Zhulan was naturally happy. The empress dowager hinted that the emperor did not follow Zhunxin, and she was also afraid that something would change. Now that she has Zhunxin, her heart can be at ease. "I have too many ideas to realize."

Zhou Shuren changed his clothes and said, "It's actually quite a surprise to me that the queen mother is not the dean."

Zhulan said, "I was also surprised when Zhuangzi hinted at the remodeling of the Empress Dowager."

Zhou Shuren, "No matter what, the result is good."

Zhulan was in a happy mood, "This is an important step in improving the status of women."

Zhou Shuren smiled, "Come on."

The couple chatted about the children's internship situation. The children were paid for their internship. The shipyard and the pharmacy belonged to the imperial court. The wages were not low, and the wages earned by the children went to the orphanage.

Zhou Shuren said: "Don't be happy, not everyone can accept girls to learn."

The smile on Zhulan's face faded, "Yeah, in a peasant family, a sensible girl should do what she can do. I'm too happy to get back some dowry when I get old."

Zhou Shuren, "Take your time."

Zhulan's smile disappeared. "The villagers nearby asked Zhuangzi if they would accept students. All they brought were boys and no girls."

The boy secretly climbed the wall to eavesdrop, but the girl never approached Zhuangzi.

She asked people to set up a board at the entrance of Zhuangzi. There were characters and patterns of medicinal materials on it. There were very few girls who came to see it.

Zhou Shuren saw the food being served, "Don't think about it, let's eat first."

Zhulan shook her head and thought about it, "Okay."

The two of them had a simple dinner, wild vegetable soup, cold wild vegetables, a plate of fish, and two bowls of rice porridge.

The next day, Zhulan had breakfast, and Qingxue came in with a new newspaper, "The newspaper just arrived."

Now the propaganda newspaper in Beijing has been changed to a seven-day issue, and long-term subscriptions are also accepted, and it will be delivered to the house when the day comes, so there is no need to take pictures of people queuing up to buy it.

The content of the newspaper has also become richer and richer. The first page is about government propaganda or court events, the second page is about some important events, the third page is articles, etc., and the last is some miscellaneous news.

The miscellaneous news was also selected in the competition. If you are selected, you will give some money. The silver money is not much, dozens of papers, hundreds of papers.

After Zhulan read it, the major event above was the reconstruction of Zhuangzi in the suburbs of Beijing. She also mentioned the results of the orphans' internship, etc., which had been publicized in advance.

Every room in Zhouhou Mansion has subscriptions. Zhulan didn't let Qingxue put it away when she looked at it. She had to think about it.


Zhu Lan raised her head, "Furry and frizzy, walk slowly and don't fall."

Yujiao slowed down, "Grandma, look at the granddaughter didn't fall."

"You cried when you really fell down. Tell me, why did you come here early in the morning?"

Yujiao pointed her finger, "Granddaughter wants to go out."

"Just yourself?"

Yujiao shook her head, "No, there is Shangguanli."

Zhulan asked, "What are you two little girls doing when you go out?"

Yu Jiao wrinkled her nose, "My granddaughter heard that a rare musical instrument came from a foreign shop, so she wanted to go and have a look."

"Go, pay more attention to safety."

"I knew grandma was the best."

After speaking, she happily ran away. Zhulan glared at the girl and forgot that she couldn't run, and muttered how she looked like a girl.

Qingxue thought to herself, it's not something you are used to, old lady.

Zhulan understood Qingxue's eyes, and she felt a little guilty, hey, who made Yujiao the youngest granddaughter, she would inevitably spoil her more.

Yujiao went to the Shangguan Mansion to pick up Shangguanli, who was very happy when she got into the carriage, "If you don't come to pick me up, I won't be able to leave the house."

Yujiao, "I'm interested enough."

Shangguanli hugged Yujiao, "You are too interesting."

Yu Jiao groaned, "You're holding too hard, let go."

Shangguanli let go of her hand, "It's just you being squeamish."

"You sound like you're not squeamish."

Shangguan Li was lying beside the car window, "Hey, I haven't been out of the house for a long time, it feels so good to be out."

Yujiao sympathized with Shangguanli, "You have too much homework."

She thought that her elder sister was strict enough with her. Compared with Shangguanli, she was instantly comforted!

Shangguanli stretched out his hand, "Look, my palm still has a red mark, hey, it's not easy to be a prince's mother, my mother asked me to be stricter!"

Yujiao sucked in a breath, "Your mother is really fighting."

Shangguanli nodded, "Fortunately, my mother doesn't care about me now, otherwise, if you come to pick me up, I won't be able to leave the house."

"what happened?"

Shangguanli moved the corners of his mouth, but still held back his words and smiled.

Yujiao rolled her eyes, Madam Shangguan didn't care about Shangguanli, indicating that she was more concerned than Shangguanli, and she thought about it.

Shangguanli was nervous, Yujiao was smarter than her, she was afraid that she would let Yujiao discover something, ah, she regretted going out!

An hour later, Zhulan unexpectedly returned Yujiao, "It's the first time you've gone out and came back so early."

Yujiao was very excited, "Grandma, I have big news for you."

Zhulan didn't take it to heart. This girl likes jewelry and fun. She didn't think there was any big news, but she still asked, "What big news?"

Yujiao felt that her grandmother was perfunctory, but she couldn't hold it in her heart, so she said, "Prince Concubine is pregnant."

Zhulan's eyes widened a bit, "It's really big news, did you know it from Shangguanli's mouth?"

Yujiao raised her chin proudly, "Yeah, she's weird today, I just bombarded her and got the news, she told me not to say anything, saying that it will be made public in three months~www.wuxiamtl. com~ Zhulan warned Yujiao, "You are not allowed to tell anyone about this again. "

"Isn't my sister also good?"


Zhulan thought to herself that it was fortunate that Qingxue was the only one in the room, and nodded Yujiao's nose, "You."

Yujiao covered her nose, "Granddaughter remembers it."

Zhulan thought to herself that the pressure on the princess who was pregnant was gone. The prince got married last fall. The princess didn't move for a long time after getting married. She didn't know whether she asked or not, and there were many people watching outside the palace.

However, even before the child was born, the Crown Princess was still under a lot of pressure. I wonder if the Crown Princess would be lucky enough to have a child.

Yujiao rolled her eyes, "Grandma, will the crown princess have a side concubine when she is pregnant!"

Zhulan glared at her granddaughter, "Since you're back, go back and write big characters."

Yu Jiao stuck out her tongue and flew away from the house.

When Zhou Shuren came back in the evening, Zhulan shared the news.

Zhou Shuren really didn't know, "I've been in the palace a lot recently, but I really didn't find the prince so happy."

"It's hard to hide."

"Yeah, it would be even better if you could get a man in one fell swoop. The prince's position is more stable."

Zhulan added, "Mingrui brought me the edited book in the afternoon, and I've read it."

Zhou Shuren was curious, "What do you think?"

"Very good, the content is richer and more detailed, do you want to take a look?"


Zhou Shuren didn't rush to read it. After dinner, he went around and exercised before coming back to read. Every book was quite thick. Ancient books were very expensive and could be afforded by ordinary families.

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