The Way of the Peasant Mother-in-law

Chapter 1632: news-clever

After the two had dinner, she motioned for the girls to go down, and then chatted about the twins again. Zhulan was worried, "Jiang An won't be able to return to China unless he fakes his death. He has already reached his current position and won't return to China easily!"

Zhou Shuren grabbed his beard, "As long as it doesn't leak, the emperor will not let him back unless he annexes the country."

Bamboo Orchid, "..."

The emperor wanted to annex a long time ago, but now annexation is a burden. The grassland and the northeast are the two giant beasts that swallow gold. In the days of lack of food, the imperial court has no spare capacity to bear the surrounding small countries.

Zhulan counted the age of the twins, "They're not too young, they should have gotten married long ago, but now they can't come back. They can't stay abroad forever!"

Thinking of her grandson getting married abroad and marrying someone she doesn't like for the sake of the country, she feels suffocated just thinking about it!

Zhou Shuren was also heartbroken after hearing this, "These two brats."

Zhulan, "Tomorrow your eldest daughter will definitely cry with me."

Zhou Shuren, "..."

As Zhulan said, she didn't eat the next day, Xuemei came back, her eyes were so swollen, Zhulan motioned to Qingxue to bring another bowl of wontons over, "If you don't have an appetite, eat with me for a while. ."

Xuemei's nasal voice was a little heavy, and she didn't sleep much last night. Thinking of her two sons, she couldn't help crying, "Yeah."

After breakfast, Zhu Lan waited for the table to be cleaned up, and only Qingxue was left before she said, "Do you feel better when you think that your two children are going abroad?"

Xuemei's nasal voice became heavier, "They are different from the second brother. The second brother is not in danger. If they are not good, they will die."

Zhulan, "Whoever said that your second brother is not dangerous on an envoy, is dangerous."

Xuemei pursed her lips and said nothing, her tears flowed silently, she was just uncomfortable, two good eldest sons.

Zhulan sighed, "Don't cry, I'll cry after a while."

She looked very uncomfortable, her daughter cried and she felt distressed, and she was thinking about her two grandchildren, which made her more uncomfortable.

Xuemei wiped her tears with a handkerchief, "According to their age, they should all get married."

Zhulan, "I told your father yesterday, okay, don't worry about it."

The benefits of the twins are as good as the Jiang family. Otherwise, even if Shuren operates, the places Jiang Du and Mu Fan go to will not be very good. Now they go to good places, and the twins are also credited.

Xuemei couldn't cry at home. Her mother-in-law and father-in-law didn't know that Jiang Ping was back. She was afraid of being discovered by her mother-in-law, so she could only come and talk to her mother.

After a while, Lin Xi came, "Grandma, I asked Cousin Yuwen to go out, hey, auntie, why are you crying?"

Xuemei's eyes were terribly dry and her smile was stiff, "I miss your twin cousin."

Lin Xi didn't know how to comfort her. The twin cousins ​​had been away from home for too long, so she said dryly, "When they come back, my aunt will definitely beat my cousin up to see if they dare to make you sad."

Xuemei, "Okay, listen to Linxi."

Yuwen came over and asked, confirming that the aunt was okay, and then went out with Linxi.

Xuemei returned to her senses, "No, why did Yuwen take the initiative to go out?"

Zhulan, "Because her father is well-informed."

Xuemei, "Huh??"

Zhulan didn't say that Yuwen was interested in Gu Sheng, but interrupted: "Can Jiang Du and Jiang Miao have a letter from home to send back?"

Xuemei thought that her children were in a better mood, "I just got a letter from the family a few days ago. They have settled down and the two children are fine. Let's not worry."

She also sent some dried fish to wait for the seafood to come back. She didn't send it to her mother, mainly because it was not a good thing.

Zhulan, "The two children will be fine. I'm afraid that the two children will not be able to stand the weather by the sea and get sick."

There was a smile on Xuemei's face, "I brought them a lot of ready-made pills."

"That's good."

In Zhangzhou, Yushuang and two children were sitting on the edge of the field picking wild vegetables. People who grow herbs in the field, Yushuang was a little tired from picking a basket of wild vegetables.

Liu Feng was worried that Niangsan came over, "Tired?"

Yushuang nodded, "Do you want to rest for a while?"

Liu Feng was also tired. He was wearing coarse clothes today. He had grown medicinal herbs by himself for a while, and sat down next to his wife, "This year, the villages have more fields to open up wasteland, and the days will get better and better."

Yushuang looked at the children in the field, "It used to be hard to see new clothes, but now many children have added new clothes."

The corner of Liu Feng's mouth smiled, "The days are more than enough, and the county town is not dead."

People have money in their hands, there are many shops in the county, and there are also more stalls selling snacks.

Liufeng didn't grow for a while, and the people stopped him from planting it. It wasn't because he disliked him for not being good at planting, but because he didn't want Liufeng to be tired, because planting herbs gave the people money in their hands, and Liufeng was very popular among the people.

As a result, there were a lot of wild vegetables on the carriage that Yushuang returned to the city, and some people specially caught two fish.

Yushuang laughed, "These wild vegetables can be eaten for a long time."

Liu Feng also smiled, "I can't eat it, so I'll eat it in the winter."

Yushuang, "Okay, I will send some to the capital when the time comes. This is all because I love you."

Liu Feng was a little embarrassed, "It's all I should do."

Yushuang is proud, reaching out to hold the rough palm of Xianggong, "You are my pride."

Liu Feng hugged his wife. He knew that without the Yue family, it was not easy for him to be a good official. Thanks to the Yue family for his success, he also thanked his wife for her support and company.

In the Beijing tea house, Lin Xi had drank two cups of tea, "Cousin, did you make a mistake?"

"No, my father can't be wrong."

Gu Sheng was not on guard against his father, his father asked very casually, Gu Sheng directly said the name of the restaurant!

Lin Xi suddenly pulled her next sister's sleeve, "Is that the one who got off the carriage?"

Yuwen saw that it was indeed the Gu family's brothers, the two entered the restaurant, and a carriage came after a while, and a woman got off the carriage, followed by a girl, the girl was a bit old, she must not be married at this age There are stories.

Yuwen called the second shopkeeper and asked a few The girl came over after a while, "Young Master Gu went downstairs for tea."

Lin Xi touched the whip, "Is his brother interested in him?"

"It should be, otherwise it won't come down alone."

Lin Xi sighed, "Children without parents have to worry about themselves."

In less than a quarter of an hour, Yuwen and the two saw the woman and the girl leave just now, and then walked out of the box where Gu Sheng was, two old women and one middle-aged woman, Yuwen saw Gu Sheng and the two brothers deliver them in person carriage.

Yuwen smiled, "I know the rules quite a bit, so I found a matchmaker and a matchmaker by myself."

Linxi pulled her cousin up, "they will leave if they don't get up."

Yuwen didn't move, "They will come back, maybe they will leave in a while."

Seeing that the two brothers had returned to the teahouse again, Linxi slammed her next sister on the shoulder with a hoot, "You haven't seen Gu Sheng a few times, you know him well!"

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