan also knew, "Your uncle has a lot of experience in farming. At the time, the orphanage's farming of several villagers was watched by your uncle. Yes, the prescription can also be recorded."

Ming Rui, "My grandson's brain freezes when he is reading, so he will go to find his uncle in a while."

"I see that you have been in the study recently. You need to exercise properly."

"My grandson took it down."

Ming Rui stayed for another quarter of an hour and went back. Zhu Lan was about to continue writing when she received a letter from Chang Lian.

Zhulan took the letter and looked at it, "Do you have Dong's again?"

Also, when there was an accident when the couple went back to contraception, Chang Lian had mixed emotions between the lines, and finally wrote that he was looking forward to the birth of the child.

Abortion is not possible, unless Dong's body is not good, Dong's body is healthy, and the couple will look forward to the birth of the child.

This was a happy event, and Zhulan stopped writing the article, motioning Qingxue to tell Yu Yi and Yu Jiao about the happy event, and they wanted more brothers or sisters.

I chose food for the Dong family, and I haven't picked out sister Yuyi yet.

Yujiao said, "Grandma, I'm going to the street to buy a present for my mother."

Zhulan said no, "There's still rain on the street, so I'll go back in a few days."

Yujiao could only suppress her excitement, "Next year, it's time for a younger brother or sister to be born."

Instead, Zhu Lan looked at Yu Yi, the Dong family will give birth to a child next year, Yu Yi and the Dong family will not be able to come back, Yu Yi this child did not grow up with his parents very much, and patted his granddaughter on the shoulder, "This time it was an accident. "

Yu Yi reacted for a while, then smiled and said, "The granddaughter is not sad."

Dad needs Mom's help and company. Although she didn't grow up by her parents' side, she honors her elders instead of her She will only be happy.

Zhulan once again sighed Yu Yi's sensibleness, "Good boy."

The Ministry of Rites, Changyi took a rest and realized that something was wrong. The second prince did not come to the Ministry of Rites today.

Ji Deming, "Master Zhou, can the subordinate come in?"

Changyi looked at Ji Deming at the door, before returning after a while, "En."

Ji Deming smelled the aroma of the tea. It was a rare good tea. He knew that he couldn't get any tea. He smiled and said, "Does Master Zhou know about Gu Sheng?"

Changyi understood in his heart that the future husband that Yuwen was eyeing for, the fourth brother often told him how Gu Sheng was, "Tanhua Lang of the Hanlin Academy?"

Ji Deming, "Yes, we are fellow villagers."

"What do you want to say?"

What Ji Deming wanted to say, when he saw Gu Sheng drinking tea with Anhe county head, although there were others, he felt uneasy, so he wanted to inquire about the news, he had offended Gu Sheng a lot!

In the palace, Zhou Shuren hadn't even reached the Taishanghuang Palace, and it was raining again.

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